2015 Dec Business Meeting Summary

APCO General Business Meeting
December 10-11, 2015
Salishan, OR
Call to Order
President Ann Rakosi called the meeting to order at 11:35 a.m. on December 10,
Election & Committee Issues:
2nd VP: Nomination of Marie Longworth at our last meeting by Mark Spross.
Nominations accepted through tomorrow morning.
Need to fill co-chair role for the Membership Committee to serve with Monica
Get Committee names to Bob along with any administrative needs or budget
items for your committees.
Ann introduced the board members
Ann Rakosi = President
Bob Cozzie = 1st Vice President
Toni Sexton = 2nd Vice President
Kevin Farley = CCAM rep
Doug Kettner = Treasurer
Cheryl Bledsoe = Secretary
Jennifer Reese = Executive Council (EC) Representative
We have had the great fortune to partner with DPSST to offer scholarships over
the past few years to both local & national trainings.
OEDI has an opportunity for 5 scholarships and we have only had 1 application so
far. It is a week-long training at Kahneeta. We will extend the scholarship
opportunity to the end of December. Email Ann Rakosi if you are not on the
One more scholarship, NW Leadership Training. Jeff Rusiecki has 2 free tickets to
attend this event. This is at Jantzen Beach. Scholarship is for $295. About 750
attend this event with excellent speakers. Jeff will be awarding this prior to the
end of the business meeting tomorrow.
TERT Update:
Written update below provided by George Long of Willamette Valley.
The work group currently has 6 members, with a 7th considering joining. The
work group currently has three objectives:
1. Update current working documents such as PSAP list, CAD systems, etc, and
start adding TERT related needs, such as training and plans.
2. Data collection, finding as much information about the current status of
other TERTs to find common themes Oregon will need to guide the creation
of an SOP.
3. Putting documents together to get PSAPs to start planning for contingency
operations and receiving TERTs.
Other items have come up as far as the function of the workgroup that we are
working on answers to:
1. What access do we have to a conference call system so that we can all talk
about the project simultaneously?
a. www.freeconferencecall.com was recommended
b. Mark Buchholz also offered use of his conference call line
2. A question has come out of National as to who our State Coordinator is. I
feel that is a question our APCO President should answer, but is one that
will grant us access to other contacts and materials needed.
a. Bob will follow up with George about being the State Coordinator.
b. Ann Rakosi noted that she has been watching Washington State puts
out little blasts on Twitter about their TERT Deployments. Fun to see
the notices of this work. Also mentioned that funding will need to be
determined for longer term sustainability.
**APCO Chapter Members broke for lunch at 11:54 a.m. on 12/10/15**
**Reconvened Oregon APCO Chapter Business meeting at 1:22p on 12/10/15**
Strategic Planning Committee:
Thanks to Steve for hosting the strategy discussion. Connect with Steve Reinke if
you are interested in joining the Strategic Plan Committee.
Clarification on Point of Order:
Adopted Bylaws in October and included electronic voting into the Bylaws, but
didn't use it for this current election and aren't prepared to electronically vote
Leslie Taylor made a motion to suspend the rules for this election process which
was seconded by Kristi Wilde so that the election may be done manually for this
one position. This was accepted by the membership.
Voting forms will be printed out tonight for paper ballots for tomorrow's election.
1. Letter from Arizona's chapter with intent to bid for WRC on 2019 and 2020.
No action requested in this letter.
2. Thank You note from Kristi Wilde in appreciation for the support and
3. Two emails from people hosting training requesting items for bag stuffing
at WRC. These have been referred to the WRC Committee for response.
Committee Reports
Training Committee:
Marie reported that we did well at Sunriver. Cleared over $12K. Went back to
Sunriver to discuss long-term contract. They are able to give us the same deal as
last year for 2016 in the same week, October 17th, to get the same rates and per
diem. Marie is transitioning Training Committee to Andrea Tobin.
Doing well, so far, with this biennium of training funds. Only used $3K in training
funds at Fall Conference. Would like to see some regional training done. Marie
asked the membership to consider additional RPL scholarships.
Motion to request additional grant funds for 5 RPL (Registered Public Safety
Leader) made by Larry Hatch. Seconded by Jeff Rusiecki and approved by the
membership. RPL Classes start in January & June. This is a year-long online
program which is good for first-line supervisors. Original intent was for leadership
and developed into a supervisor level course.
Membership Committee:
Monica Bruley shared that if you want to join the Membership Committee, please
let her know. She will also have ballots ready for tomorrow's election.
Membership Committee also works with the Bylaws updates.
Awards Committee:
Per Cathy Orcutt, nothing new to report. March is the deadline for nominations
Legislative Committee:
Larry Hatch shared about House Bill 3025. Still debating whether or not you can
ask about convictions. Mark Chandler received email about BOLI not being
worried about PSAPs. Hassina was not in agreement and suggested asking the
BOLI Commissioner for an opinion on this. Letter has been drafted and provided
to Hassina; however, formal action by APCO Chapter has been put on hold,
pending work that Hassina is doing behind the scenes.
Short session. Until OEM gets ready to move NG911 forward, then we will look at
additional legislative push due to funding needs of this move. Mark Tennyson
anticipates that this won't be until the 2017 session.
Emerging Technologies Forum for APCO-NENA ($25) are really good opportunities
to get a blitz of information about various tech types with vendors that share
product. Larry found this to be very informative. March is in Kansas City.
November 1-2nd will be in Seattle, WA. They try to do one west coast location per
Steve Reinke made a motion to support 2 scholarships for travel & lodging to an
Emerging Tech Forum in the coming year. Toni Sexton seconded. Membership
Question raised about whether to limit the scholarships for Kansas City or Seattle.
Larry recommended not limiting it due to TFOPA meeting today accepting the
PSAP Infrastructure and IT Security Report drafts to be turned into federal
documents which will be presented on January 29th. Lots of information coming
at us in the tech world.
TFOPA Update:
Larry Hatch shared about what a learning experience this committee has been.
Larry was on the finance group and the PSAP Infrastructure. After being involved
for 12 months, the conference calls have been 3-4 hour longs to meet deadlines
set by presidential elections. Larry is flying back on the 29th to be there for his
first face-to-face meeting. Ann expressed appreciation for Larry's service.
Finance Committee:
Renee Heide is a committee of 1 and will be meeting with Doug Friday. Aiming to
make a better auditing system for APCO. Should likely audit quarterly. Bob Cozzie
asked to be included in this meeting.
Marie has a breakdown of Sunriver financials to provide to Renee, Doug and Bob.
SIEC Report:
Bob Cozzie updated on the strategic planning & SCIP update. Revisiting purpose,
vision and mission of the SIEC to help educate members about their role in this
group. February meeting will focus on the SCIP update. Received interest from
Margie to serve on a committee at SIEC. There is a need on the Technical
Committee and the Broadband Committee for additional volunteers. Bob is on
the Strategic Planning Committee.
OAA Update:
Laurie shared the OAA Report. In 2015, we saw an increase in OAA membership.
There are 7 accredited or are in the accreditation process now. These include:
Central Lane, ECSO, Metcom, Prineville, Toledo, Deschutes, WCCCA. Revised SelfAssessment and Process manuals to be more reflective of both law enforcement
and 911.
Review of the communication standards is currently underway. Contact Laurie if
you are interested in participating in this.
Received contact from Alaska Chiefs Association to use OAA standards and Juno
Police are already attending classes.
Law Enforcement Trust & Integrity Act (LETIA) encourages accreditation for all law
enforcement agencies. This doesn't yet include 911 agencies yet, but Ed believes
this could happen soon. There will be grant opportunities available to help
agencies get accredited. Should be learning soon if rates change to join OAA. Next
conference dates? Will know dates after the January conference.....current guess
is about April.
PSAP Advisory Committee:
Mark Buchholz had nothing new to report. One take away action item will be to
followup on the ECATS data validation.
Dean reported out State Homeland Security Grant applications are due by January
22nd to OEM. One of the projects funded last year was Continuity Planning.
Contact your EM for info.
Discussion of statewide emergency notification system. Not yet a committee
formed on this topic and funding yet to be determined.
First week of April is the Oregon Preparedness Conference. Three individuals per
county are paid for by state homeland security funds. Encourage FCC rule change
of 90 characters to 360 characters.
Sheriff's Association:
Conference is this week. Nothing new to report.
DMV committee is fine, not much news to report.
CJIS going out with CrimeVue replacement (which is LEDS). Our state system is
still on Cobalt and many vendors are coming out of the woodwork to offer these
services. Oregon, Ohio and Maryland are trying to go live on the same time. Level
of service for LEDS has gone downhill significantly and Jeff has been trying to
pressure this committee for better service.
Larry suggested asking LEDS to be present at an APCO meeting. Ann asked Jeff to
provide an invitation to the May meeting. Jeff also recommended that both CJIS
conferences be combined.
**Meeting took a break from APCO Business Meeting topics
at 2:20 p.m. on 12/10/15**
**APCO Business Meeting reconvened at 3:47 p.m. on 12/10/15**
Police Chief's Association:
Ann shared that there weren't many updates. Worked hard during the legislative
session to minimize the impacts of legislation.
Fire Chief's Liaison:
Larry needs someone to take over this role.
Radio Language Project:
Erica has not heard any updates on this.
DPSST Board of Policy:
No updates. Been conversation of a tech session for new telecommunicators.
Western Regional Conference:
Meeting later today. Registration is live. Please sign up if you plan to attend.
General Topics or Points of Order:
 Question posed about the formality of the Strategic Planning Committee.
As an ad hoc committee or task force, it does not require a formal vote.
Strategic Planning Task Force.
 Toni Sexton clarified that based on her new position at OEM, she is
planning to serve in her role as future president and that neither OEM or
APCO perceive this to be a conflict of interest.
 Bob Cozzie and Ann Rakosi will be going to 911 Goes to Washington in
February and will be supported with FirstNet funds.
 Margie made a motion to cover Larry Hatch's participation at the TFOPA
Committee meeting. Kristi Wilde seconded and the membership approved
this expense.
 Jeff drew the names for the NW Leadership scholarships. Winners were
Paul Compton (Lincoln City PD) and Lauri Taylor (WCCCA).
**Oregon APCO Business Meeting adjourned for the day at
4:03p on 12/10/15**
**Oregon APCO Business Meeting readjourned at 9:02a on Friday, 12/11/15**
Biggest thing to accomplish today is election for 2nd Vice President.
Marie Longworth, as the only nominated candidate, shared a bit about herself.
She's been in 911 for 19 years, served as APCO Training Chair. Looking forward to
working with the organization toward common goals.
Monica passed paper ballots to the members.
Finance Committee:
Renee provided the Treasurer's Report, as the finance committee chair.
 81,001.89 Oppenheimer Fund Balance - rolling 12 month interest has been
4.23%, but third quarter this year was -5.19%
 27,372.40 Balance in US Bank checking account
 Salishan training conference (info-to-date)
o 35,208.55 Total debits to date
o 44,072.66 Total revenue to date
o 8,863.51 Net profit to date
There are also several checks that have not been cashed since the 12/1 statement
which total $ 938.00
Technical Committee:
Maureen is going to try to invite RapidSOS to Western Regional or Hood River as
they are out of New York. Not a whole lot to report.
APCO International:
Jennifer relooked and there isn't anything new to report. Next EC Call is in
State EMS Update:
No known updates. Victor's first day back was yesterday.
Amber Alert Committee:
No known updates.
Historical Committee:
Laura Wolfe & Jeff Rusiecki. Researching answers for RPL classes. Cheryl visited
OEM to see what APCO documents existed there and was unable to find much.
She did receive some APCO documents from Larry Hatch prior to his retirement,
so she will look at the President's box and aim to put together what she can
towards RPL stuff.
DPSST Committee:
 BT97 in January is full.
 EMD59 February 1st has 3 spots available.
 BT98 in April has 3 spots available.
 EMD 60 in April has 12 spots available.
 Telecom JTA has gone before the policy committee, with the committee
sending it back to the work group for consideration of an additional critical
task. Theresa King will be sending that out to the work group very soon
 Tami Atkinson is visiting all of the dispatch centers in the state. To date, 6
complete, 27 scheduled between now and mid-February. The east side trip
that was postponed and will be rescheduled after snow season.
 EMD Field Training Manual and Cards being reviewed and updated.
Meeting to be held February 4th, if interested in participating, please
contact Tami.
 Addition of Basic Police and Corrections Classes to meet the hiring
Other Updates & Appreciations:
 Steve Mawdsley, new Interim Deputy Ops Manager, shared his
appreciation for the welcome & support as he's the new guy here.
 Gillien expressed appreciation to Steve Reinke for leading the Strategic
Planning process.
 Maureen expressed appreciation to Jeannie Stark for her efforts in putting
these quarterly meetings together.
 Kristi Wilde appreciated the call-for-service data contributors in Oregon
who supported the FirstNet project. The board on Tuesday passed a
Tuesday to issue the RFP on Tuesday of this next week. Oregon will be likely
an early adopter thanks the contributors. Oregon data will be part of the
"bidder's library" so others will have access to it. Consider having Adam do
a presentation at the May conference. Kristi will followup with Steve Noel
about this.
 Ann shared a plaque for Mark Hall of Motorola on his retirement. Larry was
able to speak, on behalf of 911, to thank him for his contributions.
 Jeannine Dilley's retirement party is next week. Congratulations to her on
her coming retirement.
 Congratulations to Katy Stall on her pending retirement.
Election Results & End of Year Business:
 Marie Longworth will be the new 2nd Vice President.
 Ann Rakosi "passed the new Myrtlewood gavel" to Bob Cozzie.
 Bob expressed appreciation to Ann for her mentorship and leadership and
presented her with a nice trophy in honor of her efforts.
 E-Board Photo Op occurred.
**Motion to dismiss the APCO Business Meeting
occurred at 9:47 a.m. on 12/11/15**