Abstract Submission 1) SELECT AREA/ SUB-AREA 1. Breeding and Crop Improvement in Cotton 1.1. Variety development 1.2. Breeding for biotic and abiotic stresses 1.3. Biotech cotton: Beyond insecticide resistance and herbicide tolerance 2. Genetics and Genomics – 2016 Biennial Conference of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI) 2.1. Functional genomics 2.2. Structural genomics 2.3. Comparative genomics and bioinformatics 2.4. Breeding and applied genomics 2.5. Germplasm and genetic stocks 3. Precision Agriculture in Cotton 3.1. Precision agriculture tools for crop management 3.2. Remote sensing and image analysis in precision agriculture 3.3. Spraying technologies for precision farming 4. Cotton Protection and Technologies 4.1. Emerging diseases, insect pests, nematodes and weed problems 4.2. Strategic challenges and opportunities in cotton production 4.3. Management of insecticide resistance (chemical and biotech cotton) 4.4. Management of arthropods 4.5. Management of diseases 5. Cotton Physiology 5.1. Plant responses to adverse conditions 5.2. Balancing the input use 5.3. Physiological and biochemical traits for abiotic stress tolerance 5.4. Crop productivity and quality forecasting 6. Cotton Agronomy and Sustainable Production 6.1. Strategic challenges and opportunities in cotton production 6.2. Conservation tillage systems 6.3. Soil fertility and plant nutrition 6.4. Weed management 6.5. Global warming and cotton production 6.6. Irrigation and soil salinity management 6.7. Organic and specialty production programs 6.8. Crop residue management and utilization 7. Harvesting and Post-Harvesting Technologies 7.1. New developments in harvesting and post harvesting technologies 7.2. Cotton mechanization 8. Fiber Quality and Processing 8.1. Adding value to natural fiber-based fabrics 8.2. Fiber quality testing 8.3. Fiber processing 9. Economics/Cotton competitiveness 9.1. Socio-economic impacts of biotech cotton 9.2. Production systems, cost of production and profitability 9.3. Cotton marketing and specialty markets: cost of production and added-value 10. Social Dynamics and Technology Transfer 10.1. Novel methods of technology transfer in cotton production and processing 10.2. Absorption and uptake of newer technologies 10.3. Social dynamics of cotton farming 11. Measuring and Improving Sustainability in Cotton Farming Systems 11.1 Measuring sustainability in cotton farming-systems: Towards a global framework 11.2 New approaches for improving sustainability of cotton production and use 2) SUGGESTION FOR PRESENTATION: ( ) Oral ( ) Poster 3) TITLE (maximum 250 characters) 4) KEYWORDS (up to 5 keywords/ maximum 40 characters each keyword) 5) AUTHORS (you have to write all authors´informations) NAME COMPLETE EMAIL INSTITUTION INFORMATIONS Name (maximum 60 characters) Acronym (maximum 20 characters) Address (maximum 80 characters) PRESENTER: ( ) YES ( ) NO (ONLY 1 AUTHOR/ ABSTRACT) 6) ABSTRACT (maximum 500 words) 7) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (maximum 50 words) 8) REFERENCES (maximum 5 references/ 50 characters each) 9) I read and agree to the abstract submission guidelines ( ) ok