genotype amino

Spring 2011 Agriscience Midterm
Name (print large and clearly):
Directions: Do NOT open this packet until instructed to do so. There should be absolutely NO TALKING during the exam
unless you have raised your hand and have been called on by the instructor. Failure to do so will result in one verbal
warning, and then a failed test grade.
Students should sit on opposite sides of the lab tables for this exam. DO NOT sit together on the same side.
Select the BEST answer to each question from the options given (more than one may sound right, but there is only one
entirely correct answer per question). Be sure to clearly mark your answers on the Scantron sheet. You may write on
your test packet, but only answers on the Scantron will be considered.
You may use one and only one 3x5” note card with your own handwritten note. This notecard must stay on the desk in
front of you at all times.
Exam test taking tips:
Treat each question like a short answer question if you can. Cover the answers, create an answer in your head, and then
match that answer to those given to find the best answer.
If you do not know an answer, skip it and come back later.
Use information from other questions to help you. One question may help you answer another question.
Cross off answers to eliminate and lower possibilities. If you cannot narrow the options to just one, select the answer
that sounds the best to you and makes the most sense.
Read each question AND each option carefully. Do not select an answer until you have read them all!
Good Luck!
1. An animal that has both recessive alleles would be described as…
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Co-dominant
e. Incompletely Dominant
2. An animal that has both dominant alleles would be described as…
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Co-dominant
e. Incompletely Dominant
3. An animal that has a recessive allele and a dominant allele would be described as…
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Co-dominant
e. Incompletely Dominant
4. If two different traits are both equally expressed in an individual’s phenotype, those traits would be
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Co-dominant
e. Incompletely Dominant
5. If two different traits sort of blend, so that neither is fully present in the phenotype, those traits would be
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Co-dominant
e. Incompletely Dominant
6. An organism that expresses a recessive phenotype must be…
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Co-dominant
e. Incompletely Dominant
7. Epistasis is...
a. The physical appearance of an organism that is the result of its genes.
b. The combination of genes in an organism.
c. When one gene affects the expression of another gene.
d. The term for a version of a gene
8. A genotype is…
a. The physical appearance of an organism that is the result of its genes.
b. The combination of genes in an organism.
c. When one gene affects the expression of another gene.
d. The term for a version of a gene
9. An allele is…
a. The physical appearance of an organism that is the result of its genes.
b. The combination of genes in an organism.
c. When one gene affects the expression of another gene.
d. The term for a version of a gene
10. A phenotype is…
a. The physical appearance of an organism that is the result of its genes.
b. The combination of genes in an organism.
c. When one gene affects the expression of another gene.
d. The term for a version of a gene
11. If all of the offspring of a couple are the recessive phenotype, the parents must have which genotype
a. AA x AA b. Aa x Aa c. Aa x aa d. aa x aa
12. If 3/4s of the offspring have the dominant phenotype and ¼ have the recessive phenotype, the parent
combination is most likely…
a. AA x AA b. Aa x Aa c. Aa x aa d. aa x aa
13. If the offspring are half dominant, half recessive phenotypes, the parent combination is most likely…
a. AA x AA b. Aa x Aa c. Aa x aa d. aa x aa
14. If all of the offspring are homozygous dominant, the parent combination must be…
a. AA x AA b. Aa x Aa c. Aa x aa d. aa x aa
15. In Holstein cows, black is dominant and red is recessive. A bull and a cow (both heterozygous for color) have 3
calves. All of them are black. What are the odds that their fourth calf will be red?
a. 0% b. 25% c. 50% d. 100%
16. The color Roan is an example of…
a. Co-Dominance b. Incomplete Dominance c. Epistasis d. Recessive Alleles
17. A gene is…
a. A tightly-wound package of DNA
b. A section of DNA that codes for a specific protein
c. A visible trait
d. All of the above
18. A cow has triplets. The cow is black. The bull is black. Two of the three calves are black. One calf is red. What is
the genotype of the cow?
a. Heterozygous b. Homozygous Dominant c. Homozygous Recessive d. Black
19. In this same scenario, what is the genotype of the red calf?
a. Heterozygous
b. Homozygous Dominant
c. Homozygous Recessive
d. Red
20. In the picture at the right, this is A
a. Phosphate
b. Nitrogenous Base
c. Deoxyribose sugar
d. Nucleotide
21. In the picture at the right, this is B
a. Phosphate
b. Nitrogenous Base
c. Deoxyribose sugar
d. Nucleotide
22. In the picture at the right, this is C
a. Phosphate b. Nitrogenous Base c. Deoxyribose sugar d. Nucleotide
23. In the picture at the right, this is D
a. Phosphate b. Nitrogenous Base c. Deoxyribose sugar
d. Nucleotide
24. This item in the picture could represent Adenine, Cytosine, Thymine, or Guanine
25. This structure contains the 5’ and 3’ carbons that give DNA its sense of direction
26. Which of the following accurately indicates the correct pairing of bases?
a. A – C; G – T b. A – G; C – T c. G – C; T – A d. G – G; C – C; A - T
27. Specific combinations of bases exist because…
a. They can’t fit in any other combination
b. They can’t bond in any other combination
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above are correct
28. Which has 3 bonding sites?
a. Adenine & Thymine b. Cytosine & Guanine c. Adenine & Guanine d. Cytosine & Thymine
29. Which of the following is shown here?
a. A purine b. A pyrimidine c. A leucine d. A genie
Use the picture at the right for the following questions.
30. This structure is DNA
31. This structure is mRNA
32. This structure is the ribosome
33. This structure is tRNA
34. This structure is created by polymerase
35. This structure is opened by helicase
36. This structure delivers amino acids
37. This structure reads copies of DNA and creates proteins
38. How does RNA differ from DNA?
a. The G’s in DNA become U’s in RNA
b. DNA is double stranded; RNA can be single stranded
c. RNA has an extra –OH molecule
d. All of the above are correct
39. A codon is a….
a. String of amino acids
b. A kind of amino acid
c. The structure that reads mRNA and makes a protein
d. A group of three bases
40. Which would be the correct mRNA version of this strand of DNA?
3’ CCC – GTA – ATG – GCA - TAA - ATC 5’
5’ CCC – GTA – ATG – GCA – TAA - ATC 3’
3’ GGG – CAU – UAC – CGU – AUU - UAG 5’
5’ GGG – CAU – UAC – CGU – AUU - UAG 3’
41. What is the correct amino acid sequence for the mRNA above?
a. Gly – His – Tyr – Arg – Ile – Term
b. Term – Ile – Arg – Tyr – His – Gly
c. Ile – Leu – Cys – His – Tyr – Gly
d. Ala – Asp – Glu – Gly – Phe – Leu
42. In the picture below, what are X and Y (upper right)?
a. X = Hydrophobic amino acids; Y = Hydrophillic amino acids
b. X = Hydrophillic amino acids; Y = Hydrophobic amino acids
c. X = Beta Sheet; Y = Alpha Helix
d. X = Alpha Helix; Y = Beta Sheet
43. In the picture to the right, what is I and II?
a. I is hydrophilic; II is hydrophobic
b. I is hydrophobic; II is hydrophilic
c. I is positively charged; II is negatively charged
d. I is negatively charged; II is positively charged
e. I and II are cysteine amino acids
44. Which of the following is shown in X to the right (lower right)?
a. Alpha Helix b. Beta Sheet c. Amino Acid d. Polypeptide
45. Which of the following is shown in Y to the right?
a. Alpha Helix b. Beta Sheet c. Amino Acid d. Polypeptide
46. X and Y together would make which of the following?
a. Alpha Helix b. Beta Sheet c. Amino Acid d. Polypeptide
47. Which of the following would be the primary structure of amino acids?
a. Functional Protein
b. Polypeptide
c. Met – Gly- Tyr – Cys
d. Alpha helix
48. Which of the following would be the tertiary structure amino acids?
a. Functional Protein
b. Polypeptide
c. Met – Gly- Tyr – Cys
d. Alpha helix
49. A frameshift mutation would have what impact on a protein?
a. Only one base would change
b. Only one amino acid would change
c. All codons and amino acids downstream would change
d. All of the above
e. Only A and B
50. A substitution mutation would have what impact on a protein?
a. Only one base would change
b. Only one amino acid would change
c. All codons and amino acids downstream would change
d. All of the above
e. Only A and B