A. Journals Institutions may subscribe to the General Collection (260 journals in 2011) or one of the following subcollections: Humanities and Social Science Collection (180 journals in 2011), including every title in the General Collection except psychology journals: i.e. periodicals in Economics, Politics, Sociology, History, Geography, Philosophy, French Literature and Education Economic, Social, and Political Sciences Collection (115 journals in 2011), which is a subset of the General Collection dedicated to Economics, Politics and Sociology French Studies Collection (80 journals in 2011), which is a subset of the General Collection dedicated to History, Philosophy and French Literature OECD Collection (6 journals in 2011) all published by OECD. 1st January 2011 - 31st December 2013 (price per annum) JISC Band General Collection (260 journals Humanities and Social Sciences Collection (180 journals A B C D E F G H I J £3,500 £3,500 £3,500 £2,400 £2,400 £2,400 £1,600 £1,600 £1,600 £1,600 £2,200 £2,200 £2,200 £1,500 £1,500 £1,500 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 Economics, Social and Political Sciences Collection (115 journals £1,400 £1,400 £1,400 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £600 £600 £600 £600 French Studies Collection (80 journals) OECD Collection (6 journals) £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £800 £800 £800 £400 £400 £400 £400 £200 £200 £200 £150 £150 £150 £80 £80 £80 £80 B. Ebook Collections Pocket Encyclopaedias – 1200 ebooks The Pocket Encyclopaedias offer is composed of current titles from two collections: Que sais-je ?, a prestigious collection of pocket encyclopaedias published since 1941 by the Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), which was sold worldwide in more than 160 millions copies and translated into 43 languages. Subjects, ranging from inquisition to rugby, are covered by French experts in each field; Repères, a collection of pocket encyclopaedias published by La Découverte, dedicated in particular to social and economic issues synthesised with scientific regard. Cairn proposed unlimited access to these two major collections, for all publications made from 2001 until the very last released: 1st January 2011-31st December 2013 (price per annum) JISC Band Pocket encyclopedias “Que sais-je ?” “Repères” A-C £ 2,400 £ 1,800 £ 1 000 D-F £ 2,800 £ 2,400 £ 1 200 G-J £ 3,800 £ 2,850 £ 1 800 Collective Works of Research – 600 ebooks Collective works of research include proceedings and thematic volumes. More than 600 collective works published by a variety of publishers - La Découverte, Belin, De Boeck, Eres, Presses de Sciences Po, Quae, etc. – are offered with unlimited access. New titles and new publishers are continually joining this offer to constitute a comprehensive body in Politics, Sociology, History, Geography, Philosophy, French Literature and Education. 1st January 2011-31st December 2013 JISC band Collective Works A-C £ 1,000 D-F £ 1,380 G-J £ 1 630 All prices are exclusive of VAT. In the event that at any time during the term of this Agreement the Publisher agrees to make the Licensed Work available to any Institution for a lower fee than the fee calculated for such Institution in this Schedule, the fee payable by an Subscribing Institution in the same band as set out in this Offer shall be varied to such lower fee and the Publisher agrees to repay each Subscribing Institution in the same JISC Collections band, as the Institution to which the offer was made, the difference between the fee calculated for such Subscribing Institution in this Schedule and the lower fee for each year of the term of the Licence signed between the Publisher and such Subscribing Institution.