Memo Date: January 27 2015 To: Inst. Trott & GTA Mohini From: Joshua Epperson and Group R-Luisa Parish, Brook Ott, and Ben Weisman Subject: Lab Introduction to Lab-On-A-Chip Introduction Lab 1 consisted of analyzing and qualifying a generic lab-on-a-chip design that the team will be creating throughout the course of the semester. Experimenting with the chip included testing the channels, the overall design—use of detection wells and the capillary check valves. Testing of the wells, valves, and channels also allowed the team to examine the performance of the chip and understand the importance of set procedures and equipment—dirt removal, sterile instruments, and so forth. This memo examines the observations made while examining the chip, answers specific questions pertaining to the functionality of nanotechnology in the future, and includes an initial chip design sketch. Without the aid of Luisa Parish, Brook Ott, and Ben Weisman this lab would not have been possible. Results The team began the lab by cleaning the PDMS chip. While cleaning they took into account the general layout of the staging wells as well as the placement of the holes on the cover of the chip. There were 5 staging wells, they were numbered counter-clockwise with 1 being the well closest to the team label. When placing the two pieces together the team noticed that the holes above the staging wells were slightly off, they were unsure if the performance of the chip would be compromised so each well was tested several times moving the hole around to find the best position. When testing each staging well it was discovered that wells 2 and 3 worked the best, filling up the staging well as well as allowing the fluid to proceed through the channels to the detection and waste wells. Behind these in performance was Well 4—there were an equal number of times where the well would overflow as it would perform as expected. Meanwhile, wells 1 and 5 performed the worst relatively, overflowing the wells before reaching the check valve. No matter how much pressure was placed around the wells or the wells were cleaned they still managed to overflow, therefore there was another issue inhibiting the performance of the well. For the majority of trials, when the well and channels worked as expected the check valve worked in pausing the motion of the fluid for a short period of time. All of the staging wells had check valves a short distance from the staging well along the channel. For the staging wells that worked well—2, 3, and 4—the capillary check valves performed as expected. After several trials with each well the team examined the chip using a 5x magnifying glass. The team noticed that there were lines going through staging wells 2 and 3 that appeared to be scratches. The same was noticed with the waste well. It was theorized that the slits helped with the performance of those respective wells, however, a more thorough investigation would be needed before a conclusion could be arrived at. Also, using the magnifier it was noticed that there was slight dirt debris in well 2. While this should have hindered the performance of the well, such was not the case. Discussion During the lab the team took into account the exact nature of the instruments being used. For example, should pressure not be placed correctly the wells would overflow. Also, when the syringe was removed the lack of suction allowed the fluid to flow into the other wells from either the channel or staging well. 1 Due to the nature of the size of the chips cleanliness is an important aspect to address. While handling the chip it is recommended that the handler wash his or her hands and then wear gloves so as to not compromise the chip with the dirt from his hands onto the chip. Another practice involves minimalizing the space that the chip is moved. Since the computer lab is not a state-of-the-art nanotechnology facility with dirt elimination the amount of time from the chip being cleaned to being tested should be minimalized so as to decrease the chance of dirt interference. Finally, when testing the chip the surface that the chip is placed on should be thoroughly cleaned as well—while the surface of the dish will not be touching the interior of the chip, the lack of dirt will increase chances of success. To further in the cleanliness of the environment external devices would have benefits. The use of a sterilized petri dish with a lid would greatly aid in the transport of the chip, keeping contaminates from the air away from the chip itself. A must when handling the chip is to wear latex gloves so as to keep oils from the hands away from the chip. As with cleaning the chip, a precise instrument is necessary to produce the best results, therefore a water pick would be ideal with cleaning the various canals and wells cut in the chip. While there are many other fine-tuned instruments ideal for cleaning a micro-sized chip, the listed few are only a couple examples of those instruments. While the format our chip is being made for is to test for the presence of “dry-eye” syndrome, the chips can act under a variety of purposes. Another possible application is to test for the presence of contaminants in waters and river. Only a small portion of water would be necessary, allowing the chip to serve its purpose well. Another potential application is to aid in the use of detecting diseases in thirdworld countries. Since the chips can be made cheaply in mass quantities and are similar in function to a blood glucose meter, the devices could be used by trained professionals overseas to test for and locate cases of certain diseases—ebola, malaria, measles, etc. This would allow the diseases to be discovered quicker and thus, allows time for an efficient plan of action to manifest before the disease spreads. Given the context of its use the generic chip design could be altered so that there are fewer wells. Since 5 wells were present on the chip there was less surface contact between the two halves of the chip to allow for an air-tight seal. Should there be fewer Staging wells the structure may not be as compromised and allow for the passage of water more smoothly. Another change is that the capillary check valves could be made larger so as to further slow the progress of the fluid. This would allow a more precise amount of fluid to be introduced to the chip. NTM Questions Because of its size nanotechnology does not require as much capital or natural resources in order to create an equal number of products. Also, because of its size the devices can be transported easily as well as used in both formal and informal settings—a hospital, a patient’s home, or in the wilderness. With these devices results can be achieved at a much more rapid pace, as opposed to sending samples to a laboratory hours away. This speed and maneuverability allows for doctors to arrive at important medical decisions in a timely manner, decreasing the amount of time for a patient’s disease to become worse or infectious. Traditional metal wires have a high resistance over long lengths, however, with nanotechnology information can be spread at a more rapid pace. This would allow ideas to be spread with more ease, from even the remotest portions of the world. Because of the difference in size between nanotechnology products and bulk products, the stress allowable on the objects differs greatly. Cement blocks, wooden beams, etc. are perfect candidates for structural items because of their size and relative ease in maneuvering. While carbon fiber is often used 2 as structural support on bicycles, planes, and other items with large amounts of stress, the product is much costlier to create, and thus less cost effective. The micro-chips that our group will be creating over the next semester are not used for structural purposes, therefore, if they were to be produced in bulk they would need to be housed inside another component capable of compensating for the lack in stress acceptance of the chips. While their use at the molecular basis is extensive, the downside is that the chips must be created and handled with care. One current application of nanotechnology is for forensic analysis at the scene of the crime. One future application of nano devices is to control the flow of individual DNA strands to be analyzed at specific points on a chip. Conclusion The goal of this lab was to experiment with and analyze the performance of a generic PDMS chip that the team’s future micro-chip will be based upon. By cleaning and testing the chip the team was able to understand the intricacies of the chip design as well as understand the importance of proper cleaning and maintenance of the chip. The proper equipment, procedure, and work environment allows for the least amount of contaminants to come in contact with the micro-chip as even the smallest amount of dirt can interfere with the results from the tests. 3