RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form PEST MANAGEMENT CENTRE – Efficacy Trials Application Form The objective of the application form is to guide bidders in the preparation of their bid and to provide AAFC with a tool to better assess, evaluate, and contrast the proposals submitted. It’s very important to fully complete every field. By having this template in MS Word allows bidders to adjust the space in each field according to the size of information used to fulfill / address the template requirements. COMPLETE ONE EFFICACY TRIAL APPLICATION FORM FOR EACH EFFICACY TRIAL FOR WHICH YOU ARE MAKING A BID. Submit hard copies of each form with your proposal as indicated in the Request for Proposal # 01B68-15-0189. It is not necessary to submit reference letters and general company information with each application form (one set of each per proposal copy is sufficient). EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM AAFC Trial number: Test Item (product name and formulation and active ingredient): Crop (common name including cultivar/variety and scientific name): Pest(s): (common and scientific name(s): Trial type (e.g. efficacy and tolerance, tolerance only): Name of Organization: Mailing Address: Contact person Name/Title: Tel: E-mail: Fax: 1 RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM Principal Investigator details: Principal Investigator name: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Yes/No Mandatory requirements M1. Field site to conduct trial secured. Provide evidence that a field site has been secured to conduct trials (provide exact location). If trial conducted in a grower’s field, please provide information. Rated requirements Maximum points R1 Team Describe your project team and their responsibilities and experience and how they will be accountable 10 R2 Understanding of the trial requirements. Describe your understanding of the requirements of this trial. Provide a clear narrative of the pest/crop complex, economic importance, etc. 10 2 RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM R3 Previous experience with the target pest and crop Please provide details e.g. in 2010 was contracted (hired) to conduct trials with broccoli to control cabbage maggots for (name of company, etc. – list as many examples as relevant to indicate experience with the crop and the pest). 10 R4 Constraints/challenges/risks Describe any constraints, challenges or risks including weather events, pest pressure, crop failure, etc. that may influence the successful completion of the proposed trial. Describe in details planned strategy to mitigate these risks or challenges. 10 R5. Trial Set-up Details: 10 Planned trial initiation date (please provide rationale for the initiation date). Trial site location. Please provide a brief description including address, crop zone, site owner (grower cooperator or private contractor site) and justification for its selection; please indicate whether the pest was found in the site previously and how information was obtained – communication with a grower, crop specialist, provincial official, grower organizations, etc. 3 RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM Inoculation Is introduction (inoculation) of pest possible and/or recommended? Even on common pests, a plan should be detailed in case Pest Pressure is too low. Please provide justification. If inoculation is planned. Please provide the following: 1. Source of inoculum 2. Concentration of the inoculum 3. Method of inoculation 4. Age of weed seed (for trials requiring introduction of weeds). R6 Trial Design ( For each item please include a narrative with a rationale justifying the information provided) 10 Number of treatments and number of replications (include test item, untreated check and commercial standard) Experimental design type (e.g. RCBD, split plot etc.). Plot size (number of plants or m2) Number of plants per plot (if applicable) Proposed date of seeding/planting Method of planting (spacing, density, depth) R7 Determination of pest pressure 5 4 RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM Method and frequency of scouting for pest presence prior to first test item application with justification of the approach used. R8 Test item application 15 R8.1. Application equipment (please provide details and justification) Equipment used Nozzle type Boom length Spray volume Application type (e.g. drench, seed treatment) R8.2. Application timing and number of applications (please provide details and justification) Targeted crop stage (for first application) Targeted pest stage (for first application) Number of applications targeted. Re-treatment interval (if applicable) 5 RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM Proposed date of application: # 1, #2, #3, etc. (please provide rationale for the timing of application) R9 Pest incidence assessments and ratings 15 Method(s) to determine pest incidence (e.g. insect counts, sweep net, core samples etc.), Please provide a rationale or reference for the method suggested. (Please be advised that study lead may require a specific method in which case these will be communicated to successful proponent for agreement prior to trial initiation). Methods to determine damage to crop caused by the pest (eg. rating scale of 0 – 10) or Methods to determine phytotoxicity (e.g. rating scale 0 – 100%) Sample size for assessment Proposed date of assessment # 1, #2, #3, etc. (please provide as many as is required with rationale). R10 Yield determination 5 6 RFP 01B68-15-0189; Appendix D, Attachment 1 Efficacy and Crop Tolerance Trials Application Form EFFICACY AND CROP TOLERANCE TRIALS APPLICATION FORM How will yield and/or crop quality and/or marketability be assessed and what yields will be taken, including sample size (i.e. total yield; marketable yield; unmarketable yield). Proposed date of harvest Total for rated requirements (Minimum of 60% in each individual criterion is required to pass) 100 7