Constitution Title I The association ARTICLE 1 The association bears the name: Elite European Boerboel Organisation ARTICLE 2 The seat of the association is in Kneuterstraat 15 3940 Hechtel Belgium and falls under the judicial district of Hasselt Belgium It can only be moved by the AGM and only comply with the rules required for a status change as described in these articles. ARTICLE 3 The Association is an international association for the purpose: Efforts to preserve and improve the breed standard of the Boerboel breed, To encourage and promote the breeding of the Boerboel with due observance of and respect for the breed standard, as regards the physical terms of character, The approximation of breeders and lovers of the Boerboel, To promote the knowledge on one part the lovers of the breed and on the other part the breeders and the general public about the Boerboel breed In all aspects, including the breeding, care, education and the training, Promoting and encouraging of the use of the Boerboel in the dogsport. The association also wants the common needs of the Boerboel Breeders canalize to the purchasers. It may also undertake all the activities that can promote this goal. It may in that sense, but only incidentally, perform actions of commerce, only where the proceeds will be devoted to the purpose for which it was founded. ARTICLE 4 The association is established for an indefinite period from today, but can be dissolved at any time. TITLE II: Members ARTICLE 5 The number of members is unlimited, but must be at least three. The founders are the first active members. The association can only have effective members. The fullness of membership, including the vote at the general meeting is only to full members. Full members are those whose name is listed in the register of members on the office of the association is maintained and that a copy, pursuant to art. 26, h thereof, § 1, 3 ° of the current legislation is lodged at the court of commerce. Changes in the composition of the association, a copy of the register of members will be filed within one month from the anniversary of the filing of the articles. The legal provisions are applicable only to active members. ARTICLE 6 As a member may join the association, any natural or legal person as such by the General Assembly accepted this proposal and the board of directors. The request for authorization of a prospective member must be submitted in writing to the president of the Board. The term "member" in this statute refers explicitly to full members. ARTICLE 7 The board of directors may, under conditions to be determined by, other persons as advisory members to the association permit. These are considered active members. ARTICLE 8 The maximum membership fee is 250 EUR. ARTICLE 9 Any member may at any time leave the association. The resignation must be sent by registered mail to the Board to be notified. ARTICLE 10 Resigning or excluded members and their successors have no part in the ability of the organization; therefore they cannot be refunded or ask for compensation for services paid ,contributions ,or made contributions Members of the Association shall not be members of an associations active in canine area ,or considered it to be ,when these associations are not recognized by FCI or EEBO TITLE III: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARTICLE 11 The association is governed by a board , at least three members must be members of the association board. If the AGM is only three members, the Board of Directors consists of only two people. In any case, the number of the Board must be always lower than the number of members of the general meeting. The Board members elected by its members a President, a vice president, secretary and treasurer. The President leads the operation of the Association and always has the right to access the books and records. He leads the meetings, arrange the order of the agenda of the meetings, gave the members the word and has the right to call the present speakers to order . He will be replaced in case of absence by the Vice President. The Secretary carries out the administration of the association, the minutes of the meetings and keeps them in the minute book, He shall report on the activities of the Association and shall publish the club messages. The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Association, which collects contributions from members and is authorized on the accounts and funds of the Association is also responsible for the financial papers. He brings to the meetings of the Board of Directors report on the financial condition of the Association. Any asset can apply for a board membership. Applications for the vacant board member ships must be reported by registered mail to the secretary of the Association, Later than two weeks prior to the annual general meeting. The date of the postmark as the date of dispatch. Article 12: Term of office of the board The president is appointed for a period of 15 years (to protect the goal and target of the association and ensure during the construction period), subsequent periods every three years, each board member is again re-elected. Interim appointed board members are elected only for the remaining term of office. ARTICLE 13: Method of appointment and remuneration of directors The directors are elected by secret ballot by those present at the general meeting and this by a simple majority (50% of attendees + 1). If, after counting of the votes cast that one or more mandates are not filled by the candidate or candidates obtained the required number of votes (n) (50% +1) A new ballot held. The number of ballots remain in any case limited to three and if at that time still not completed one or more offices may be, remain open until the next General Assembly. The Board of Directors may fill any remaining open areas by co-option of members to members. This decision is d.m.v. a letter to the members and is definitively announced if they will not contest Because at least one fifth of the members within the month at a special general meeting would ask. The directors exercise their mandate free of charge. The documents concerning the appointment of the directors must be filed with the clerk of the Commercial Court and must within thirty days after the filing (in excerpt) published in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette. ARTICLE 14: Termination of office and dismissal of directors The mandate of the directors terminated by resignation, by the end of the mandate (if applicable), in case of death or legal incapacity. The dismissal by the AGM because of legal incapacity. Decided by a simple majority of the members present and / or represented. However, it should be explicitly stated on the agenda of the AGM. A board member who resigns voluntarily, must disclose in writing to the board .This dismissal unless this is immediate dismissal the minimum number of board members below the statutory minimum is decreased. In this case, the Board within two months of the general meeting, which in replacement of the board member should provide them in writing and it will inform. The documents relating to termination of office and the appointment of the board must be deposited at the Registry of the Commercial Court and shall within thirty days after the deposit (in excerpt) be published in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette. Article 15: Powers of the directors. The board guides the affairs of the association and represents it in and out of court.He has the power for all matters except those expressly designated by the Law to the General Assembly are reserved. He acts as plaintiff and defendant, in all legal proceedings and decides whether or not use of legal remedies. The board appoints and dismisses the members of staff and determine their remuneration. The board of directors may only validly if the majority of the directors present. The decisions are taken by simple majority. In a tie vote, the vote of the president or the voice of the person who replaces him decisive. Article 15a: The president has an veto right. When using the veto, the General Assembly comes together again, after minimum 14 days and maximum one month and is again on the veto topic . This decision can only be taken by a three quarters majority vote. If, after the use of a veto again voted on a matter which at first was already a 3/4 majority necessary decision to this new ballot be taken badly by 4/5 of the votes. ARTICLE 16 The Board shall be convened by the president or by two board members. Meetings of the Board shall be chaired by the president. If this is prevented or absent, the meeting is chaired by the Vice-President, or in his absence, the oldest of the board present. ARTICLE 17 Minutes of each meeting shall be made, signed by the president and the secretary and enrolled in a special register. The extracts to be produced and all the other acts are validly signed by the chairman and the secretary. In the absence of these directors, two other directors to sign such documents are valid. ARTICLE 18 The Board shall issue all internal regulations, which he deems necessary and appropriate judges. The Board may, if it deems necessary, a managing director or director who work with The executive board is responsible. This provides the current business and daily correspondence and draws valid behalf of the association against the Postal Cheques, public and private banking institutions and all other institutions. ARTICLE 19 Members who act on behalf of the association, as regards third parties do not appear in any decision or of any authority. ARTICLE 20: Persons authorized to represent the association, The board may delegate his powers for certain actions and tasks his responsibility transfer to one of the directors or to any other person, whether or not a member of the association. The Council of Directors may be directors of a chairman, a vice president, a secretary, a treasurer and any function for the proper functioning of the association is necessary to choose. Their appointment is done by the board of directors by majority, decided that this matter is valid if the majority of the directors present. The discharge of such persons may be authorized a) voluntarily by the agent himself by a written resignation to the Board of Directors b) dismissal by the board of directors by majority decided that this matter is valid if the majority of the directors present. Be decided on by the Board, however within seven calendar days by registered mail to be notified of the person. The documents relating to termination of office and appointment of persons authorized to association represent, must be deposited with the clerk of the Commercial Court and shall have The thirty days after the filing (in excerpt) published in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette. The trustees exercise their powers individually or jointly. ARTICLE 21: Persons responsible for the daily management of the association. The Board of Directors may appoint an executive committee. Their appointment is done by the board of directors by majority, decided that this matter is valid if the majority of the directors present. The discharge of the executive committee may be made: a) voluntarily by a member of the executive committee itself by a written resignation to the Board Board b) dismissal by the board of directors by majority decided that this matter is valid if the majority of the directors present. Be decided on by the board of directors must, however, within seven calendar days by registered mail to be notified of the person. The documents relating to termination of office and the appointment of persons of the Bureau should be deposited with the clerk of the Commercial Court and must within thirty days after the filing an extract published in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette. The decisions taken by the executive committee, which meets as a body, are always taken into collegial consultation. The Board of Management which hears of a possible violation by a member of the Association its statutes and / or its rules or in general of any act or abstention by one of its members and contrary to the honor, the purpose and / or financial and / or moral interests of the association, that member may serve as Attn disciplinary tribunal. The Board of Directors may not impose a penalty without the member by registered letter to submit to defend themselves. The invitation shall state the place, date and hour of the meeting of the Board of Directors at which the member is invited, The notice states that the Board will sit as a hearing body, that the member is called, if desired, be assisted by one or more persons, an accurate description of the facts being accused and a reference to any documents on which the indictment is founded or so they probably made. If the Board of Directors will assess knowledge of documents, will be stated in the notice that it was collected in a file at least eight days prior to the meeting present for inspection at the headquarters of the Association. The invitation shall also indicate the possible sanctions by the Board of Directors may be imposed up to and the fact that the Board of Directors in case of absence of the invited members, to rule by default. The meeting will be held in open session. The deliberation by the Board of Directors and taking the decision, however, takes place behind closed doors. The decision will be made known to the relevant registered letter, indicating the possibility of higher appeal. The possible sanctions by the Board of Directors may be imposed are: A warning, a reprimand or suspension as a member and therefore the suspension of the exercise of any rights arising from membership. The duration of such suspension remains in any case limited to the first date of the next general meeting. The Board is entitled to the sister associations to ask for the penalty ordered clause expand their membership.The Board may also decide to sanction imposed after the expiry of the appeal period to publish the members' magazine. The decision of the Board as a hearing body, may be appealed. Only the board of directors is authorized to make this appeal to hear. The appeal is admissible only if it is set by registered letter within one month after notification of the decision to the member, provided that in the same manner and within the same period of knowledge is given to the Association. Otherwise, the sanction becomes final. The appeal has a suspensive effect regarding the enforceability of the penalty. TITLE IV GENERAL MEETING ARTICLE 22 The General Assembly is composed of all active members and is chaired by the Chairman of the Board, or by the vice-chairman, or in his absence, the oldest of the directors present. A member may, however, by another member of the General Assembly representative. A member may However, only one other member. Each member has only one vote at the general meeting. ARTICLE 23 The General Assembly is solely responsible for: - Changing the statutes, except for Article 23a and 23b - The appointment of new directors, - The appointment and dismissal of auditors and determining their remuneration in case a compensation is granted - The discharge to the directors and auditors, - Approving the budget and the accounts, - The voluntary dissolution of the association, - Appointment and exclusion of a member of the association, - Converting the association into a company with a social purpose, - All cases in which these statutes require it. Article 23a The General Assembly is not competent for a period of 15 years from the date of incorporation to change the breed standard, it is only after the date 05/23/2026 ARTICLE 23b The General Assembly is not competent for a period of 10 years from the date of incorporation to change the administrative composition, it is only after the expiry of this period ARTICLE 24 The General Assembly is duly convened by the Board or by the President whenever the purpose of the association required. It must at least once a year, convened to approve the accounts of the last year and the budget for the coming year. ARTICLE 25 The general meeting is held during the first quarter. ARTICLE 26 The board of directors is also required to convene the general assembly when 1 / 5 of the active members makes an application to the board of directors and by registered letter to the deal with agenda items listed. In this case, the Board required the General Assembly to convene within 15 days stating the agenda of the requested items. ARTICLE 27 The notices convening the general meeting to be valid, signed by the Chairman or two directors. All active members must be called by post or by registered mail At least eight days before the meeting. ARTICLE 28 The notice, the place, day and hour of the meeting shall contain the agenda, which is captured by the board. Each subject in writing shall be proposed by 1 / 20 of the active members must also on the agenda. This subject should of course by 1 / 20 of the members signed and at least two days before the meeting the Chairman of the Board are presented. Topics not on the agenda may under no circumstances be treated. ARTICLE 29 In ordinary cases, the decisions taken by a simple majority of those present and represented votes. In a tie in voting, the vote of the president or the person at that currently chairing the meeting. ARTICLE 30: amendment To amend the statutes can only be decided if the change is shown in detail on the agenda and if 2 / 3 of the active members present or represented. If this number is not reached, a second meeting may be convened, as defined by these statutes, and that this meeting valid decision can be taken, regardless of numbers. This second meeting may not be within 28 calendar days following the first meeting be held. For each amendment is also a majority of two thirds of the votes present or represented is required, even at the second general meeting. Amending the purpose of the association, with a majority of four fifths of the votes be decided. Of any amendment will change and fully coordinated articles of association after this change be deposited with the clerk of the Commercial Court. Within 30 days after deposition, the change (an extract) to be published in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette. ARTICLE 31 Voluntary dissolution of the association are the same rules as those described for changing the purpose of the association requires. ARTICLE 32 A majority of two thirds of the votes is required to exclude a member. The exclusion of a member must point also on the agenda and the member must be invited to his defense to with. ARTICLE 33 Minutes of each meeting shall be made, signed by the president and the secretary and be included in a special register. This register is available on the office of the association members and interested parties be consulted. Extracts are validly signed by the Chairman and the Secretary or by two directors and in their absence by two members of the General Assembly. TITLE V: ACCOUNTS AND BUDGETS ARTICLE 34 The financial year of the Association runs from January 1 to December 31. The board closes the accounts of the previous financial year and prepares the budget for the coming financial year. Both are submitted to the General Meeting held in the During the first quarter. TITLE VI: DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION ARTICLE 35 Except in cases of judicial dissolution and dissolution of law, only the general Meeting to dissolve decide if two thirds of the members present at the general meeting or represented and there is also a 4 / 5 majority to agree to dissolve the association voluntarily. The proposal for the voluntary dissolution of the association must explicitly on the agenda of the General Assembly be mentioned. No 2 / 3 of the members at this meeting are present or represented, then half general meeting to be convened deliberates validly regardless of the number of represented but provided a 4 / 5 majority is found to agree voluntarily to the association decompose. In case of voluntary dissolution appoints the general meeting, or failing that, the court, or more liquidators. It also defines their powers and the settlement terms. The assets shall, after settling the liabilities are transferred to an association whose objective is that most of the dissolved association approaches or to a charity. Of dissolution, the dissolution act, the appointment and the termination of the liquidators filed on the registry of the Commercial Court. Within 30 days after deposition, this act of dissolution, the appointment and the termination of the liquidators by extract to in the annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette. ARTICLE 36 For everything in these articles is not provided or arranged, the Act of June 27, 1921 as amended by the Law of May 2, 2002 applies. ACT CONCERNING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The General Assembly has appointed directors: The board carries out its mandate as a body, but certain powers under its responsibility to one or more agents. The Board represents the association in all judicial and extrajudicial documents and also all powers not by law or by these Articles to the General Assembly granted and provided that his decisions are within the budget that was approved by the General meeting. The board appoints any position he for the proper functioning of the association deems necessary. PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON THE ASSOCIATION TO REPRESENT The board has the following functions divided among its members and appointed to this position: President :Peter Hoekstra Kneuterstraat 15 3940 Hechtel Vice President: Jolanda English Kneuterstraat 15 3940 Hechtel Secretary: Peggy Joossens Akkerstraat 137 2900 Schoten For all administrative duties, the President and the Secretary and unlimited individual proxy For all financial obligations to the president and the treasurer and unlimited individual proxy an amount of 500 EUR. Above this amount, their joint signatures required. Drawn up and adopted at the general meeting Chairman Peter Hoekstra Secretary Peggy Joossens Elite Boerboel European Organisation ivzw Company number: pending Signed for filing with the Registry of the Commercial Court of Hasselt.Belgium