What are the financial benefits of being a Bonner Scholar?

Carson-Newman is part of a national network of over 75 colleges and universities affiliated with
the Corella & Bertram F. Bonner Foundation, a non-profit organization in Princeton, NJ,
dedicated to “providing access to education and opportunities to serve.” Students admitted to
the Bonner program at Carson-Newman receive a package of scholarship support in return for
participating in an intensive program of community service, professional skills development, and
working for positive change in the world. Participants are called “Bonner Scholars” or “Bonners”
for short.
Bonner Scholars imagine a better world and learn to make it so. The Bonner program is about
making a positive difference through community service and activism. Being a Bonner Scholar
helps the student earn an education that complements classroom learning with real-life, handson experience. Being a Bonner Scholar involves a commitment not only to service, but also to
learning how to be an effective agent of change for one’s campus, community, bioregion, and
beyond. Bonner Scholars broaden their education by being involved in life outside the
classroom as leaders, activists, and citizens. Many Bonner Scholars integrate travel ,including
international travel, into their overall Bonner experience at Carson- Newman.
What are the service requirements for a Bonner Scholar?
Bonners volunteer an average of 10 hours per week during the school year, which breaks down
to eight hours of community service and activism along with two hours of program support
involvements. This commitment totals 140 hours per semester. In terms of program support
involvements, Bonners participate
in weekly Bonner Meetings,
community-building retreats,
national conferences and regional
exchange programs involving
other Bonner schools, servicelearning trips, and professional
skills trainings and workshops. Bonners also spend some time each week documenting their
Bonner work by keeping accurate records of their service and learning.
In addition to the school year, Bonner Scholars must complete at least two summers of service
that include stipends for the work and for some summer living expenses. The summer work can
be done at Carson-Newman, your home town, or elsewhere, even overseas. Each summer’s
requirement is 280 hours over at least seven weeks. An advantage of the summer work is that it
can be a paid position over and above receiving the Bonner stipends. Many Bonner Scholars
apply their summer expense money to help pay for Bonner-related international travel.
Bonner Scholars are matched with one or more local community organizations or projects and
set up a regular weekly schedule of service. The service can take a variety of forms including
direct service, community-based research, social entrepreneurship, and public policy advocacy.
Bonner Scholars cannot count service that is primarily religious, is performed as part of one’s
military duty, or occurs in a for-profit business setting.
What are the financial benefits of being a Bonner Scholar?
Most Bonner Scholars qualify for need-based financial assistance. Students in the program
receive a scholarship package including awards from the Bonner Foundation plus other sources
of aid such as work-study, AmeriCorps, need-based grants and scholarships, and in some
cases, a guaranteed student loan. Stipends and living expenses for summer service are also
financial benefits of the program, along with eligibility for special project grants. The Bonner
program seeks to help students graduate with as little student loan debt as possible, which can
be as little as $0 and in all cases under $19,000, depending on family financial need. (See the
Office of Financial Assistance to determine the exact amounts of aid for which you qualify.)
Bonner Award Details
In addition to other sources of aid awarded by Carson-Newman to make up the student’s total
financial aid package, the following amounts come specifically from the Bonner Foundation and
are awarded only to Bonner Scholars:
4 Year Bonner Financial Award
A. School Year Support
When Awarded
(½ fall, ½ spring)
B. Summer Service & Living Expense Stipend
C. Loan Reduction/Graduate School Grant
$2,500/summer + $500 for an
optional third summer
Credited to lender or graduate
school upon graduation
Bonner Scholar Award Total
A. $2,500 is awarded per year ($1,250 each semester paid in installments). Installments are
credited to the student’s account as long as the 10 hours per week of community service and
program support involvements are done on time. Students apply the School Year Support
directly towards their tuition bill or other college charges.
B. $5,000 is available for two required summers of 280-hour, seven-week summer service
placements (which can also carry a salary, such as summer camp counselor). Each of these
two summers include a $1,500 earning stipend plus a $1,000 living stipend in addition to
whatever salary the position pays. The student can choose which two summers he/she wants to
do the required service and can use any leftover living stipend plus a $500 bonus for a third
optional summer for travel or other Bonner-approved activity.
C. $2,000 is awarded at graduation to reduce loan indebtedness (paid directly to the loan
institution) or to contribute to graduate school tuition within five years of Carson-Newman
Bonners can also receive financial benefits by participating in Bonner-funded trips and social
activities and in the form of grants that support their community work and partner organizations.
What do Bonner Scholars learn?
The Bonner program offers a great opportunity for leadership training and experience. Our
motto is “Become the Change,” meaning we seek to embody the changes we want to see in the
world, which we express in our “Common Commitments.”
Social Justice—Advocate for fairness, impartiality, and equality while addressing
systemic social and environmental issues.
Civic Engagement—Participate intentionally as a citizen in the democratic process,
actively engaging in public policy and direct service.
Community-Building—Establish and sustain a vibrant community of place, personal
relationships, and common interests.
Spiritual Exploration—Explore personal beliefs while respecting the spiritual practices of
International Perspective—Develop international understanding that enables individuals
to participate successfully and sensitively in a global society.
Diversity—Respect and engage the many different dimensions of diversity in our public
How do I apply to become a Bonner Scholar?
We invite all entering Carson-Newman students to apply. Please start early!! To insure full
consideration, you must have the following three things completed by March 1st:
1. File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) through our Office of Financial
Assistance. Important: This step requires that you and your family have already filed
your Federal Income Taxes so that you can report last year’s income. We recommend
you get this done as soon as possible after January 1. (For financial aid information,
forms, and help, please contact our Office of Financial Assistance,
2. Apply and be accepted for admission to Carson-Newman College. We recommend you
complete this step before February 15. (For admissions information, forms, and help,
please contact our Office of Admissions,
3. Complete and send in all three Bonner Scholar application parts—the general
information form, the application questions, and the letters of recommendation from nonfamily persons who can evaluate your qualifications for the program (teacher, employer,
coach, minister, etc.). We recommend you complete this step no later than February 25.
Applicants and their families should be aware that financial need plays a role in the students
whom Carson-Newman selects for its Bonner program. We can accept 10 incoming freshmen
(high school seniors) into the program each year. Of these, 9 must meet the Bonner
Foundation’s financial need criteria based upon FAFSA results or FAFSA estimates. Therefore,
every candidate must apply for Federal student aid through the FAFSA or one of its equivalents.
Our Office of Financial Assistance can help you get this done if you will contact them (phone 1800-678-9061 or 865-471-3247; email financialaid@cn.edu). International students who cannot
complete the FAFSA should provide other documentation of income and are considered on a
case-by-case basis. Please inquire directly to our Bonner office for more information on
international student applications.
In addition to these application steps, we strongly encourage you to come to campus and
participate in the annual “Bonner Scholar Visitation Day” in February. This event allows you to
learn about the Bonner program from the inside out and also for us to get to know you in
person. The Visitation Day is on a Friday, begins at 1:00, involves doing a service project with
one of our community partners, and includes an informal time with current Bonner students,
faculty, and staff that evening. (See calendar check-list for specific date.)
Please note the final deadline of March 1st; by that date our Financial Aid Office must receive
your FAFSA results, you must be accepted for admission to the college, and our office must
receive all three parts of the Bonner Application. After that date our Selection Committee meets
to select the next class of Bonner Scholars. We will accept electronic submissions online via
http://www.cn.edu/bonner We strongly recommend completing your application online, as all
the pieces of your application are easier to manage in that way. However, you may mail paper
applications to the following address:
Bonner Scholars Selection Committee,
Bonner Center for Service Learning & Civic Engagement
Carson-Newman College CN Box 72008 Jefferson City, TN 37760 USA
If you would like more information about the Bonner program at Carson-Newman College, you may contact us via e-mail
at bonner@cn.edu or by phone at 865-471-3594
Bonner Scholars Application
Timeline & Checklist
All incoming Carson-Newman freshmen are welcome to apply for a scholarship package through the Bonner Scholars
Program, a national scholarship program offered through the Bonner Foundation (www.bonner.org). The scholarship
program is particularly for those students who are interested in community service, social justice, and activism; who are
first generation college students; and/or who have a high level of financial need. To be considered for the Bonner
Scholars program, you must complete the following actions by the appropriate date. To ensure consideration for
acceptance, please have applications in no later than March 1, 2012:
JANUARY 2012. File a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) through the Carson-Newman Office of Financial
Assistance. Important: This step requires that you and your family have already filed your Federal Income Taxes
so that you can report last year’s income. We recommend you get this done as soon as possible after Jan. 1,
2012. Our Office of Financial Assistance will be happy to help you get this done on time (please contact them by
phone at 1-800-678-9061 or 865-471-3247, by email at financialaid@cn.edu, or check them out on-line at
http://admissions.cn.edu/ admissions/finaid).
FEBRUARY 15, 2012. Apply and be accepted for admission to Carson-Newman College. We recommend you complete
this step before this date. For admissions information, forms, and help, please check out our on-line resources at
FEBRUARY 17, 2012. In addition to the application, we strongly encourage you to come to campus and participate in
the annual “Bonner Scholar Visitation Day”. This event allows you to learn about the Bonner Scholars Program
from the inside out. It also lets us get to know you in person. The Visitation Day is on Friday, February 17,
begining at 1:00pm. It will involve doing a service project with one of our community partners, a group interview
exercise, and fun informal activities with current Bonner students, faculty, and staff Friday evening after dinner.
FEBRUARY 25, 2012. Complete and send in all four Bonner Scholar Application Parts, or complete your portion of the
application online. (It is best if we receive these in our office by March 1, 2012. Late applications may not be
1. General Information Page
2. Financial Status Release Form
3. Application Questions
4. Three Letters of Recommendation from non-family persons who can evaluate your qualifications for the
program (teacher, employer, coach, minister, etc.).
The Bonner Scholar Application is available on our website (www.cn.edu/bonner) or you may contact the Bonner
Center at bonner@cn.edu for an email application, or call (865) 471-3594 to request one via USPS.
If you would like more information about the Bonner Scholars program at Carson-Newman College, assistance in
applying, or to register for Visitation Day, please email us at bonner@cn.edu or contact one our staff or student
recruitment committee at the Bonner Center at 865-471-3594.
Carson-Newman Bonner Scholars Application
INSTRUCTIONS: To apply for scholarship support as a Bonner Scholar, you must apply and be accepted for admission to
Carson-Newman College; provide documentation of family income and financial need through the Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or its equivalent*; and complete the Bonner Scholarship Application consisting three parts:
(1) General Information (2) Application Questions and (3) Recommendation Forms (a minimum of two and a maximum of
three). You can submit your application electronically at www.cn.edu/bonner Mail paper applications to the following
Bonner Scholars Selection Committee / Bonner Center for Service Learning & Civic Engagement
Carson-Newman College / CN Box 72008 / Jefferson City, TN 37760 USA
General Information
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Preferred Name
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Are you a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident?
Phone Numbers (Best to reach you) (
, (
Email Address
Father’s Occupation
Mother’s Occupation
Who else in your immediate family has completed college?
Family Income Information: EFC (Estimated Family Contribution)
High School
School Location
Academic Records: GPA
out of
*Number calculated from completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Contact Financial
Assistance Office for help and the answer to any questions (phone 1-800-678-9061 or 865-471-3247 or email
Application Questions
Please respond to the following questions. Your answers should be typed or handwritten very
neatly on a separate sheet (or sheets) of paper. Each answer should not exceed 500 words.
1. Service Activities— Please list your experiences in community service or activism in the
following categories:
a. Special Events and Short Term Service Projects
b. Ongoing Weekly or Monthly Service Commitments
c. Significant Family Responsibilities (if applicable)
d. Summer Service
2. Making a Difference— Describe in detail one experience in community service or activism in
which you’ve spent a significant amount of time, and which you’ve found particularly rewarding
and significant. Describe this activity in some detail, explaining what you did, why you did it, and
how it made a difference in your life and in the lives of others.
3. Diversity—Bonner Scholars value diversity of all kinds (racial, cultural, religious, etc.) in their
program and their community service and activism. Please describe an experience you have
had that has made you more aware of the diversity in our world. What makes this particular
experience important?
4. Social Justice— Many problems plague our world. The Bonner Scholars are committed to
working for social justice as well as engaging in acts of compassion. Describe a social justice
issue you feel strongly about and explain ways you have or would like to be involved in
addressing that issue.
5. Challenges— Can you describe any hardships or obstacles you feel you have had to
overcome in your life? Is there anything else you’d like for us to know about you?
6. About You as a Bonner Scholar— Every year, we are able to select only about 10% of our
total applicants. Please tell us why you would like to be in this program and why we should
select you as a Bonner Scholar.
do hereby grant permission to the Carson-Newman College Bonner Scholars Program to access
my Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) information from our family’s file in the CN Financial Aid Office
to determine financial eligibility for the Bonner Scholars Program. I understand this means this number
will be on file in the CN Bonner Center and will be available to CN Staff & Faculty reviewing applications
for the Bonner Scholars Program and kept confidential within that purpose.
Name (print):
CN Student ID # (If you have one)
Social Security #
Carson-Newman Bonner Scholars Application
Recommendation Form
Name of Applicant:
Name of Person Filling Out this Recommendation:
Briefly describe your relationship with the applicant and the capacity in which you have known or
worked with the applicant:
How long have you known the applicant?
The student named above is applying for the Bonner Scholarship at Carson-Newman College. The
Bonner Scholars Program seeks to reward and continue a student’s community service and civic
engagement experiences. We seek students who creatively reach out to others, and who exhibit a
variety of traits and abilities listed below. Please compare this applicant with other young persons
with whom you’ve worked and rate the applicant on a scale of 1 to 100, 100 being your highest
recommendation. A rating of 75, for instance, would indicate that the applicant is “better than”
74% of his or her peers in that particular area. Please be candid, and wherever possible, give
comments which provide evidence or examples of the applicant’s capabilities within that area.
Note: if you do not know this applicant well enough to speak to the majority of these traits, please
ask the applicant to have someone else fill out this form.
1. Responsibility and Punctuality: Does the applicant take tasks seriously and follow through on
them? Is the applicant always present and on time?
2. Sense of Compassion and Outreach to Others: In what ways has this applicant reached beyond
herself or himself? In what types of community involvement has the applicant participated?
3. Positive Attitude & Enthusiasm: Does the applicant exhibit a positive attitude? Does the
applicant tend to criticize others and find fault with his or her peers? How is this person a positive
group member?
4. Leadership and Initiative: In what ways does this applicant demonstrate a sense of initiative?
Would you consider this person a selfstarter, or does this applicant need to be told what to do and
then monitored? How has this person demonstrated leadership abilities?
5. Trustworthiness and Maturity: Is the applicant a person of integrity, sound judgment, and
honesty? Is this person a good or positive influence on his or her peers?
6. Teachability and Scholastic Abilities: Is the applicant interested in challenging himself or
herself with new learning opportunities? How teachable is this person?
7. Expression and Creativity: Does the applicant express himself or herself well? In what ways
would you consider this person creative?
8. Special Talents and Extraordinariness: In what ways is this student special or extraordinary in
comparison with her or his peers? Does this applicant exhibit any special talents or traits?
9. Additional Comments: Is there anything else you would like for us to know about this
To discuss this applicant over the phone, please call the Bonner Scholars Director at 865.471.3594.
Please mail this form by Feb. 25 to Bonner Scholars Office, CN Box 72008, Jefferson City, TN 37760
This form can also be completed online at www.cn.edu/bonner