rietvlei dam news - 03 september 2011

Rietvlei Dam News: 3 September 2011
Dear Friends
The meeting by the “Friends of Rietvlei” went well on Saturday, 3 September
The following points were placed on the Agenda for discussion:
1. Angling Rules proposed from the "Code of Conduct of the SA Carp
2. A large notice board with angling rules to be errected at Rietvlei Dam
3. Catch en Release only and the use of keep nets not allowed
4. Angling Officials to be appointed to ensure that angling rules are
adhered to
The above-mentioned changes at Rietvlei Dam will be excellent news for the
conservation of the large carp stock in the dam when approved by the City
Council and implemented. Currently a lot of fish above 10kg’s are removed
from the dam and we want to put measures in place to bring this practice to an
end. The Friends of Rietvlei committee fully supports implementation of the
new angling rules.
Projects will be implemented which is set to change Rietvlei Dam Conservation
for the better.
Andy Anderson
084 9511 909