
Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Prepare and properly label solutions of specified molar concentration
Essential Question:
How can I predict how the temperature of the solvent will affect the solvation of
the solute? How are solutions made in the lab, and how are the instructions
written for others to follow later?
Musical Theme:
Ben Folds Five
Learning Activities:
[ 20 minutes] Preparation of a Solution & Calculating Molarity [SC7]
Summary: Teacher will facilitate a discussion and model the appropriate
preparation of a solution using new lab equipment.
[ 50 minutes] Active Learning: Preparation of a Solution & Calculating
Molarity [SC7]
Summary: Students will be assigned to homogeneous groups and be invited
to prepare a solution of a specific molarity. They will write a list of steps
(instructions) for another group to replicate the experiment on Monday.
Differentiation Plan:
 Differentiation of level of difficulty by formative assessment: Teacher
will assign appropriate tier based on current grade in the class and
informal observations of critical thinking skills.
Assessment Plan:
 Use data to inform today’s tiered assignment: Teacher will assign
appropriate tier based on current grade in the class and informal
observations of critical thinking skills.
 Collect and use formal data: Teacher will formatively assess
understanding of today’s lesson by taking up the lab steps written by the
 Review video lesson 34 for tomorrow’s quiz.
 Review video lesson 35 for molarity and dilution practice.
Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Prepare and properly label solutions of specified molar concentration
Essential Question:
How are solutions prepared in the lab? Also, how can an existing solution be
altered (diluted) to meet new needs?
Musical Selection:
Twangy Tuesday
Learning Activities:
[20 minutes] Solubility Graph Quiz [SC7]
Summary: Students will read a solubility graph and answer multiple choice
[ 10 minutes ] Diluting a Solution Demonstration
Summary: Teacher will model the dilution of an existing solution.
[30 minutes] Active Learning – Prepare and Dilute Solutions
Summary: Students will follow instructions written by another student last
Friday. They’ll prepare a solution, and then the teacher will deliver a card
asking the student to adjust the concentration. Students will be asked to write
steps for the dilution.
[30 minutes] Tiered Molarity, Molality, and Dilution Calculations
Summary: Students choose molarity, molality, and dilution problems to solve
to prepare for tomorrow’s quiz. Each problem is assigned a specific number
of points. Students are asked to earn a total of 15 points (5 from each
category). Students can solve fewer problems by choosing more difficult
Differentiation Plan:
 Appropriate challenge: Students can select appropriately challenging
problems from the tiered assignment. High achievers will be encouraged
to solve the more difficult problems.
 Use of flexible grouping: Students will be grouped with others of similar
ability/understanding level.
Assessment Plan:
 Informal assessment of understanding: Teacher will visit each group to
observe understanding and answer questions.
 Watch Chem-to-Go Lesson 36, complete the Cornell notes, and take the
video quiz.
Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Prepare and properly label solutions of specified molar concentration
Essential Question:
How is molarity used as a conversion factor in stoichiometry?
Musical Selection:
Who’s that artist? Wednesday
Learning Activities:
[ 30 minutes ] Concentration Quiz
Summary: Students will solve problems demonstrating their current levels of
mastery of molarity, molality, and dilutions.
[30 minutes] Acquisition of Knowledge – Using Molarity as a Conversion
Summary: Teacher will demonstrate the connection between units 5, 7 and
9: concentration of aqueous solutions in chemical reactions. Students will
learn to use molarity as a conversion factor in dimensional analysis.
[30 minutes] Solution Stoichiometry Think Tac Toe
Summary: Students solve solution stoichiometry practice problems of their
choice on a think tac toe.
Differentiation Plan:
 Appropriate challenge: Students can select appropriately challenging
problems from the think tac toe assignment. High achievers will be
encouraged to solve the more difficult problems.
Assessment Plan:
 Informal assessment of understanding: Teacher will take up the solution
stoichiometry practice to determine each student’s current level of
 Formal assessment of concentration calculations: Teacher will grade,
record, and pass back the Concentration Quiz.
 Common, collaborative assessment: Concentration Quiz was written in
collaboration with other HHS chemistry teachers.
 Watch Chem-to-Go Lesson 37, complete the Cornell notes, and take the
video quiz.
Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Prepare and properly label solutions of specified molar concentration
Essential Question:
What are colligative properties? How does the presence of a solute affect the
properties of the solvent?
Musical Selection:
The Middle
Learning Activities:
[30 minutes] Acquisition of Knowledge – Colligative Properties Concepts
and Calculations
Summary: Students will read an article describing the use of salt to treat
frozen roads. Teacher will facilitate a discussion of freezing point depression
and boiling point elevation. Students will be guided through two example
[45 minutes] Tiered Colligative Properties Practice
Summary: Students, working in homogeneous pairs, will select from three
levels of colligative properties questions to prepare for tomorrow’s quiz.
Advanced students will have the opportunity to choose higher level questions
to earn more points quickly. Struggling students will be able to solve
appropriately challenging problems while getting additional practice.
[15 minutes] Exit Questions
Summary: Students will solve one colligative property question before
leaving class.
Differentiation Plan:
 Appropriate challenge: Students can select appropriately challenging
problems from the tiered assignment. High achievers will be encouraged
to solve the more difficult problems.
 Use of flexible grouping: Students will be paired with others of similar
ability/understanding level based on data collected from yesterday’s
concentration quiz.
Assessment Plan:
 Informal assessment of understanding: Teacher will visit pair to observe
understanding and answer questions.
 Collect diagnostic data exit question: Teacher will evaluate student
understanding by reviewing the exit questions.
 Prepare for Colligative Properties Quiz.
 Bring Ice Cream supplies.
Content Standard:
Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:
 Observe factors that affect the rate at which a solute dissolves in a specific
 Express concentrations as molarities
 Prepare and properly label solutions of specified molar concentration
Essential Question:
What are colligative properties? How does the presence of a solute affect the
properties of the solvent?
Musical Selection:
Ice Cream Friday
Learning Activities:
[30 minutes] Colligative Properties Quiz
Summary: Students will demonstrate current level of mastery in calculating
changes in freezing point and boiling point.
[60 minutes] Colligative Properties Lab – Making Ice Cream by Lowering
the Freezing Point of Water
Summary: Students will make measurements in lab to calculate the molar
mass of rock salt. The lab activity involves HIGH level critical thinking and
problem-solving. A happy by-product is a cup of ice cream.
Differentiation Plan:
 All students will take the same quiz and carry out the same lab activity
Assessment Plan:
 Collect and use formal data: Teacher will formatively assess
understanding of today’s lesson using a Google form quiz with four
multiple choice questions similar to tomorrow’s quiz.
 Prepare for tomorrow’s lab practical.
 Complete any colligative properties lab calculations.