Gisborne Early Years Hub site proposal Macedon Ranges Shire Council adopted a confidential report at the March Ordinary Council Meeting regarding potential sites for the development of an Early Years Hub. Council would like to determine the feasibility of land located between the cemetery, the Gisborne Secondary School precinct and some residences (also known as the Pine Plantation) as a possible site. The following information in the form of questions and answers is designed to provide information and to engage you in an initial consultation process as a key stakeholder. Why is the Council report confidential? Council has identified key stakeholders to consult with initially due to a number of matters including ownership and interest in this and other sites. Initial Consultation Macedon Ranges Shire Council wish to engage with key stakeholders in the initial stages to seek your views on this proposed site prior to considering the site further. The key stakeholders for this initial consultation stage include: Victorian Government Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) The Gisborne Cemetery Trust Gisborne Secondary School Residents within close proximity to the site Grant Avenue Kindergarten Potential partners /service providers This initial consultation stage is very preliminary as it recognises that Council does not own the land. Further consultation Following initial consultation with key stakeholders, Council will consider the feedback and the merits of further investigating this site. This may include conducting a traffic study and soil tests for example. A broader community consultation plan will then be implemented. Why was this site identified as a potential site for an Early Years Hub? Council has worked through a process to identify suitable sites for an early years hub in Gisborne. The Pine Plantation is one of the shortlisted sites for the proposed integrated Early Years Hub. The site meets the following key criteria for such a centre: Sufficient room with a footprint of approximately 4,020m2 (this includes onsite car parking spaces and required set back etc) Location in the central or southern areas of Gisborne to service growth areas. Safe access via car, cycling and walking. The site is 17,964m2 (approximately 1.8 hectares) in size and currently contains a pine plantation. It is situated between the Secondary College and residential housing on the south boundary and the Gisborne Public Cemetery to the north boundary. The land is zoned Public Use Zone 2 – Education. This along with the fact that there are no overlays makes the site suitable for the development of an Early Years Hub from a planning perspective. The land is owned by the Victorian Government’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Located approximately 970 meters south of the town centre, there are sealed footpaths from the town centre to the site. There is also potential to develop linkages to the Gisborne Secondary College. How many other sites were considered? The Pine Plantation has been shortlisted from an original list of sites across Gisborne. Of all of the sites, this one has been prioritised for further investigation. This list was compiled from an integrated child and family centre feasibility study in 2012 and other suggestions by community members, land owners, Councillors and Council staff. Over a number of Councillor Briefings, Councillors considered all sites listed against a range of criteria that included cost, location, availability, timeframe, access, bushfire risk, attractiveness to potential hub partners and likely community support or opposition. What is the proposed footprint of the hub? The hub would have a footprint of approximately 4,020m2 (this includes onsite car parking spaces and required set back etc) The pine plantation site also provides two possible options for street frontage. Access to a hub could be considered from Aitkin Street or from Melton Road. For this reason, residents immediately opposite both frontages are being consulted in the initial consultation process. What is an integrated early year’s hub? Macedon Ranges Shire Council aim to provide an environment that fosters relationships between families, services and the broader community. An integrated Early Years Hub offers a range of family and children’s services in one location. It provides opportunities for families to feel part of a community and to access services they may not normally use. This approach is consistent with state and federal government policy direction. Why do we need this Centre? Building an integrated Early Years Hub in Gisborne will build a more coordinated system of early year’s services in Gisborne. It will improve access to essential community services such as kindergarten, maternal and child health and other family and children’s services. There are not enough kindergarten places in Gisborne to meet future demand. There are two factors affecting this - population growth in the early years demographic and the requirement for all kindergartens to increase the hours of weekly service offered to every child from 10 to 15 hours. Swinburne Avenue Kindergarten has some capacity; however, Gisborne (Grant Avenue) Kindergarten is currently at maximum capacity. Operating a service from this current site is not sustainable as it is landlocked and there is no scope for expansion. Council also manage the Maternal and Child Health service in Gisborne. This service is currently operating from a rented property close to other primary health care services and the Gisborne central business district. It is timely to integrate the Maternal and Child Health and kindergarten services in Gisborne. Late in 2012 Council began the search for an alternative location for a kindergarten that will also accommodate the Maternal and Child Health service and other complimentary services for families and children. The proposal is to relocate Gisborne Kindergarten into an integrated Early Years Hub. What services would the Gisborne Integrated Early Years Hub contain? The proposed Gisborne integrated early years hub aims to provide: A kindergarten with two class/playrooms with capacity to provide universal access (15 hours of preschool) for four year olds. Three year old kindergarten programs. Opportunities for families to feel part of a community and to use meeting spaces in a child friendly setting. Access to Maternal and Child Health, and other services, in a noninstitutionalised setting, particularly for families that may not be aware of these services or normally pursue these supports. Multipurpose spaces to accommodate toy library and other complimentary services for families and children as required for example playgroups. Spaces for community groups. How many people are expected to use the hub on a daily basis? The hub would be licensed for up to 66 children at the kindergarten. There would also be visitors to maternal and childhealth nurses and other services for example the toy library. Community groups and networks may also use the hub facilities throughout the week. How long would it take to build the hub? The timeframe to having the site build-ready is approximately 18 months to two years pending results of community consultation, the process to obtain the land from State Government and the clearing and preparation of the site. The building stage is expected to take 6-12 months. When is construction expected to begin? It is expected that construction would not start before 2015. How much will the development cost? Previous estimates have been $3.8 million to build. If the land is determined to be suitable for the purpose of an Early Years Hub then a new cost analysis will be undertaken to take into account the specific requirements of this site. How will Council pay for the development? If the site is deemed suitable, Council will review the cost in order to determine the best approach to fund this facility. Council will seek external sources of funding for example applying to the Victorian Government for an Integrated Children Centre grant of $1.5 million under the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) Children’s Facilities Capital program. Council is unlikely to develop such a facility without financial support from state and / or federal government to contribute to the project. Is this Council land? No, the Pine Plantation currently belongs to the Victorian Government’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD). Council will consult with DEECD to determine the availability and suitability of the site for this purpose. Where will the hub users park? The hub will provide on-site parking spaces. What about road access and traffic management? There are two potential options for access to the site depending on where a hub could be situated on the parcel of land (Aitkin Street or Melton Road). Following feedback from key stakeholders, we will be better placed to determine a preferred street frontage that will then guide further investigation for road access and traffic management measures. As a key stakeholder, Council welcomes your views regarding the location of a hub on the site. What will happen with the rest of the site? The Gisborne Cemetery Trust has an interest in obtaining land to expand the cemetery. Given that the footprint of the proposed hub is just more than 4,000m2, the hub development would not require the whole site. It is proposed that further consultation occur with the Gisborne Cemetery Trust Board to determine if it is possible to develop a shared approach to developing the site that will meet the objectives of both Council and the Cemetery Trust Board. Do you have feedback about the proposal? As a key stakeholder, your views are important to us. There are opportunities for you to offer feedback and tell us what you do or do not like about the idea of building an Early Years Hub at the Pine Plantation site. Council staff will be available by appointment on 18 April between 9am and 8pm at the Gisborne Council offices. If you wish to make an appointment for a meeting please call Community Wellbeing on 5422 0250. can provide written feedback to Council by emailing: Or by post to: Gisborne Early Years Hub site proposal Macedon Ranges Shire Council P O Box 151 Kyneton VIC 3444 Written feedback for the initial consultation stage is required by Friday 2 May 2013.