2014 Glass Art Society Conference Registration & Membership Form Chicago, IL March 19-22, 2014 - Strengthening Community, Collaboration, Forging New Bonds Register by January 7th for the lowest rate! EXTENDED TO JANUARY 15th Registration NOT accepted via telephone Confirmation & Cancellation info: www.glassart.org QUESTIONS info@glassart.org T: 206-382-1305 Mon-Fri 9-5 PST OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE TOTAL $ CHK/APPR MEMB REG 1. PERSONAL DATA PRINT LEGIBLY Please mark all that apply to you: First & Last Name [ ] Artist (sub-categories) __commissions Company __casting __kilnforming Address City __coldwork/engraving __leaded/stained __beadmaking __flameworking __neon __architectural/public art __fusing/slumping __glassblower __painting __other [ ] Manufacturer/Supplier (sub-categories) __ mosaic/stained glass tools/supplies State Zip/Postal Country Tel: __casting tools/supplies __flameworking tools/supplies __coldworking tools/supplies __kilnforming tools/supplies __furnaces/annealers __hot glass tools/supplies [ ] Educator (types of classes you teach) Email __undergraduate/graduate __studio workshops/classes __highschool/youth classes __summer program [ ] School (classes your school/studio offers) __undergraduate/graduate __studio workshops/classes __highschool/youth classes __summer program Website [ ] Omit my contact information from online & print Membership Directory [ ] Omit my contact information from the sale of mailing lists. [ ] Collector [ ] Museum [ ] Gallery Owner [ ] Hotshop Owner [ ] Press/Critic 2. GAS MEMBERSHIP / CONTRIBUTIONS Must be current member through March 2014 to attend the conference. [ ] My GAS membership is current through March 2014 (to be confirmed by GAS Staff). [ ] I would like to Join/Renew my membership at the level checked below: ___ $70 USD Individual ___ $40 USD Full-time Student* Student ID or other proof required: SCHOOL ATTENDING ________________________________ Upper Level Memberships can have two members. Please list the 2nd Member & their email. _________________________________ ___ $120 USD Sponsor ___ $275 USD Corporate/Business ___ $500 USD Patron ___ $1,000 USD Benefactor Make a Contribution: Full descriptions at www.glassart.org. $_______ General Conference Contribution $_______ Dominic Labino Lecture Fund $_______ Sy Kamens Education Fund $_______ GAS Fund in CERF $_______ Hilbert Sosin Fund for Professionalism $_______ Takako Sano Scholarship Fund $_______ General Scholarship Fund $_______ Robert Willson Fund $_______ Becky Winship Flameworking Scholarship Fund $________ GAS MEMBERSHIP & CONTRIBUTIONS SUBTOTAL 3. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Must be a current GAS member through March 2014 to register and attend, see step 2. FULL CONFERENCE PASS DAY PASSES TO THE CONFERENCE Includes all lectures; panels; demonstrations; Opening Ceremony & Reception; Closing Night Party, Gallery Hop, & other events during the conference EXCEPT special events & tours with additional fees. For those wishing to attend only 1 or 2 days. Includes lectures, panels, demos, and other events ONLY taking place on the day or days for which you register EXCEPT special events and tours with additional fees. Early Bird Pre-Registration: October 2013 – January 15, 2014 (was 7th) #__$165 USD per Full-time Student* member (ID or other proof required) #__$295 USD per Individual member #__$95 USD per Full-time Student* member / per day #__$170 USD per Individual member / per day [ ] Corporate Member Discount: $221 (25% off 1 pass) [ ] Patron Member Discount: $148 (50% off 1 pass) [ ] Benefactor Member Benefit: $0 (1 free pass) Pre-Registration: January 16, 2014 - March 8, 2014 #__$195 USD per Full-time Student* member (ID or other proof required) #__$350 USD per Individual member [ ] Corporate Member Discount: $263 (25% off 1 pass) [ ] Patron Member Discount: $176 (50% off 1 pass) [ ] Benefactor Member Benefit: $0 (1 free pass) Circle day or days attending: THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY PLEASE NOTE: We are unable to process registration forms received in the GAS office after March 8, 2014. After March 8, register on-site for Full Conference Pass at $395 USD per member / $250 USD per Full-Time Student member*. Day Pass fees do not change. $________ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES SUBTOTAL Page 1 4. CLOSING NIGHT PARTY VOUCHER Your full conference pass or Saturday day pass includes entrance in to the Closing Night Party at the amazing Chicago Cultural Center on Saturday, March 22 from 9pm-midnight. Due to city regulations, the Cultural Center is not allowed to offer a cash bar. This year for conference attendees to enjoy beverages at this event, you will need to purchase a Closing Night Party Voucher with tear-off tickets for three drinks. For guests of conference attendees who are not registered for the conference, or Thursday or Friday day pass registrants this voucher serves as the entrance and beverages ticket. This event is not open to the general public. #___ $20 USD for Conference Attendees with either a Full Conference Pass or Saturday Day Pass #___ $60 USD for Guests of conference attendees or those registered with a Thursday or Friday Day Pass $________ CLOSING NIGHT PARTY PASS SUBTOTAL 5. PRE-CONFERENCE RECEPTION FUNDRAISER - Wednesday, March 19, 2014 Not included in conference registration fee. You may register for the Pre-Conference Reception without registering for the conference. Space is limited to 250 attendees. If the maximum have reserved you will be placed on a waiting list and will not be charged the fee until space is available. #___ $200 USD Pre-Conference Reception Fundraiser: MEMBER, Wednesday March 19, Ignite Glass Studios, 6pm-10pm #___ $225 USD Pre-Conference Reception Fundraiser: NON-MEMBER, Wednesday March 19, Ignite Glass Studios, 6pm-10pm $________ PRE-CONFERENCE RECEPTION SUBTOTAL 6. COLLECTORS TOUR - Wednesday, March 19 to Saturday, March 22 Tour price includes: a full conference pass, the Pre-Conference Reception fundraiser, Closing Night Party Voucher, plus admission fees & ground transportation to all events listed for the tour at www.glassart.org, most lunches and most dinners, and VIP seating for special events. #___ $1,325 USD Collectors Tour: MEMBER Wednesday, March 19 to Saturday, March 22 #___ $1,420 USD Collectors Tour: NON-MEMBER Wednesday, March 19 to Saturday, March 22 $________ COLLECTORS TOUR SUBTOTAL 7. TOTAL TO BE CHARGED OR CHECK ENCLOSED $__________ GAS MEMBERSHIP & CONTRIBUTIONS SUBTOTAL $__________ CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES SUBTOTAL $__________ CLOSING NIGHT PARTY PASS SUBTOTAL $__________ PRE-CONFERENCE RECEPTION SUBTOTAL $ COLLECTORS TOUR SUBTOTAL $_________TOTAL AMOUNT (sum of sections 2-6 above. All fees in USdollars) 8. PAYMENT INFORMATION Preferred method of payment is by credit card to give you the best exchange rate. Payment must be made to the Seattle GAS office in US dollars and will appear on your credit card statement in your own currency. [ ]Visa or Master Card: # _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Expiration Date _ _ / _ _ Signature ______________________________________ [ ]Personal Check drawn from a USA bank only. Due to the high cost of processing checks drawn on non-USA banks, we cannot accept them. Checks must be made out to the “Glass Art Society” for the appropriate amount only. [ ]Wire transfer (for instructions, contact the GAS office, additional fees apply) REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE ONLINE AT WWW.GLASSART.ORG MAIL THIS FORM TO: Glass Art Society, 6512 23rd Ave NW, Suite 329, Seattle, WA 98117 USA FAX THIS FORM TO: 206-382-2630 GAS IS NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT REGISTRATION VIA TELEPHONE CONFIRMATION CANCELLATION POLICY An email confirmation of your registration will be sent within 2 weeks of Cancellations received in writing before January 8 January 15, 2014 will our receipt of your registration form (or to the address provided if no email given). Please contact the GAS office if you have not received confirmation within a month of sending your registration. receive a full refund. Any changes to registration received in writing January 16 – March 8, 2014 will be subject to a $35 administrative fee. There will be no refunds after March 8, 2014. Membership fees are non-refundable. QUESTIONS - INFO@GLASSART.ORG or CALL 206-382-1305, Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm PST. 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