Victorian Local Governance Association Gambling Policy and Litigation Group Department of Treasury and Finance 1Treasury Place East Melbourne, 3002 VIC Via email: gaming entitlement.term 30 June 2014 Dear Sir/Madam I write to provide a brief response to the Gaming Entitlement Term Review Issues Paper. These comments are in addition to a joint letter to the Treasurer, Han. Michael O'Brien, from the Victorian Local Governance Association, the Victorian Council of Social Service, the Victorian Interchurch Taskforce and the Australian Church's Gambling Taskforce. A copy of this letter is attached for your information. The Victorian Local Governance Association makes the following points. The current entitlements terms are not due to expire for a further eight yea rs. No clear rationale has been provided in the Gaming Entitlement Term Review I ssues Paper for an urgent review of these entitlements (by September 2014). The curre nt ten yea r entitlement term provides an appropriate timeframe to review the effects of EGMs on the community and to consider news measures to make EGM gambling safer . There is concern that a rushed review of the entitlements will have the unintended consequence of restricting public input into the review process . There is, therefore, a heightened risk of a poor outcome for the Victorian community. We noted that previously entitlements were received significantly below market va lue. Accordingly/ we propose that the consultation is not limited to industry stake holders but acknowledges the responsible interests of the community. We also encourage that all submiss ions to the review, along with the interim and final reports, s hould be publicly available. We welcome any further opportunity to be involved in the Gaming Entitlement Te rm Review. ndrew Hollows Chief Executive Officer Suite G06. 60 Leicester Street. Carlton Victoria 3053 Telephone: (03) 9349 7999 Fax: (03) 9347 9933 Email: u Website: www.v CONNECT ING COMMUN ITIES ...STRENGTHENING DEMOC RACY