Theology / OLM The art of reasoning FLF13 A good reasoning answers the questions: Why is it so? Show me why this is true… A good reasoning demonstrates the rationality of a statement by providing reasons or proofs. A good reasoning is a discourse that expresses distinctively why we state this or that. 4 STEPS TO CREATE A ‘BARBARA’ SYLLOGISM Step 1: Convert a ‘Why’ question into a conclusive statement (Why S is P? Thus, S is P.) Step 2: Identify the subject and the predicate of the conclusive statement (Thus, S is P.) Step 3: Apply the ‘barbara’ syllogistic formula and build-up the ‘skeleton’ of your reasoning*. Step 4: Find the middle term that will complete your syllogism by filling-in both blanks at once. *THE ‘barbara’ SYLLOGISM FORMULA Major premise: If the middle term (MD) is P, B is A Minor premise: And if S is the middle term (MD), C is B Conclusion: Thus, S is P. C is A APPLICATION TO AN EXAMPLE Why is learning about reasoning useful? Step 1: Convert Thus, learning about reasoning is useful. Step 2: Identify Thus, learning about reasoning (S) is useful (P). Step 3: Apply __________(MD)_________ is useful (P), Learning about reasoning (S) is __________(MD)_________ Thus, learning about reasoning is useful. Step 4: Find Learning about a method that helps proving a point is useful, Learning about reasoning is learning about a method that helps proving a point, Thus, learning about reasoning is useful. CUES TO SPOT A REASONING Look for words such as: ‘because’, ‘thus’, ‘that’s the reason why’, ‘it follows that’, ‘consequently’, ‘then’, ‘thereby’, ‘if’, ‘therefore’, ‘for’, ‘since’…