Following the Crowd Prompt 2 Are widely held views often wrong, or

Following the Crowd Prompt 2
Are widely held views often wrong, or are such views more likely to be correct
Thesis: Widely held views, though popular, may not always be correct
1. Tragedy of the Commons
a. Coin termed by environmental scientists
b. Commonly held belief that one’s relatively small usage of shared resources will not
c. Eventually, because everyone believes this, there occurs a synergistic effect, depleting
the resources
i. Although this is a common and popular belief, it is not necessarily true
2. Louis XIV
a. Established a court in which the popular goal was to succeed in court politics
b. Do whatever the king does, stay with the popular trends, etc.
c. In this belief, the nobles lost power, leaving Louis XIV with near unlimited power
d. He used power to lead France to countless wars, destroying the economy due to an
impotent nobility to maintain their grasp on his reign
Following Authority
Should society limit people’s exposure to some kinds of information or forms of expression?
Thesis: In order to ensure the uninterrupted maintenance of society and the protection of citizens, a
society should limit people’s exposure to certain types of information or expression
1. Chaplinsky vs. State of N. Hampshire
a. Libelous, slanderous, fighting words with no apparent purpose is prohibited
b. Shouting fire in a crowded fire example
c. Necessary to instill measures for the protection of people
d. Although these measures could be manipulated for use in ulterior motives, at the core
of these laws lays an effort to protect, not hurt
2. Quietness in a library
a. Simple yet effective
b. A purpose of library is simply to study, read, etc.
c. It is necessary to limit forms of loud expressions in order to keep library in order, thus
maintaining the purpose of laws and society
Following Creativity
Is it better for a society when people act as individuals rather than copying the ideas and opinions of
Thesis: Individuality is necessary for innovation and the furthering of society
1. Brave New World
a. “Feelies”
i. A derivative art form that relies on the recurring theme of that society: sex
ii. Art, science, innovation is thus abolished while this expression proliferates
2. Rachel Lasko
a. Inventor of White-out
b. When people derided her ideas as a trivial and mundane invention she nevertheless
endured with her original idea
Motivation and Hardship and Success
Do we really benefit from every event or experience in some way?
Thesis: At times, the detrimental effects of a tragic event far outweigh the benefits
1. Lady Macbeth’s guilt
a. Although a perpetrator of this action, Lady Macbeth feels guilty after murdering Duncan
b. She ultimately commits suicide, illustrating that she didn’t benefit at all
2. The Color Purple
a. Harpo attempts to “make Sofia mind”
b. Sofia eventually leaves him for another man
Self Determination and Success
Is it best for people to accept who they are and what they have, or should people always strive to
better themselves?
Thesis: It is best for people to strive to better themselves, thus ensuring further growth or salvation
1. Tale of Two Cities
a. Sydney Carton self-sacrifice to save Lucie and Charles Darnay
b. Through effort to better himself and to illustrate his new morality, he achieves salvation
for past sins
2. Tale of Two Cities
a. Jem’s Bildungsroman
b. Through yearning for growth, he ultimately receives maturity.
Self-Expectation and Success
Can people achieve success only if they aim to be perfect?
Achieving success does not entail an aim for perfection, rather it requires innovation or individuality
1. Helmholtz Watson
a. Only through his efforts to not be “perfect” through the eyes of his society does he
achieve true success- freedom of expression
b. Through individuality, not aim for perfection, does he achieve success
2. Romeo and Juliet
a. Romeo and Juliet define success as the manifestation of their love
b. Not only do they not strive for perfection, but they also go against their family’s rules,
leading an imperfect life
c. Through this imperfection, they achieve love
Collaboration and Success
Are organizations or groups most successful when their members pursue individual wishes and goals?
Organizations are, perhaps, most successful when their members pursue individual wishes
1. Romeo and Juliet
a. Attempt to achieve forbidden love—individual wishes
b. Through their efforts, two houses achieve a lasting peace, allowing them to reach
further success
2. Lord of the Flies
a. Jack ultimately saves group by setting island on fire, in order to kill ralph and illustrate
his power
b. Though selfish, eventually aides the interest of the entire group.