Name: Tarek Mohammad Abdolkader Hasan.

Tarek M. Abdolkader
Name: Tarek Mohammad Abdolkader Hasan.
Job Title
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm-ElQura
University, Mecca, Saudia Arabia.
Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering and Islamic Architecture, Umm-ElQura
University, Mecca, Saudia Arabia.
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA.
Department of Basic Sciences, Higher Institute of
Technology, Benha University, Benha, Egypt.
Arab Academy for Science and Technology & Maritime
Transport, Cairo branch
Cairo Higher Institute of Management, Computer, and
Information Technology
Mentor Graphics Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
Department of Basic Sciences, Higher Institute of
Technology, Benha University, Benha, Egypt.
Sept 2012 Until now
Oct 2010 – Sept 2012
May 2009 – Aug 2010
Dec 2005 – May 2009
Jan 2008 – May 2009
Sept 2006 – May 2007
2001 – 2002
Feb 2000 – Dec 2005
 PhD in Engineering Physics, "Modeling and 2D simulation of Double Gate SOI devices",
Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, December 2005.
 MSc in Engineering Physics, "Transport Properties in the Deep Submicron MOS devices
Using 2D Simulation", Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, February 2001.
I have awarded two BSc degrees (Electronic Engineering – Physics)
 BSc in Physics, Faculty of Science, Ain-Shams University, June 1996.
(Grade: Distinction with honor degree.)
 BSc in Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University, June 1992.
(Grade: Distinction with honor degree.)
Areas of interst:
- Physics and Modeling of nanoelectronic devices: (DG-MOSFET, FinFET, CNFET).
- Numerical simulation of nanoelectronic devices: (DG-MOSFET, FinFET, CNFET).
- Modeling and simulation of FET-based biosensors (ISFET, …)
- Modeling and simulation of solar cells
My background is in the modeling and numerical simulation of electronic devices. Previous
work included the development of compact models for bulk-MOSFTs, the establishment of
numerical device simulator for bulk-MOSFET on a semiclassical basis. In a following stage,
the research work included the establishment of numerical device simulator for Double-gate
MOSFET in quantum-mechanical framework and with new efficient numerical methods
included. Then, research was directed to modeling and simulation of carbon nanotube
transistors. New directions now involve the study of ISFET biosensors and solar cells.
2015 International conference on Environmental and Bio-Engineering, Dubai, UAE,
10 – 11 Jan, 2015.
Workshop on “Funding of Research Projects and publication” held in King Abdolazeez
historical Hall at Wednesday 4th of First Jomada 1435 under the supervision of
Scientific Research Deanship.
Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference
(SIECPC13), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 27-30, 2013.
18th Biennial IEEE UGIM (University Government Industry Micro/nano) Symposium,
UGIM10, p. 116, June/July 2010.
The 2006 International Conference on Computer Engineering & systems, ICCES’06,
Cairo, Egypt, pp. 91-96, 5-7 Nov., 2006.
ITI 3rd International Conference on Information and Communications Technology,
ICICT, Giza, Egypt. pp. 193 – 208, 2005.
The International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering,
ICEEC’04, p. 549, 5-7 Sep. 2004.
Tarek M. Abdolkader, Abdurrahman G. Alahdal, Ahmed Shaker, and Wael Fikry, “ISFET pH-sensor
Sensitivity Extraction using Conventional MOSFET Simulation tools,” the 2015 International
Conference on Environment and Bio-Engineering, Dubai, UAE, 2015.
W. Soliman, T. M. Abdolkader, M. M. El-Banna and S. H. Gamal, "A Novel Electro-Thermal Model
for Carbon Nanotube Interconnects, Journal of American Science, Vol. 9 (4), 2013.
T. M. Abdolkader, Esam M. Yousry, and W. Fikry, "Analytical Model for Ballistic MOSFET-like
Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors, "Saudi International Electronics, Communications and
Photonics Conference (SIECPC13), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April 27-30, 2013.
M. M. El-Banna, Y. M. Sabry, W. Fikry, T. M. Abdolkader, O. A. Omar, "Simulation of quantum
transport in double gate MOSFETs: Coupled-mode space versus real space," 2012 International
Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET), pp. 1-5, 2012.
T. M. Abdolkader and Muhammad A. Alam, “Diameter-dependent analytical model for light spot
movement in carbon nanotube array transistors,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, 2011, p. 063503
DOI: 10.1063/1.3549769
Y. M. Sabry, T. M. Abdolkader,W. F. Farouk, “Simulation of quantum transport in double-gate
MOSFETs using the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism in real-space: A comparison of
four methods,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and
Fields, Published online in Wiley InterScience ( ). DOI:
T.M. Abdolkader and M. A. Alam, “Efficient Multi-scale Self-consistent simulation of planar
Schottky-Barrier Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors and arrays,” 18th Biennial IEEE UGIM
(University Government Industry Micro/nano) Symposium, UGIM10, p. 116, June/July 2010.
Y.M. Sabry, A.A. Attaby, T.M. Abdolkader, and W.F. Farouk, “Inspection of the Contact Block
Reduction method for quantum transport simulation of FinFETs,” Radio Science Conference. NRSC
2009. National Volume Issue, pp. 1 – 8, 17-19 March 2009.
Y.M. Sabry, T.M. Abdolkader, and W.F. Farouk, “Quantum Transport Based Simulation and Design
Optimization of a 10 nm FinFET,” 2009 4th IEEE International Conference on Design &
Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Proceedings, pp. 125-129, 2009.
Y.M. Sabry, M. T. Abdel-Hafez, T.M. Abdolkader, and W.F. Farouk, “A Computationally efficient
method for quantum transport simulation of double-gate MOSFETs,” 2009 National Radio Science
Conference, NRSC 2009, March 17- 19, 2009
M. A. El Hakim, Y.M. Sabry, Y. Elmaghraby, T.M. Abdolkader, and W.F. Farouk, “Gate leakage in
low standby power 16 nm gate length double-gate MOSFETs,” 2009 National Radio Science
Conference, NRSC 2009, March 17- 19, 2009
A. F. Abo-Elhadeed, T. M. Abdolkader, W. Fikry and H. Ragaie, “Compact Model for Undoped
Symmetric Double Gate Comprising Quantization Effect," 6th International Conference on
Electrical Engineering (ICEENG), 27-29 May 2008, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.
Y. M. Sabry, T. M. Abdolkader, and W. Fikry, “Uncoupled Mode-Space Simulation Validity for
Double Gate MOSFETs," 19th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), 29-31
December 2007, Cairo, Egypt.
T. M. Abdolkader, “A new approach for numerical simulation of quantum transport in double-gate
SOI,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, ,
Vol. 20,
Issue 6,
pp. 299-309.
Tarek M. Abdolkader, W. Fikry, O.A. Omar, M. F. M. Hassan, "FETMOSS: a software tool for 2D
simulation of double-gate MOSFET, "International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic
Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 19, Issue 4, July/August 2006, pp. 301-314.
T. M. Abdolkader, “Simulation of quantum transport in ballistic double-gate MOSFETs using
transfer matrix method,” The 2006 International Conference on Computer Engineering & systems,
ICCES’06, pp. 91-96, 5-7 Nov. 2006.
Tarek M. Abdolkader, W. Fikry, O.A. Omar, M. F. M. Hassan, "FETMOSS: a software tool for 2D
simulation of double-gate MOSFET, " ITI 3rd International Conference on Information and
Communications Technology, ICICT, pp. 193 – 208, 2005.
T. M. Abdolkader, H. H. Hassan, W. Fikry, and O. A. Omar, “Solution of Schrödinger equation in
double-gate MOSFETs using transfer matrix method,” Electronic Letters, vol. 40, No. 20, p. 1307,
Sep. 2004.
T. M. Abdolkader, W. Fikry, and O. A. Omar, “Semi-empirical quantum correction model for
electron concentration in symmetric double gate MOSFETs,” The International Conference on
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, ICEEC’04, p. 549, 5-7 Sep. 2004.
1- Prof. Muhammad Ashraful Alam, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
University, Indiana, USA. Email: , Tel (office) +1 765 494 5988, FAX: +1
765 494 6441.
2- Prof. Wael Fikry, Professor of Engineering Physics, department of Engineering Physics and
Mathematics, faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. Email: , Mobile Tel. No.: +2012 7820018