Philosophy of Curriculum Rubric Definition of Curriculum 5 4 Clear & detailed definitions Clear& detailed of curriculum are provided definitions of from a personal and curriculum are literature based perspective provided from a and supported by research personal (citations included). perspective and Connections/links are made from a literaturebetween personal definition based perspective. and literature-based Definitions definition. Definitions demonstrate demonstrate significant significant growth growth from initial draft. from initial draft. Responses to Question Prompts 5 4 Responded to all of the Responded to all of question prompts with detail the question (analysis and reflection). prompts with detail Demonstrates significant (analysis and growth from the original reflection). draft statement. Includes Demonstrates citations from the literature- significant growth base to support statements from the original (at least one per question draft statement. response). Demonstrates Includes some analysis and synthesis of citations from the knowledge explored and literature-base to gained through the course support statements. (i.e. readings, activities, discussions). Formatting/Structure 5 4 Meets or exceeds the Meets most of the formatting requirements per formatting the syllabus (3-5 pages in requirements per length, double-spaced, the syllabus (3-5 typed, one-inch margins, pages in length, free of grammatical and double-spaced, spelling errors) with no typed, one-inch errors. Includes a reference margins, free of list using APA or MLA format grammatical and with 6 or more references). spelling errors). Minimal errors are evident. Includes a reference list using APA or MLA format with more than 5 references. Curriculum Stance 5 4 3 Definitions of curriculum provided (both personal and literature based). Definitions demonstrate some growth from initial draft. 2 Definition of curriculum (personal) provided. Definitions demonstrate minimal growth from initial draft. 0-1 Definition of curriculum not provided. 3 Responded to all of the question prompts with detail (analysis and reflection). Demonstrates some growth from the initial draft. 2 Responded to all of the question prompts with some detail (analysis and reflection). Demonstrates minimal growth from the initial draft. 0-1 Responded to all of the question prompts but with limited detail (analysis and reflection). Does not demonstrate growth from initial draft. 3 Meets some of the formatting requirements per the syllabus (3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, typed, one-inch margins, free of grammatical and spelling errors). Some errors are evident. Includes a reference list using APA or MLA format. 2 Meets some of the formatting requirements per the syllabus (3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, typed, one-inch margins, free of grammatical and spelling errors). Multiple errors are evident. 0-1 Does not meet the formatting requirements per the syllabus (3-5 pages in length, double-spaced, typed, one-inch margins, free of grammatical and spelling errors). Deviation from required format and number of errors is significant. 3 2 0-1 Articulates a clear stance on curriculum (the purpose, design, and assessment of learning experiences for students in their classrooms) and reflects significant analysis and synthesis of information presented in the course (i.e. texts, other readings and resources, activities, etc.) supported by the literature base. (includes citations strategically throughout the paper and cited in the resources). Demonstrates significant growth from initial draft. Presentation 5 Presented philosophy statement within the timeframe allowed and addressed all of the presentation points. Provided a hand out (power point or outline) to support presentation. Articulated areas of growth/change in philosophy and demonstrated reflection/synthesis of knowledge explored/gained/understood from the course. Articulates a stance on curriculum (the purpose, design, and assessment of learning experiences for students in their classrooms) and reflects significant analysis and synthesis of information presented in the course (i.e. texts, other readings and resources, activities, etc.) Demonstrates growth from initial draft. Articulates a stance on curriculum and reflects some analysis and synthesis of information presented in the course (i.e. texts, other readings and resources, activities, etc.) Demonstrates some growth from initial draft. Articulates a stance on curriculum. Personal position related to curriculum is stated in minimal detail. Does not reflect analysis and synthesis of information presented in the course (i.e. texts, other readings and resources, activities, etc.) Demonstrates minimal growth from initial draft. Does not articulate a stance on curriculum. 4 3 2 0-1 Presented philosophy statement within the timeframe allowed and addressed all of the presentation points. Articulated areas of growth. Presented philosophy statement within the timeframe allowed and addressed most of the presentation points. Presented philosophy statement within the timeframe allowed and addressed some of the presentation points. Presented philosophy statement.