Coral Reef Assignment Handout (given in class)

Name:____________________________ Core:_________ Date:__________
Coral Reef Assignment
Use the website I have provided on my websites and handouts tab under today’s date. Look
under the label “coral reef assignment” and click the website I have provided you to answer the
following questions. Use the sections I have labeled on this sheet to guide you through the
website in order to find the answers.
1. Where are coral reefs typically found?
2. What is the name of the largest reef in the world? Where is it located? How long is it?
1. Why do reefs usually develop in areas where there is a lot of wave action?
2. What do reefs need from the water in order to grow?
The coral poly gives what a home, and what does the coral polyp give it through
1. Coral reefs make up about what percentage of the ocean floor? ___________
2. About what percentage of life do coral reefs house? _________
Animals section continued…
3. What are the most abundant animals in the reefs?
4. Other than the coral polyps, what other animals live in the coral reefs?
People and Coral Reefs
1. Name three reasons why coral reef ecosystems are important? (give me the 1st 3 listed)
1. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________________
2. True or False? Reefs are a big source of biodiversity, and without the reefs many plants
and animals would die. ________________________
3. Coral reefs are being destroyed at an alarming rate. It estimated that we have already
lost what percentage of the worlds reefs? _________________________
4. The destruction of these reefs are often connected with human activity. Give 6
examples of human activity that are aiding in the destruction of these reefs.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________