8 Parts of Speech Study Guide Name _____________________________ Define the term. Circle all examples of the part of speech in the sentence underneath the line. A noun is a : __________________________________________________________________________ The shaggy dog raced after the bicycle and was nipping at the young girl's heels. A verb is: ____________________________________________________________________________ The shaggy dog raced after the bicycle and was nipping at the young girl's heels. An adjective: _________________________________________________________________________ The shaggy dog raced after the bicycle and was nipping at the young girl's heels. An adverb: ___________________________________________________________________________ The teacher quickly erased the mistake off the board, and calmly continued with the lesson. A preposition: _________________________________________________________________________ The teacher quickly erased the mistake off the board, and calmly continued with the lesson. A conjunction: ________________________________________________________________________ The teacher quickly erased the mistake off the board, and calmly continued with the lesson. A pronoun: ___________________________________________________________________________ Aww! He couldn't believe that he had slammed his hand in their car door! An interjection: ________________________________________________________________________ Aww! He couldn't believe that he had slammed his hand in their car door! Match the words in the boxes to the correct part of speech by circling the correct answer. Yeah Prepositions Suddenly Prepositions yes wow aww adverbs Adjectives frequently Adverbs slowly shhh happily Adjectives oh dear Interjections quickly Interjections man! Conjunctions swiftly Conjunctions ahh Verbs finally Verbs And for but Prepositions Pretty Adverbs disgusting Prepositions Of with was then Prepositions Adverbs has nor went Adverbs after Adjectives friendly Adverbs Prepositions Is so to Adjectives am unless Conjunctions shy withdrawn Interjections Conjunctions in on off Interjections became Adjectives yet Interjections helpful Adjectives under because get over Conjunctions does Interjections do Conjunctions Verbs eager Verbs before Verbs have Verbs A, an, the are always ___________________________________________- A subject is always a __________________________. It tells ___________ or _____________ the sentence is about. A predicate tells ________________ the subject is doing. be