EDT 6030 Narrative #2 Heather Young April 25, 2010 The topic I chose was assistive technology. I wanted to create a survey for school employees, students, parents, and community members to determine how aware they were about assistive technology. Until I had the opportunity to work with a student with a disability, I was not aware of the many tools and resources available. My intention for the webpage was also to make the audience aware of the positive outcomes of assistive technology and how it can help the user. My webpage was initially created for educators to learn more about assistive technology. Many educators are scared to include students with a disability into their classroom because they aren’t sure how to work with them. Assistive technology allows the student to be more independent. I hope this webpage gives educators a better feeling about assistive technology and including students with a disability into their classroom. Although I originally created this webpage for educators, it is also beneficial for parents, students, and community members to learn more about assistive technology. I began my webpage with a definition of what assistive technology is as an introduction to the topic. I used the results from the survey to enhance my webpage. I created a bar graph to display how much people believe that assistive technology contributes to the independence of the user. I included some information about assistive technology contributing to the independence of the user and the types of assistive technology available in schools. In the survey, many types of assistive technology that are used in schools were listed and I added to the list with other types I found through research. It is important the educators, parents, and community members are aware of the different types of assistive technology that are available. The YouTube video is a great asset to my webpage because it gives a brief overview of assistive technology and gives some examples of the types of assistive technology and how they can be used. On the right side of my webpage are a link to the survey and some helpful links for educators and parents. The pie chart I included was very interesting because only 50% of the 34 people survey were aware of the assistive technology available in their school district. This is an alarming number, which was the main reason I wanted to create this webpage. When I began researching and looking into this topic, I asked some teachers at my school what they knew about assistive technology and what they wanted to know. This helped me formulate my survey to collect the best results. After looking at the survey results, I knew I need to research the basic information about assistive technology because my educators were not informed about this information. I began to research the types of assistive technology used in school districts and how it is beneficial. These two topics helped me narrow my search. All of the resources used to create this webpage and the rest of my website can be found in the references tab, along with the Creative Commons License. Survey Results & Analysis: 34 people completed the survey 1. Indicate who is completing this survey. 3 were students 27 were educators 1 was an administrator 2 were community members 1 was an advocate 2. Are you aware of the assistive technology available in your school district? 50% said yes 50% said no 3. Do you know or work with a person who uses assistive technology? 50% said yes 50% said no 4. How old is the person who uses assistive technology? 15 users are 4-22 years old 2 users are 23-59 years old 1 user is 60 years old + 5. What disability best describes the person who uses assistive technology? 5 users have a physical disability 4 users have a visual disability 3 users have an intellectual disability 4 users have a learning disability 1 user is legally blind 1 user has a psychiatric disability 1 user is deaf 4 users are hard of hearing 3 users have autism or Asperger’s Syndrome 1 user is cognitively impaired 6. Does the person who uses assistive technology have difficulty with any of the following sensory-motor functions? 29% seeing 47% learning 41% remembering 18% lifting 18% speaking 24% walking 41% interacting with others 24% hearing 6% long term emotional, psychological, or psychiatric condition 7. What types of assistive technology does the person use? 2 – bean bag chairs 1 – floor sitters 10 – computers 2 – modified keyboards 5 – hearing aids 3 – personal FM units 0 – closed-captioned TV 1 – screen readers 4 – audio books 1 – large-type books 1 – braillers 1 – scanners 5 – wheel chairs 1 – self-propelled walkers 1 – scooters 1 – communication boards 2 – electronic communication devices 0 – adapted feeders 1 – specially designed toilet seats 0 – aid for tooth brushing, washing, dressing, and grooming 8. To what extent do you agree that assistive technology contributes to independence of the user? Living Independently Working Learning Strongly Agree 15 Agree Disagree 11 1 Strongly Disagree 2 17 20 9 6 2 0 1 2 REFERENCES Assistive technology. (n.d.). PaTTAN. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from http://www.pattan.net/supportingstudents/AssistiveTechnology.aspx Assistive technology. (n.d.). Your dictionary. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from http://www.yourdictionary.com/computer/assistive-technology Assistive technology helps all kids learn. (2005, August 9). Education world. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/tech220.shtml Kelker, K. A. (n.d.). Family guide to assistive technology. Parents, let's unite for kids. Retrieved April 20, 2010, from http://www.pluk.org/AT1.html#2 Pennsylvania's initiative on assistive technology. (n.d.). Institute on disabilities at temple university. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from http://disabilities.temple.edu/programs/assistive/piat/ Raskind, M., & Stanberry, K. (n.d.). Assistive technology for kids with learning disabilities. Greatschools. Retrieved April 24, 2010, from http://www.greatschools.org/LD/assistive-technology/assistivetechnology-for-kids-with-learning-disabilities-anoverview.gs?content=702 SC curriculum access through at. (n.d.). University of south carolina. Retrieved April 24, 2010, from http://www.sc.edu/scatp/cdrom/atused.html lewjdaddy. (2008, April 15). Assistive technology. Youtube. Retrieved April 25, 2010, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXchQnJ6PoE&feature=player_em bedded