Testing & Individual Differences

AP Psychology
Spring 2014
Testing & Individual Differences
(5-7% of the Test)
Chapter 10 (pgs. 405-441)
Intelligence Test
Theories of Intelligence
Charles Spearman’s Theory
-General Intelligence/g
-Factor Analysis
Howard Gardner’s Theory
-Savant Syndrome
-Multiple Intelligences
Robert Sternberg’s Theory
-Triarchic Theory
Barron’s Book
Chapter 11 (223-237)
Assessing Intelligence
Stanord-Binet Intelligence Test
-Mental Age
-Intelligence Quotient/IQ
Achievement Tests
Aptitude Tests
Wechsler Tests
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
- *Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)*
White Matter
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Gray Matter
Principles of Test Construction/Psychometrics
Normal Curve/Normal Distribution
Test-Retest Reliability
Content Validity
Flynn Effect
Split-Half Reliability
*Construct Validity*
*Equivalent Form Reliability*
Predictive Validity
Dynamics of Intelligence
Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability
Down Syndrome
Influences on Intelligence
Stereotype Threat
 What mistake do people often make when they think about Intelligence?
Theories of Intelligence
 Why is Charles Spearman’s Theory of General Intelligence controversial?
 What are Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences?
 What are Robert Sternberg’s Three Intelligences?
 Be able to compare the 3 Theories of Intelligence.
Other Aspects of Intelligence
 What are the components of Creativity?
 What are the components of Emotional Intelligence?
 What is the relationship between the Brain & Intelligence?
 How does Perceptual Speed & Neurological Speed relate to Intelligence?
Assessing Intelligence
 Understand the ideas & contributions of Francis Galton.
 Understand why Alfred Binet set out to begin testing Intelligence.
 How did Lewis/Louis Terman’s ideas & his Stanford-Binet Test differ from those of Alfred Binet?
 Know how an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is calculated.
 Understand the difference between an Achievement Test & an Aptitude Test.
 Understand what is measured by the tests created by David Wechsler.
Principles of Test Construction/Psychometrics
 What does it mean for a test to be Standardized?
 Be able to interpret the meaning of scores in terms of the Normal Curve.
 Understand the different types of Reliability.
 Understand the different types of Validity.
 Be able to explain the difference between Reliability & Validity.
Dynamics of Intelligence
 Are the intelligence scores of children predictive of future success? When do they stabilize?
 How has the education for people with Intellectual Disabilities changed in America?
 What does it mean to be gifted? Why is there controversy over “gifted child” programs?
Genetic & Enviornmental Influences on Children
 Understand the conclusions of Twin Studies & Adoption Studies in relation to Intelligence.
 How does ones’ environment early in life affect the development of intelligence?
 Understand J. McVicker Hunt’s research & why it led to the Head Start program.
 Understand the conclusions reached by Carol Dweck.
 Understand the psychological differences between males & females?
 What explanation has Evolutionary Psychology put forth to explain these differences?
 What ethnic & racial differences exist in Intelligence Scores?
 What are the environmental causes of these differences?
 Understand the cultural bias inherent in intelligence tests.
 How does a test-takers’ expectations affect their performance on an intelligence test?