Name__________________________________________________________________________ Period___________________ Date_______________________________ Mesopotamia and Egypt Summative Project By the end of this unit, you will have learned how geography (remember, the five themes!) affected the way the civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt grew and developed. For your summative grade, you will choose one of the following projects to complete and turn in on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. CHOICES: 1. ESSAY Construct a four-paragraph essay describing how geography affected the way people developed civilizations in the Mesopotamia and ancient Egyptian region. Your paragraph should have a well-developed thesis, incorporate various resources and utilize proper grammar and punctuation 2. DIORAMA In a 3-D format, build a scene representing either the Mesopotamia or ancient Egyptian empires and how geography affected the way people developed civilizations in those areas. Your diorama can be made out of any material you choose and can also include a short written explanation. 3. 2D DIORAMA Using paper, an electronic program or anything your imagination can think of, create a two-dimensional diorama of either the Mesopotamian or ancient Egyptian empires and how geography affected the way people developed civilizations in those areas. 4. OTHER If you have another idea, please see me and we will discuss the criteria and requirements for your project. PROGRESS CHECK: In order for your best work to show, I will require that you turn in a plan or a rough draft on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH. This will be a day for us to meet one-on-one and discuss your progress and plan of action. This will count as your formative assessment and you will be graded using the IB Criterion Rubric B: Investigating. GRADING: You will also be graded using the IB Criterion Rubric B: Investigating for the summative portion of this project. Name__________________________________________________________________________ Period___________________ Date_______________________________ Humanities: Level Descriptor: The student… Teach er Stude nt Achiev e-ment level Criterion B: Investigating Indicator: The student … does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below Identifies a research question follows an action plan in a limited way to explore a research question collects and records information, to a limited extent with guidance, reflects on the research process and results to a limited extent Does not turn in the project 3-4 • describes the choice of a research question • partially follows an action plan to explore a research question • uses a method or methods to collect and record some relevant information • with guidance, reflects on the research process and results with some depth Includes a thesis statement Basic plan of how you will do this project Has 2 details form 1 source included in a works cited page which may or may not be in the correct format Transfer what they learned from this era that can apply to the future of their own civilization and uses few details to explain 5-6 • describes the choice of a research question in detail • mostly follows an action plan to explore a research question • uses methods to collect and record often relevant information • with guidance, reflects on the research process and results • explains the choice of research question • effectively follows an action plan to explore a research question • uses methods to collect and record consistently relevant information • thoroughly reflects on the research process and results. Properly formed thesis statement Written plan of how you will do this project 2 sources included in a works cited page Transfer what they learned from this era that can apply to the future of their own civilization and uses some details to explain 0 1-2 7-8 Does not include a thesis statement Does not have a plan to do this project Uses 1 source but does not have a works cited page Transfer what they learned from this era that can apply to the future of their own civilization in a limited way Properly formed and clear thesis statement Detailed written plan of how you will do this project 3 or more sources included in a properly formatted work cited page Transfer what they learned from this era that can apply to the future of their own civilization and uses specific details to explain