12/3/15: Television and Development Worksheet ANSWERS

Psych 101 Supplemental Instruction
Television and Development: 12/3/15
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false
F Media only affects people who are gullible
T Over 50% of children over the age of 9 have televisions in their rooms
F The main goal of television is to entertain
T More households have TV’s than households that have running water
T Advertisement is the art and science of values education
F Media influence does not impact on developmental stages of its viewers
Looking back a couple lectures ago, explain/show how Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological
model explains the influence of the media on the population
-Society, Community and Family.
-Being influenced by TV in MULTIPLE ways. Society influences the community,
which directly influences your family.
Fill out the table below with examples corresponding to the indicated step of the
four-step process of advertising:
Build Brand Awareness
Knowing a brand just by flashing a
picture; logo seems familiar
Build Brand Preference
Liking Coke better than Pepsi
Product Purchase or Use
Trying the Coke instead of Pepsi
Build brand loyalty
Constantly choosing Coke over Pepsi
What is the Golden rule of Influence?
The most effective influence is when you don’t know I’m trying to influence
Psych 101 Supplemental Instruction
What is the role of emotion, and how does the media exploit this? Give an example.
-Attention: Creating an emotional response to become aware.
-Memory: We remember through an emotional response.
-Attitudes: Fact linked with an emotion.
-Motivation: Wants to move you emotionally.
-Behavior: Emotions drive your behavior.
-It is an unconscious influence; Emotion is power
What are the four types of short cuts targeted by the media? Give an example for
1. Authority Principle – We look up to people who look professional and
follow. (Rectal Earache: Answer is doctor said it, it must be true)
2. Identification Principle – We want to be like someone when we
identify with them. Lebron James wearing sneakers. Well liked so
everyone wants to be like Lebron and buy those shoes.
3. Contrast Principle – Victoria Secret Models more attractive than
average people. Compare the people all around you to these models.
4. Humor – Want to relax your critical thinking about an ad.
The Triune Brain is made up of the brain stem, limbic system, and the cortex. Why
are these areas of focus when talking about influence of the media?
Shows us things repeatedly and just by watching our brains learn. To change
your behavior, the media has to get inside your head and make you think it
was your idea.
What did you notice about the Barney vs. Power Rangers video from class? Is this
more influenced with peers around or by themselves? What does this say about the
effect of television on children?
Barney promoted calm learning and promoting peaceful play with others,
while power rangers promoted violent behavior toward others, and also
scaring them. More with peers and influenced children who would not usually
act that way different than parents had never seen before.
What is the Third Person Effect?
We think others are more affected by things than we are ourselves.