ScWk 121, Social Welfare Institutions and Policies II, Section 5 (29716), Spring 2014 Course Schedule This schedule is subject to change with fair notice. I will announce any changes in class and/or via email announcement. Table 1 Course Schedule Week Date 1 1/23 2 1/30 3 2/6 4 2/13 5 2/20 Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines - Administrative issues (e.g. enrollment, eligibility) - Overview of the course - Introduction of SSW transcultural perspective * Policy analysis group and debate team formation - How Policy Affects Life - Social Welfare Policy and Social Work Profession: Policy-Based Profession - How to locate government publications and policy-related database - Readings: Ellis, Ch 1; Popple & Leighninger, Ch 1& 2 * Policy analysis paper group and debate team formation (continued if necessary) - Social Welfare Policy and Analysis: Basic Definitions and Concepts - Preparing effective oral presentation and visual aids - Review: Debate procedures & rules - Reading: Popple & Leighninger, Ch 2 PB 3(c) (Critical thinking) - Social Problems and Analysis What is social problem? Nature of social problem Prominent social problems Process of social problem analysis - Readings: Ellis , Ch 2; Popple & Leighninger, Ch 2 (pp.75-78); Tipping point (by Malcolm Gladwell) – available on Canvas PB 5(a) (Social and economic justice) justice) - Social Welfare Policy Analysis: Overview Approaches to policy analysis PB 5(a) (Social and economic Methods of policy analysis justice) Policy analysis: science, art or political? - Reading: Popple & Leighninger, Ch 3 *Debate 1 PB 3(a) (Critical thinking), 5(a,b)(Social and economic justice), 8(a,b) (Policy practice) PB 8(a) (Policy practice) Week Date 6 2/27 7 3/6 8 3/13 9 3/20 10 3/27 11 4/3 12 4/10 Topics, Readings, Assignments, Deadlines - Policy Analysis Framework I: History Role of history in understanding policy Methods of historical analysis Common errors in historical analysis - Readings: Ellis, Ch 3 & 5; Popple & Leighninger, Ch 4 *Debate 2 PB 3(a) (Critical thinking), 8(a, b) (Policy practice) *DUE: Social Problem analysis & Peer Evaluation (if applicable) - Policy Analysis Framework II: Values Social values in defining social problems – major values, conflicting values and beliefs Social values as evaluation criteria of social welfare policy - Readings: Ellis, Ch 4 & 5; Popple & Leighninger, Ch 5 (pp.79-84) *Debate 3 PB 3(a) (Critical thinking), 8(a, b) (Policy practice) *Mid-term course evaluation *Sign-up for a consultation meeting (week 8 or 9) - Policy Analysis Framework III: Service-Delivery System Policy process Administration and funding process Strategies to identify & ways to describe service-delivery system Discovering service-delivery problems - Reading: Ellis, Ch 6; Popple & Leighninger, Ch 6 (pp.104-113) - Analysis paper group meeting & consultation with the instructor PB 5 (a,b) (Social and economic justice); 8(a) (Policy practice) - Analysis paper group meeting & consultation with the instructor PB 5 (a) (Social and economic justice); 8(a) (Policy practice) Spring Break – No Class Due: Peer Evaluation (if applicable) - Film: Right to die (topic can be subject to change)- Discussion of the topic and reflection write-up will follow. *Debate 4 PB 3(c) (Critical thinking), 8(a, b) (Policy practice) *Sign-up for a consultation meeting (week 13 or 14) *DUE: Policy Analysis - Designing policy alternatives - Lessons from policy analysis - Reading: Popple & Leighninger, Ch12 & 13 Debate 5& 6 PB 3(c) (Critical thinking), 8(a,b) (Policy practice) *Sign-up for oral presentation (week 15 or 16) 13 4/17 *Debate 7 & 8 PB 3(c) (Critical thinking), 8(a,b) (Policy practice) - Policy analysis group meeting & consultation with the instructor 14 4/24 - Policy analysis group meeting & consultation with the instructor PB 5 (a) (Social and economic justice), 8(a, b)(Policy practice) 15 5/1 - Oral Presentations PB 3(c) (Critical thinking) 16 5/8 - Oral Presentations PB 3(c) (Critical thinking) - Course evaluation - No class * Due: Revisions of written assignments (if necessary) Finals 5/15 Week Appendix A ScWk 121 GROUP PROJECT PEER EVALUATION SHEET Assignment: Your name: Your partner’s name: Read each statement carefully and assess your partner on his/her participation in the preparation process. Using the following rating scale, write down the number that most represents your assessment: 1 = Not at all 2 = Not much 3 = Somewhat 4 = Mostly 5 = Completely Statements Collaboration/Teamwork - My partner asked me for ideas and suggestions - My partner listened to and considered my thoughts and ideas - My partner communicated changed or problems. - My partner contributed positively to group discussions - My partner worked well with other group members. Positive attitude/Commitment to the task - My partner offered suggestions, opinions, and information willingly. - My partner supported my ideas, even if not in total agreement. - My partner treated me with respect and understanding. Work-sharing/Equity - My partner took on an adequate amount of work and a fair share of responsibility. - My partner participated in the entire preparation process. - My partner completed work on time or made alternative arrangements. 2. Provide any comments and thoughts you have about working with your partner. ***Complete this form and turn it in after each group assignment *** Rating Appendix B ScWk 121 Instruction for Social Problem Analysis - Total 20 points; Maximum of 5 pages; Due on week 6 - Use a reference list of at least 8 articles/books, the Encyclopedia of Social Work, and/or electronic sources - Answer the following: 1. Social problem analysis: Introduce a social problem directly related to the policy/program you will describe in #2 and answer the following (10 points): a) How is the problem defined? b) Who is affected by the problem? (e.g., size, growth trends, socioeconomic characteristics) c) What are the consequences of the problem? d) What are the causes of the problem? (e.g., individual, environmental, societal) • In this section, you should identify at least two environmental or societal contributors to the problem. 2. Introduce a specific legislation and/or program that addresses the social problem you analyzed above and briefly describe how the policy/program has tried to address the social problem you analyze in #1 (5 points). Following will be also considered in grading: Writing (2 points) - Language Use Clear, direct style, precision and clarity Variety of sentence patterns used correctly Words appropriate to tone and meaning/ avoidance of slang, trite, informal language Avoid excessive direct quotation/ avoid “dropped-in” quotes - Paragraph Integrity Introduction functions appropriately Each paragraph has a focused topic sentence and clear purpose (refer to content) Paragraphs are organized, unified and adequately developed Transitions used to establish coherent flow of ideas Logical, coherent structure is evident - Mechanical Accuracy Punctuation generally correct/capitalization correct Grammatical accuracy/spelling conventions observed Careful editing (minimal typographical errors)/ manuscript rules observed (i.e., font, font size, margins) Citation & References (3 points) Cite appropriate sources Citation format observed/ reference format observed (e.g., use sentence caps for book and article titles, italicizes journals, centered heading: “References” in plain text, hanging indents, sorted by last name of first authors) Appendix C ScWk 121 Instruction for Policy Analysis - Total 20 points; Maximum of 5 pages; Due on April 3, 2014 - Use a reference list of at least 6 articles/books, the Encyclopedia of Social Work, and/or electronic sources - Three policy analysis frameworks are introduced in this course. For this assignment, you are asked to choose ONE framework and analyze the policy you presented in the previous written assignment, social problem analysis. - Answer one of the following (15 points): 1. Historical Review/Assessment 1) Clearly identify and state THREE questions guiding your historical review. 2) In responding the questions you identified, summarize the historical perspective of the policy and/or program designed to address the problem. TIP: The guiding questions should cover various aspects of policy. Examples of guiding questions have been introduced during the lecture and are also available in the textbook by Ellis (2003). 2. Value Assessment 1) Identify THREE social, political and/or potential religious values and beliefs that have influenced the development of the policy you have been working on. 2) For each value identified, provide rationale about why you think values and beliefs identified above are reflected in the policy development process. TIPS: In addition to values and beliefs introduced during the lecture, additional social welfare/work related values are available in Chapter 5 in the textbook by Popple (2007). In the process of identifying values and beliefs, you can approach in the following ways: Review the positions of stakeholders (media account, reports from those who work with or opposed to stakeholders, reports of informed persons in the community, and the public record), but if that is not possible, make your best guess. To ensure a comprehensive understanding, this guess should be informed by everything you have learned from various sources. If possible and necessary, include similar, different, opposite values, ideology, and religious beliefs. You can also use the social work Code of Ethics, ethical standard that might affect the policy practice. How might standards apply to your policy area? Would compromise on any of them ever be right? How would you decide if and when to compromise? 3. Service-Delivery System Assessment 1) Identify service-delivery system and describe it, including administration of how services are delivered. If necessary, include funding process, too. 2) Identify at least THREE problems related to service-delivery system and explain why they are the problems related to service-delivery. Writing and citation & references will be also considered in grading: Writing (2 points) - Language Use Clear, direct style, precision and clarity Variety of sentence patterns used correctly Words appropriate to tone and meaning/ avoidance of slang, trite, informal language Avoid excessive direct quotation/ avoid “dropped-in” quotes - Paragraph Integrity Introduction functions appropriately Each paragraph has a focused topic sentence and clear purpose (refer to content) Paragraphs are organized, unified and adequately developed Transitions used to establish coherent flow of ideas Logical, coherent structure is evident - Mechanical Accuracy Punctuation generally correct/capitalization correct Grammatical accuracy/spelling conventions observed Careful editing (minimal typographical errors)/ manuscript rules observed (i.e., font, font size, margins) Citation & References (3 points) Cite appropriate sources Citation format observed/ reference format observed (e.g., use sentence caps for book and article titles, italicizes journals, centered heading: “References” in plain text, hanging indents, sorted by last name of first authors) Appendix D ScWk 121 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION STUDENT NAME(S): A. Contents (8 points) 1. Contents appropriate to class? Contents too broad? If yes, suggestions for focused contents: 2. Carefully thought-out: Student put effort into gathering, selecting, understanding information on the topic 3. Information appeared accurate/appropriate/fairly complete for a preliminary presentation 4. Main ideas explored from different angles 5. Complexity of issues examined in ideas B. Organization (3 points) 1. Presentation had a beginning, middle and end (intro/background; main topic; conclusions/implications) 2. Imbalance in beginning, middle and end (the middle should be the longest). 3. Any points out of the logical order? C. Delivery (4 points) 1. Voice: volume okay? Speed okay? 2. Voice: used inflection (avoid tendency to monotone) 3. Time: within time limit? Allotted time overused or underused? 4. Body language: Frequent eye contact with audience? 5. Any distracting body or language mannerisms? (like “uh” between sentences) 6. Visual aids: Clear? Simple? Few words/figures. Formatting not distracting (no unnecessary gizmos, no distracting background designs) 7. Visual aids: point of aid obviously linked to talk; Used when they would help presentation? Omitted when they would add nothing to presentation? CONTENT ORGANIZATION DELIVERY TOTAL /8 /3 /4 /15 Appendix E ScWk 121 INSTRUCTIONS FOR DEBATE EXERCISE You will participate in TWO debate exercises – pick two topics of your interest (see the list below). 1. Debate team A debate team consists of two groups (pro and con) and two students are assigned to each group. Debating position (pro or con) will be chosen/assigned in advance. Students will choose TWO of the following topics and take a position (pro or con). Pick your first topic from 1 – 4 and second topic from 5-8 : 1) Should same-sex marriage be legalized? 2) Should children of illegal immigrants be able to go to college and gain legal status? 3) Have Welfare Reforms been successful in helping the poor? (Have workfare programs brought people out of poverty?) 4) Should individual providers and/or organizations or institutions be allowed to make a profit from delivering healthcare and other federally supported social services? 5) Should prison overcrowding be addressed by building more prisons? 6) Should the right to an abortion be an accepted social work value? 7) Should Social Security be privatized? 8) Should affirmative action policies be continued? 2. Goal: Make the most convincing argument in favor of your assigned position (pro or con). 3. General Debate Rules Rules of Evidence: In debate, source citations of evidence must be stated the first time a source is used. Rules of Evidence Authenticity: Evidence must not be fabricated (falsely representing a cited fact or statement of opinion as evidence: or intentional omission/addition of information within quoted material) or distorted (misrepresentation of evidence or of citation which significantly alters meaning or content). 4. Detailed Debate Rules Students from the Pro and Con teams will be seated with their teammates at the front of the room at tables facing the audience. Present your team’s position on an issue: The Pro and Con teams will each have have 10 minutes to give prepared statements on their position on the assigned topic. The Pro team will go first. Then the fun begins! Each team will have 5 minutes to offer a rebuttal to their opponent’s stated position on the topic. The Pro team will go first. We will expect every member on the team to talk, but the team can decide how each member participates in the debate. For example, team members who feel more comfortable delivering prepared, written statements may want to participate during the presentation of the team’s position on the topic. Other members might be more skilled in speaking spontaneously and can participate in the rebuttal. It is important that you keep within your allotted time limit when presenting your position or rebutting the other team. It is also important not to underuse your allotted time. You will be given a one-minute warning before your time is up. You are encouraged to use visual aids (e.g., transparency, PowerPoint presentation). If you do not use any form of visual aids, make an outline of your presentation and bring enough copies for the class. Appendix F ScWk 121 IN-CLASS DEBATE EVALUATION SHEET DEBATE TOPIC: POSITON: Pro Con STUDENT NAMES: Criteria Content Clearly stated/complete question and position (pro or con) Carefully thought out Main idea explored from different angles Complexity of issues examined in ideas Validity and significance of ideas established Clearly defines key concepts Responds to main issues raised in question (in rebuttal) Score /10 Presentation Good presentation skills (clear voice, eye contact and enthusiasm, not reading materials) Timeliness (Did the debate remain within the time limit?) Visual aids or handout appropriate? /3 Support/References Specific support is offered liberally and convincingly Support from outside sources is incorporated in arguments /2 Total /15