A publication of CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS VOL. 35, 2013 The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering www.aidic.it/cet Guest Editors: Petar Varbanov, Jiří Klemeš, Panos Seferlis, Athanasios I. Papadopoulos, Spyros Voutetakis Copyright © 2013, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l., ISBN 978-88-95608-26-6; ISSN 1974-9791 Modeling of Crude Oil Properties Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Wirit Cuptasantia, Farshid Torabib, Chintana Saiwan*a a Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, Thailand Petroleum Technology Research Centre, University of Regina, Saskatchewan S4S7J7, Canada Chintana.Sa@chula.ac.th b Crude oil properties data were gathered from the published sources for modeling correlations and artificial neural networks (ANN), which could be used to predict crude oil’s physical properties, such as bubble point pressure and bubble point oil formation volume factor. The data sets were preprocessed for representativeness of each data points. Each data set was selected randomly and divided into developing, and test data sets. The input parameters for bubble point pressure and oil formation volume factor prediction models were reservoir temperature, solution-gas-oil ratio, gas specific gravity and API gravity, or oil specific gravity. Nonlinear regression was the technique used to develop each correlation. For ANN development, the developing data sets were randomly divided into training, validation, and testing sets. Different network architectures and transfer functions were used for developing the best ANN models. The developed correlations and ANNs were tested with the testing data sets, which had not been used for developing correlations and ANNs, to ensure their accuracy and applicability. Moreover, the developed models were compared and evaluated with other published correlations. The results showed that the developed models gave better accuracy in terms of average absolute errors over other published correlations. 1. Introduction Physical properties of reservoir fluid are necessary for various field applications, such as field development, production optimization, reservoir performance evaluation, wellbore hydraulic calculations, enhanced oil recovery processes, and etc. These properties are essentially determined at reservoir temperature with various pressures for reservoir system studies as well as at both various parameters for wellbore calculations. It implies that the fluid properties have a profound influence on petroleum and reservoir engineering calculations (Cosentino, 2001). This valuable information of reservoir fluid can be obtained through vast laboratory testing either on bottom-hole or sub-surface samples, PVT laboratory analysis and field production data. In order to acquire the accurate results from the laboratory, the reservoir fluid samples must be appropriately collected and kept for the representative quality of the original reservoir condition. Extremely care and precaution must be taken from a specialized sampler since it is possible to have accurate laboratory results from poor samples, which leads to severely fallacious unrepresentative data resulting in devastating consequences throughout the life of a reservoir (Cosentino, 2001). Moreover, apart from the inherent difficulties of the sampling measurements, these extensive procedures are very expensive and time-consuming. Since the last century, many empirical correlations of reservoir fluid properties have been developed and used in order to solve the aforementioned obstacles. Therefore, they can be incorporated with reservoir simulations or used in many cases where laboratory data become unavailable. These correlations can predict fluid properties based on the measured data from various sources, but fail to predict fluid properties in a wide range of conditions due to the complexity of fluid composition of hydrocarbon molecules, different crude characteristics in each area or region, and insufficient information (Sutton and Farshad, 1990). Artificial neural network (ANN) can be another approach among artificial intelligence techniques for prediction of reservoir fluid physical properties. The objective of this work was to develop ANN models and correlations for predicting crude oil properties such as bubble point pressure and bubble point oil formation volume factor using data points available in literature. The gathered data sets were screened, and used for training ANN models. Different neural model architectures were investigated and then the best neural model would be chosen. Finally, the developed ANN models were evaluated and compared to the developed correlations and other published empirical correlations, using data sets for testing, which had not been used in developing the models. 2. Methodology 2.1 Data Preparation It is essential to select the effective inputs to develop an ANN model. However, availability of data is another major factor for choosing the input parameters since ANN demands large volume of data to be used for training and cross-validation in order to solve complex, nonlinear problems accurately. In this study, large PVT data were collected from available sources and literature. Collected Data were checked based on following criteria. Redundant data points or data points with errors were removed. The data sets were divided into data sets for developing and testing ANNs and correlations. 2.2 Developing ANNs and correlations The prepared data sets were utilized for developing ANNs by using neural network toolbox (nntool) embedded in Matlab software. In addition, the data sets were used for developing correlations by using nonlinear regression technique from Minitab software. The best correlations and ANNs resulted from numerous trials were selected. 2.3 Statistical Analysis As a consequence of testing the developed ANNs and correlations, the statistical parameters, such as minimum error (Ermin), maximum error (Ermax), average absolute error (AEravg), and coefficient of determination (R2) were determined and compared with the results from some published correlations. 3. Results and discussion 3.1 Data Available For bubble point pressure modeling, after removing redundant data, a total of 757 data points with 3,785 measurements were used. The data were collected from Glaso (1980), Ostermann and Owolabi (1983), Al-Marhoun (1988), Dokla and Osman (1991), Omar and Todd (1993), De Ghetto and Villa (1994), Mahmood and Al-Marhoun (1996), Velarde et al. (1997), Gharbi and Elsharkawy (1999), Wu and Rosenegger (1999), and Bello et al. (2008). The crude oil data consist of reservoir temperature (Tres, ºF), solution gas oil ratio (Rs, scf/stb), gas specific gravity (γg), oil API gravity (APIº), and bubble point pressure (Pb, psia). The data were randomly classified into two sets. A set of 557 data points were used in developing correlation and ANN, and another set of 200 data points were used for testing the models. The data summaries for developing and testing bubble point pressure models are shown in Tables 1-2. Similarly, for the bubble point oil formation volume factor (Bob) modeling, after removing redundant data, a total of 1,175 data points with 5,875 measurements were used. The data were collected from Glaso (1980), Ostermann and Owolabi (1983), Al-Marhoun (1988), Abdul-Majeed et al. (1988), Dokla and Osman (1991), Omar and Todd (1993), De Ghetto and Villa (1994), Mahmood and Al-Marhoun (1996), Gharbi and Elsharkawy (1997), Velarde et al. (1997), Wu and Rosenegger (1999), and Bello et al. (2008). The crude oil data consist of Tres, Rs, γg, API, and Bob. The data were randomly divided into two sets. A set of 875 data points were used in developing correlation and ANN, and another set of 300 data points were used for testing the models. The data summaries for developing and testing bubble point oil formation volume factor are shown in Tables 3-4. Table 1: Data summary for developing Pb models (557 points) Properties Rs (scf/stb) Tres (ºF) γg APIº Pb (psia) Min 8.61 74 0.61 6 79 Max 3298.66 341.6 3.4445 56.8 7127 AVG 639.685 197.875 1.12292 34.8083 1978.68 S.D. 514.78 52.5279 0.42212 8.27712 1400.58 Skewness 1.52654 -0.2074 1.59279 -0.9992 0.84701 Kurtosis 2.95075 -0.5608 2.86265 1.44669 0.42249 Table 2: Data summary for testing Pb models (200 points) Properties Rs (scf/stb) Tres (ºF) γg APIº Pb (psia) Min 17.21 80 0.61 6.3 95 Max 3020 334.4 2.98 56.5 6641 AVG 657.41 204.357 1.16574 35.972 1970.43 S.D. 528.524 51.8959 0.44579 8.41313 1438.43 Skewness 1.43495 -0.2426 1.63334 -1.2479 0.72348 Kurtosis 2.55253 -0.1802 2.9683 2.17911 -0.0341 S.D. 480.242 54.1197 0.37987 10.0429 0.28297 Skewness 1.66484 0.47773 2.08889 -0.5984 1.77547 Kurtosis 3.57134 2.71979 5.32879 -0.341 4.47046 S.D. 481.115 54.102 0.3922 9.72234 0.29277 Skewness 1.75751 0.08627 2.02137 -0.6421 2.15482 Kurtosis 4.27439 -0.6121 4.72544 0.19895 6.97319 Table 3: Data summary for developing Bob models (875 points) Properties Rs (scf/stb) Tres (ºF) γg APIº Bob Min 0 74 0.511 6 1.028 Max 3298.66 593.996 3.4445 59.5 2.916 AVG 523.534 187.693 1.01727 32.8496 1.34781 Table 4: Data summary for testing Bob models (300 points) Properties Rs (scf/stb) Tres (ºF) γg APIº Bob Min 0 75.002 0.525 6.3 1.028 Max 3020 341.6 2.98 56.8 2.903 AVG 552.867 187.153 1.03774 33.2908 1.36313 3.2 Developed correlations After numerous trails on nonlinear regression technique in Minitab software using the developing data sets, the Pb correlation was developed by modifying Calhoun’s correlation (Calhoun, 1976), as expressed in Eq(1). Pb 577.747( Rs0.444689 4.43941)e ( 0.00252849Tres 0.0217755API 0.976346 g ) (1) where Pb is a function of solution gas oil ratio (Rs), reservoir temperature (Tres), oil API gravity (API), and gas specific gravity (γg). Likewise, the Bob expression in Eq(2) was correlated using Petrosky Jr. and Farsahd’s correlation (Petrosky Jr. and Farshad, 1993). 1.99881 R 0.601715 1g.47844 0.68077 Bob 4.25999 10 s 1.47844 0.968331 Tres o 5 1.00387 (2) where Bob is a function of solution gas oil ratio (Rs), reservoir temperature (Tres), gas specific gravity (γg), and oil specific gravity (γo). 3.3 Developed ANNs The similar developing data sets as used for developing correlations were also used for developing ANN models. In this work, 70% of the developing data were randomly used for training, and 30% were used for validation and testing each network. Feed-forward, back-propagation neural network model with one hidden-layer was used for each model. Gradient descent with momentum (GDM) training algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) learning algorithm were used for developing the models. Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function (TANSIG) was used for calculation between input layer and hidden layer, while linear transfer function (PURELIN) was chosen to calculate the output from the hidden layer to the output layer. For Pb neural network model, four input parameters including Rs, Tres, γg, and API were used. A neural network with 10 neurons in the hidden layer was regarded as the best model with the mean square error (MSE) for validation performance of 1177883.51. In other words, the 4-10-1 (input layer-hidden layeroutput layer) neural network architecture was selected. For Bob neural network model, four input parameters, which are Rs, Tres, γg, and γo, were used for Bob prediction. The 4-12-1 neural network architecture was chosen for Bob prediction. A value of the MSE for validation performance of B ob ANN is 0.0039261. The neural network architectures and the regression plots resulted from the developed network outputs with respect to targets for training, validation, and testing the developing data sets for Pb ANN and Bob ANN are shown in Figure 1. a) b) Figure 1: Neural network architectures and regression plots resulted from the developed ANNs: a) Pb ANN, b) Bob ANN. 3.4 Testing Results The developed correlations and ANNs were tested against published correlations using data sets for testing. The testing results from Pb and Bob predictions are shown in Tables 5-6. Table 5: Statistical results of Pb using testing data Method Standing (1947) Calhoun (1976) Glaso (1980) Vazquez and Beggs (1980) Al-Marhoun (1988) Petrosky Jr. and Farshad (1993) Dokla and Osman (1991) Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1991) De Ghetto and Villa (1994) Frashad et al. (1996) Almehaideb (1997) Velarde et al. (1997) Hanafy et al. (1997) Al-Shammasi (1999) Valkó and McCain Jr (2003) Dindoruk and Christman (2004) Nikpoor and Khanamiri (2011) Pb correlation (this work) Pb ANN (this work) Ermin -3139.93 -1882.76 -4181.29 -3869.91 -4049.08 -3035.26 -1830.10 -4685.30 -2617.00 -1620.52 -3979.12 -1611.32 -1882.76 -1862.15 -1566.93 -1314.32 -2731.29 -1633.87 -1519.51 Ermax AEravg (%) AErmax (%) 1579.84 25.69 372.01 1654.84 53.76 614.80 1228.53 27.62 247.00 1307.29 30.15 403.90 1894.29 23.20 131.62 1521.86 86.39 766.86 2243.37 29.80 206.23 1179.75 34.54 487.43 1624.93 30.22 466.61 1624.93 39.08 230.77 1724.54 34.32 427.18 2117.66 21.12 110.45 1645.84 53.77 614.80 1642.29 18.09 105.65 1829.55 18.76 112.73 2703.91 25.94 152.31 2077.11 20.72 115.40 1693.76 22.36 185.92 1512.67 21.32 240.19 R2 0.88929 0.86888 0.87955 0.88920 0.83649 0.90579 0.79883 0.87637 0.89587 0.88458 0.82125 0.87761 0.86888 0.89788 0.91467 0.80465 0.85476 0.91846 0.93176 3.5 Testing Results The developed correlations and ANNs were tested against published correlations using data sets for testing. The testing results from Pb and Bob predictions are shown in Tables 5-6. Table 6: Statistical results of Bob using testing data Method Standing (1947) Glaso (1980) Al-Marhoun (1988) Al-Marhoun (1992) Omar and Todd (1993) Petrosky Jr. and Farshad (1993) Almehaideb (1997) Hanafy et al. (1997) Al-Shammasi (1999) Hemmati and Kharrat (2007) Nikpoor and Khanamiri (2011) Bob correlation (this work) Bob ANN (this work) Ermin -0.0214 -0.1674 -0.1014 -0.0726 -0.0015 -0.2337 -0.2062 -01.268 -0.2136 -0.1789 -0.1421 -0.1377 -0.1951 Ermax AEravg (%) AErmax (%) 1.5944 16.70 54.92 0.2695 2.84 11.61 0.2821 1.99 10.90 0.5773 3.56 20.00 1.6115 17.87 55.51 0.1530 2.46 15.08 0.3171 4.23 17.73 0.1512 7.97 43.93 0.4123 3.06 16.66 0.1805 1.89 11.53 0.4129 2.00 14.30 0.2189 1.67 8.21 0.1876 2.13 9.67 R2 0.81238 0.97351 0.98026 0.97846 0.84345 0.97582 0.93238 0.93602 0.95197 0.98179 0.97513 0.98395 0.98134 Regarding the Pb prediction results, the developed Pb ANN gave competitive performance compared to some of the correlations. Although the AEravg (21.32 %) from the developed Pb ANN was higher than some published correlations, the developed Pb ANN had the highest R2 of 0.93176 with the narrowest range between Ermin (-1519.51) and Ermax (1512.67). The developed Pb correlation (Equation 1) also gave competitive performance for Pb prediction compared to most of the published correlations with R2 of 0.91846. For the prediction of Bob, both developed Bob correlation (Equation 2) and Bob ANN outperformed the published correlations in term of AErmax, which are 8.21 % for Bob correlation and 9.67 % for Bob ANN. Moreover, the result from the developed Bob correlation was slightly better than Bob ANN in term of R2 (0.98134) and AEravg (1.67 %). 4. Conclusions The ANNs and correlations were developed for the prediction of bubble point pressure and bubble point oil formation volume factor using data gathered from various published sources. The prepared data sets were divided into data sets for developing and testing correlations and ANNs. The developed Pb ANN and the Pb correlation could competitively predict bubble point pressure when compared to the other published correlations. On the other hand, the developed Bob ANN and Bob correlation could be satisfactorily employed in the prediction of bubble point oil formation volume factor under an acceptable range of data. Acknowledgements I would like to thank University of Regina, Petroleum Technology Research Centre for research funding. Also thanks to Petroleum and Petrochemical College and Petroleum and Petrochemical Research Unit Center for Petroleum, Petrochemicals, and Advanced Materials, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. References Abdul-Majeed G.H., Salman N.H., Scarth B.R., 1988, An empirical correlation for oil Fvf prediction, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 27. Al-Marhoun M.A., 1988, PVT Correlations for Middle East crude oils, SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, 40, 650-666. Al-Marhoun M.A., 1992, New correlations for formation volume factors of oil and gas mixtures, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 31. 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