Waiver Request: Title I Schools in Tier II TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPED Baltimore City Public Schools, NCES ID# 2400090 SCHOOL NAME NCES ID # Closing SY 1011 Canton Middle 00165 Booker T. Washington Middle Paul Lawrence Dunbar Middle 00160 01427 Lombard Middle William H. Lemmel Middle Diggs Johnson Middle Calverton Elementary/Middle George G. Kelson Elementary/Middle Garrison Middle West Baltimore Middle Chinquapin Middle 00271 00333 00261 00164 00217 00228 01345 00174 William C. March Middle Cherry Hill Elementary/Middle High Roads-Briscoe 01568 00171 01662 Rising Star 01664 Francis M. Wood Alternative High Baltimore CIVITAS 01343 Thurgood Marshall High Homeland Security High Frederick Douglas High Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Arts High Institute of Business and Entrepreneurship High Maryland Academy of Technology and Health Sciences High Public Charter Commodore John Rogers Elem/Middle (Title I Waivered School) Masonville Cove Academy(Title I Waivered School) 01561 01532 00209 01387 X X 01533 X 01538 X 00180 X 00157 X X Closing SY 1011 Closed Closed Closed X Closed X Closed Closing SY 1011 X X Lacking trend data Lacking trend data X Lacking trend data Closed Closed TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPED Baltimore City Public Schools, NCES ID# 2400090 SCHOOL NAME NCES ID # City Springs Elem. Public Charter Northeast Middle Gilmore Elementary Patapsco Elementary/Middle Collington Square Elem. Public Charter Furman L. Templeton Elementary Dr. Rayner Browne Highlandtown Elementary/Mid. #215 Samuel F.B. Morse Elementary Winston Middle School Steuart Hill Academic Academy Elem/Middle Lakeland Elementary/Middle Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elem. Frederick Elementary Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson Prek-8 Moravia Park Primary Rognel Heights Elementary/Middle Westport Academy Elem. /Middle Beechfield Elementary/Middle Harlem Park Elementary Middle Arundel Elementary/Middle Harford Heights Intermediate Elem. Pimlico Elementary/Middle Waverly Elementary/Middle New Song Academy Elem./Middle Sarah M. Roach Elementary Belmont Elementary Curtis Bay Elementary The Historic Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Elementary Tench Tilghman Elementary/Middle Mary E. Rodman Elementary North Bend Elementary/Middle Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary Edgewood Elementary Furley Elementary Walter P. Carter Elem./Middle 00175 00289 00221 00296 00179 X X X X X 00211 00189 00243 00310 00338 00319 X X X X X X 00264 00188 01430 00167 00282 00305 00331 00155 00239 00148 01153 00299 00329 00884 00312 00156 00183 00309 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 00320 00277 00602 00153 00193 00210 00328 X X X X X X X TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPED Baltimore City Public Schools, NCES ID# 2400090 SCHOOL NAME NCES ID # 00234 X Lacking trend data 00219 G. James Gholson Middle G. Gardner Shugart Middle Andrew Jackson Middle 01211 01466 01468 X Benjamin Stoddert Middle Drew Freeman Middle Thurgood Marshall Middle Claggett Elementary William Wirt Middle Stone Elementary Nicholas Orem Middle Ridgecrest Elementary Judge Sylvania W. Woods Carmody Hills Elementary Buck Lodge Middle Templeton Elementary Robert R. Gray Elementary 01464 01034 01465 01173 01186 01176 01112 01138 01137 00998 00993 01171 01183 X X X Closed No longer in SI X X X X X X X X X X NCES ID# 2400120 TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE Baltimore County Public Schools, SCHOOL NAME NCES ID # Riverview Elementary Halstead Elementary NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPED NCES ID# 2400510 TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE Prince George’s County Public Schools, SCHOOL NAME NCES ID # 00464 00407 Dorchester County Public Schools, NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPED Hampstead Hill Academy Public Charter George W.F. McMechen Middle/High X X NCES ID# 2400300 Kent County Public Schools, NCES ID # 00771 X NCES ID# 2400060 TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE Anne Arundel County Public Schools, SCHOOL NAME NCES ID # 00086 Phoenix Center 90462 Did not meet minimum “n” for participation Certificate Program only Carroll County Public Schools, NCES ID # Gateway School 01548 TIER I SCHOOL NAME NCES ID# 2400210 TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE J. Albert Adams Academy DEFINITION OF PERSISTENLY LOW ACHIEVING SCHOOLS Tier I Definition of Persistently Lowest Performing Schools Maryland defines “persistently lowest performing Tier I schools” as those Title I schools (elementary school grade levels Pre-K through five, and middle school grade levels 6-8, and combination schools, PreK-8 at the LEA’s discretion) that are the five lowest achieving (or five percent) of all Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring in the State. Based on the 2009 Spring administration of the Maryland School Assessment, Maryland identified 71 operating Title I schools in improvement, corrective action or restructuring for school year 2009-2010. The five identified Title I schools have not REASON SKIPPED Rock Hall Middle NEWLY ELIGIB LE REASO N SKIPPE D NCES ID# 2400450 TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE SCHOOL NAME X NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPE D 00617 NEWLY ELIGIBL E REASON SKIPPED Maple Elementary NEWLY ELIGIBLE NCES ID # TIER I TIER II TIER III GRAD RATE SCHOOL NAME Lacking trend data met performance standards in combined reading and mathematics in the “All Students” subgroup for the full academic year 2008-2009. There are no Title I high schools (grades 9-12 or combination K-12) in Maryland. The process below was used to identify Tier I schools. Tier II Definition of Persistently Lowest Performing Schools Academic Criteria Maryland defines “persistently lowest performing Tier II schools” as those Title I eligible secondary schools (middle school grade levels 6-8, combination schools (grades PreK-8 at the LEA’s discretion, and high school grades 9-12) that are the lowest 5% of all secondary Title I eligible schools in the State. Based on performance on the Maryland School Assessment in Math/Algebra/Data Analysis and Reading/Language Arts combined, Maryland would identify eleven (11) Title I eligible secondary schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring operating in school year 2009-2010 for Tier II designation. Maryland will exercise the option to apply for a waiver to include two Title I combination schools as Tier II schools because these schools fall lower in performance than some of the identified Tier II secondary schools. The identified Tier II schools have not met performance standards in the “All Students” subgroup for the full academic year 2008-2009. The process below was used to identify Tier II schools. Graduation Rate Criteria: Maryland identified Title I eligible high schools that have a graduation rate of less than 60 percent over 3 years. Tier III Definition of Persistently Lowest Performing Schools Maryland defines Tier III schools as any Title I schools in improvement, corrective action, or restructuring that are not identified as persistently lowest-achieving schools in Tier I. The ESEA designations correspond to Maryland’s Differentiated Accountability Pilot designations, whereby Tier III schools must be in the Comprehensive Needs Pathway or the Focused Needs Pathway to qualify as eligible schools. See Appendix G of the LEA application for a summary of Maryland’s Differentiated Accountability Pilot. Tier III schools will be prioritized according to Differentiated Accountability designations.