Core RYDP Action Residential and Outdoor Education [docx / 21KB]

Lead statutory body: Education Authority
Lead officer: Pat Morgan EA-NER (Chairperson)
Task detail / specific targets:
Collation of relevant information i.e. estate, condition, staffing, current use,
satisfaction levels, future trends, educational outcomes, etc.
Identifying a competitive, efficient and cost-effective model for future delivery
of the service set against DE policy
Project Group Membership:
EA (Pat Morgan, Trevor Murphy
YCNI (David Guilfoyle)
DE (Brenda Shearer
ETI (John McCavana)
It is expected that YCNI will be the main link to DE Funded Voluntary
Sector Provision.
The EA Central Management Support Unit (CMSU) will link with
stakeholder groups to carryout data gathering with and on behalf of the
Project Group.
Stakeholder engagement:
Engagement with Voluntary Sector and other relevant groups e.g. Schools &
Youth Workers through a varied process of:
Written / online survey for Parents and users
Workshops / focus groups with current providers
Meetings with stakeholder groups
Requests for information
Review carried out and report presented by end of January 2016
Commence implementation actions as agreed from Review from April 2016
Frequency of meetings: As required
Support requirements/resources:
From within EA
Reporting format: Reporting Template to Statutory Planning Group
Review period: Monthly
Progress Report:
This piece of work had commenced prior to the formation of this Working Group with
a meeting between CMSU/Corporate staff and the 2 EA youth service staff Pat Morgan (Chair) and T Murphy.
3 meetings of the Group have now taken place
All EA regions and relevant voluntary sector providers have been sent an
information gathering template which is to be completed and returned to
CMSU staff have held meetings with some relevant youth service personnel,
voluntary sector providers, and meetings are planned with additional EA youth
service personnel, EA ‘Wardens’ and staff, other relevant EA personnel, and
representatives of schools
Some focus groups have been held with young people, and more are planned
Focus groups with youth workers are also planned
On-line surveys of young people, parents/guardians, personnel accompanying
young people to centres, all schools, and the general public, are currently
being carried out