Guidance-Kindergarten Good Listening Skills Lesson

Guidance-Kindergarten Good Listening Skills Lesson Plan
Grade Level: Kindergarten Subject: Guidance-Developing Good
Listening Skills Prepared By: John A. Baker, III, Elementary School
Overview & Purpose
Students will learn skills to be better listeners at school, home, and on the
playground. They'll learn that all sounds have meanings communicating
individual feelings, instructions, learning, and warnings. Education
Standards Addressed
Academic Domain:
EA3. Understand the relationship of academic achievement to current and
future success in school
EA6. Use appropriate communication skills to ask for help when needed,
EA8. Work cooperatively in small and large groups towards a common goal.
Social/Personal Domain:
EP2. Understand how to make and keep friends and work cooperatively with
EP4. Demonstrate good manners and respectful behavior towards
EP6. Identify resource people in the school and community and understand
how to seek their help.
Students will identify recorded sounds (school bell, fire alarm, roaring
lion, train whisper, and the engine of an airplane taking off) that the
teacher/counselor will play in the classroom, and students will describe the
meanings of these sounds.
1. crayons
2. coloring worksheet
3. Recorded sound tape
Stop, look, think, ask
Introduce the lesson by asking
don't listen when a fire alarm
end of day to board the school
their mothers call them to eat
students to discuss what might happen if they
goes off at home/school, bell sounds at the
buses, when an assignment is given, or when
Students will describe what a world would be like if they couldn’t hear
sounds: pleasant sounds, warning sounds, and following directions. They'll be
asked to close their eyes to listen quietly for sounds in the classroom and
outside to the sounds of nature. After each activity, students will list the
sounds they heard and meanings of the sounds. Students will listen to a tape
cassette of pleasant and warning sounds. They'll discuss what might happen if
they don't listen to these sounds when they hear them. They'll discuss why
it's important to listen to people talking to them: friends, parents, and
teachers. Students will observe DVD- Buddy Learns To Listen by Boulden
Publishing for the four rules for good listening: stop, look, think, and ask.
Students will complete coloring worksheet listing the four good listening
rules in order and be able to give examples of each.
1. Stop what you are doing.
2. Look at the speaker.
3. Think about what the speaker said.
4. Ask questions if you don’t understand what the speaker said. Buddy
Learns To Listen by Boulden Publishing
None Approximate Time Needed for this Lesson
50 minutes