V3.4 – 8/7/13
Learning Observation Report
Tutor Name Date
Community learning
Observer name
Course title
Learners live on register
Late arrivals
Observed Grade (1-4)
Synopsis of Lesson
Duration of observation
Learners present at start
Total attending
Grade at Previous LOBs
Seen? Comments on quality and evaluation Paperwork
(1a) Register :
Punctuality (is it systematically recorded?)
(1b) Lesson Plan (LP)
Differentiated activities
Embedded E&D
(1c) Scheme of Work (SOW)
(1e) Induction
(Completed checklist? – ask tutor or learners if no evidence in file)
(1f) Learners’ work
(1g) Group profile
(specific needs identified, additional support, LLN screened)
(1h) Are the group learning objectives appropriate?
(1i) Has initial assessment taken place?
(1j) Do all learners have a personal objective ?
(1k) Are ILPs filled in by both learners and tutors, including assessment against personal objective
(1l) Is written feedback given to learners?
(1m) Is there evidence that group learning objectives have been negotiated with individual learners
e. not all group objectives are the same)
(1n) Does the tutor know who designated person is?
(1o ) Does tutor know what to do in a SG
(1p) Do learners feel safe? (ask)
(1q) Do learners know what to do in a SG incident (ask)
V3.4 – 8/7/13
Learners will:
(* indicates an obligatory field)
(2a) acquire knowledge, skills and understanding (i.e. are they learning?)*
(2d) develop independent learning skills*
(2f) concentrate and on and remain on task?
(2m) work collaboratively with their peers and others
(2n) have a sufficient grounding of theory before starting the relevant practical work
(2o) have enough time to practise and develop their skills
Evidence – please include learner comments
(2p) consolidate prior learning
(3a) introduction*
Cover session topics
Cover learning objectives
Cover why are we doing this
Re-cap previous session
(3b) explanation and instructions*
(3c) questioning*
Open and closed questions
Directed questions
Reflected questions
(3d) constructive verbal & written feedback is given to learners*
(3e) differentiation ( awareness of different individuals’ needs)*
(3f) embedding equality and diversity*
(3g) summarising key learning points*
(3h) learning checks*
(3i) safeguarding, health and safety*
(3k) generating interest and enthusiasm
(3l) use of varied teaching and learning resources
(3m) activities
(How much of the lesson was spent in activities, were activities varied?)
(3n) pace
(3o) Is lesson well structured?
(3p) embedded skills for life
(Are activities accessible for learners with maths & English needs?)
(3r) learner support worker/class assistant
(check LSW has been well briefed)
(3s) use of ICT
(5c) tutor’s specialist knowledge and skill
quality of accommodation
V3.4 – 8/7/13
Learner Voice
– record all comments from learners
Lesson narrative & general comments
V3.4 – 8/7/13
The Main Strengths How these were evidenced
Areas for Improvement
These may include ‘norms’ that could be improved
How these were evidenced
Signed by Observer:
Signed by Tutor:
V3.4 – 8/7/13
Area to be improved
Criteria for success
Actions to achieve success
Target date Completed?
Good practice to be shared How Who Target date Completed?
Line manager’s signature Date
_____________________________________ __________________
Tutor’s signature Date
_____________________________________ __________________
V3.4 – 8/7/13
It is important that observations are effective tools that improve the quality of learning. Your evaluation of the observation will help us to review these observations and refine our procedures. Please complete this form and return to your line manager/observer:
Tutor name (please print) __________________________________________
College/provider: __________________________________________
Course observed: __________________________________________
Date of observation: __________________________________________
Name of observer: __________________________________________
1 = Strongly agree 2 = Agree
Using the rubric above please tick the appropriate box
3 = No particular view 4 = Disagree
1 2 3 4
I feel that being observed will help my teaching practice
I was happy with the way in which the observer monitored learning
I am satisfied with the way in which the feedback was given
I found the observer’s comments constructive
I believe that the action plan is realistic and achievable
I believe that the students’ learning will be changed for the better by implementing the observer’s suggestions into my teaching practice
Additional comments