Registration Form

Trance Reunion: Living the Legacy
July 22-26 2015, Prama Institute, Marshall NC near Asheville
Visit the Prama Institute website at
Gather with Layne’s Hive on the mountaintop! Together we remember, explore, and honor
Layne’s unique inspiration – “a musical discipline within a spiritual framework” – by immersing
ourselves in the experience of shared drumming, sacred space, and continuing mastery, while
looking toward the future of each of us living the legacy.
Gather with the Hive, and raise our drum-prayers together!
Immerse ourselves in rhythmic ritual
Deepen our frame drum community
Develop skills for beginning, intermediate, and advanced drummers
Connect with our frame drumming legacy, from ancient images to today
Play together, extended drumming to trance
Dance together to recordings by Layne, Tommy, and Inanna
Improvise together on tambourine and tar, with practice in improvising
Create new compositions, with practice composing in small groups
Perform with others in a safe, supportive circle
Play tar or tambourine with other musical instruments
Combine voice and drum for trance work
Combine voice and drum in kirtan (sacred singing)
Learn about how to teach frame drumming
Registration Form
Onsite lodging is limited – Register now to reserve your space! Registration Deadline: July 1
Select your options in Steps 1-3 below, and return this completed form with payment.
Make check for full amount to “Beauty Circles” and send to: Beauty Circles, PO Box 13226, Durham NC 27709.
To pay by credit card, email this completed form to, and
ask for a PayPal link (includes a 3.5% surcharge).
For questions, contact Registrar Sharan Miller at or 321 720-1505.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Email:_________________________________________ Phone: _________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________________________
All Meals are Vegetarian. State other dietary needs, if any:
Please check one: (If you have a tambourine and/or tar and can bring them, please do—thanks!)
___ I will bring my own tambourine and tar.
___ I will bring my own tar, and need to borrow a tambourine.
___ I will bring my own tambourine, and need to borrow a tar.
___ I need to borrow both drums.
Include Flight Information, if applicable. Arrival Date & Time:__________ Airline & Flight Number:___________
** Airport transportation from Asheville airport is available for an additional fee by advance arrangement; ask Registrar.
Step 1 of 3: Registration. Sliding Scale $230 - $300; lodging not included; see options below
Your Registration Amount: $_______________
Registration Form continued next page
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Registration Form, continued
Step 2 of 3: Select Breakouts. Please select breakouts for each session as indicated.
Morning Sessions, Thursday - Saturday, 11:30 am - 1 pm
Select one. See descriptions below.
 Beginning frame drumming
 Intermediate frame drumming
 Advanced frame drumming
Afternoon Sessions
Indicate your first and second choice for each session. See descriptions below.
Thursday Session 1, 2:45 - 4:15 pm
First Choice: __________________________________________________
Second Choice: ________________________________________________
Thursday Session 2, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
First Choice: __________________________________________________
Second Choice: ________________________________________________
Friday Session 1, 2:45 - 4:15 pm
First Choice: __________________________________________________
Second Choice: ________________________________________________
Friday Session 2, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
First Choice: __________________________________________________
Second Choice: ________________________________________________
Saturday Session 1, 2:45 - 4:15 pm
First Choice: __________________________________________________
Second Choice: ________________________________________________
Saturday Session 2, 4:30 - 6:00 pm
First Choice: __________________________________________________
Second Choice: ________________________________________________
Registration Form continued next page
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Registration Form, continued
Step 3 of 3: Lodging Option: Please select one lodging option for the entire 5-day event.
Option 1: Stay Onsite Includes 3 exceptional local and mostly organic meals a day – Wednesday
dinner through Sunday lunch (best retreat food you’ll ever have!)
_____ $350 Dorm Room Bunk Bed with Pillow and Bedding Provided
_____ $340 Dorm Room Bunk Bed with Pillow Only; Bring Your Own Sleeping Bag or Linens
_____ $240 Tenting with Bath Facility Access; Bring Your Own Tent & Sleeping Bag
Option 2: Commute
_____ $233 Commuting; 3 Meals Daily, Thursday Breakfast through Sunday Lunch
_____ $185 Commuting; Lunch and Dinner Only, Thursday Lunch through Sunday Lunch
Option 3: There are a limited number of private, double, and triple rooms at a higher cost.
Contact Registrar Sharan Miller immediately for availability and details.
Registration Amount: $ _________
Lodging Option:
$ _________
$ _________
To register, complete form, Steps 1-3, and Event Total above, then choose a payment option:
Pay by check: Make check for the total amount to “Beauty Circles” and send with completed form to
Beauty Circles, PO Box 13226, Durham NC 27709.
Pay by credit card: Email the completed Registration Form to, and ask for a
PayPal link (will include a 3.5% surcharge).
Registration Deadline: Wednesday July 1
Cancellation Policy: Complete refund less $25 processing fee for cancellations received in writing by July 1;
no refunds after July 1.
For questions, contact Registrar Sharan Miller at or 321 720-1505.
See Descriptions
for Breakout Sessions below.
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Breakouts, Thursday - Saturday
Morning Sessions, Thursday - Saturday
Beginning Frame Drumming with Amy
Basic techniques and skills on tambourine and tar for beginners.
Intermediate Frame Drumming with Barb and Farrunnissa
Frame drumming techniques and practice for those who have completed a Giving Birth to Ourselves frame drum
intensive, or who have been playing Layne Redmond style frame drum regularly for several years.
Advanced Frame Drumming with Tori and Deb
Advanced frame drumming techniques, rhythms, and interlocking parts.
Afternoon Sessions, Thursday - Saturday
Thursday Afternoon Session 1
Kirtan Singing with Deb and Tori
For all skill levels
Learn kirtan chants and sing with frame drums.
Refining Advanced Fingering Techniques with Barb
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Refine Ki Ti Ta Ka strokes, Tik rolls, and double time techniques, and incorporate into rhythmic combinations.
Beginning Composition with Farrunnissa
For all skill levels
Learn the basics of how to create new musical compositions. We’ll create simple new pieces and play them
Thursday Afternoon Session 2
Beginning Improvisation with Farrunnissa
For all skill levels
Explore the basics of how to improvise with other musicians, with practice improvising together.
Intermediate/Advanced Composing, Part 1 with Tori
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 1 of 3. Explore the many ways of creating, arranging, and developing musical ideas though drum patterns and
voice using the frame drum. Each class will build upon the previous class as we create and develop new pieces
Trance Drumming with Trance Voice, Part 1 with Amy
For all skill levels
Part 1 of 2. We’ll focus on the skills of creating open-ended trance with voice and drum. This work can be used in
rituals, spiritual events, and for personal work. Each class will build upon the previous class.
Friday Afternoon Session 1
Rhythms of the Orishas with Amy
For all skill levels
Using drums, bells, chopsticks and voice we will learn and play some of the patterns and chants from the Brazilian
Orisha tradition. This session will focus on Omalu, the orisha of healing. You may attend either of the Orisha
sessions without attending the other.
Deepening in Rattlesnake, Part 1 with Tori and Farrunnissa
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 1 of 2. Refine the composition Rattlesnake by Layne and Tommy. Open only to those who have previously
worked on this piece using Layne’s instructional materials. We will address challenging areas of the piece, with the
goal of playing Drum 1 and Drum 2 parts together.
Refining Odd Times, Part 1 with Deb and Barb
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 1 of 2. Practice timing and holding the pulse while playing odd time patterns.
Breakout Descriptions continued next page
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Breakouts, Thursday - Saturday, continued
Afternoon Sessions, Thursday - Saturday, continued
Friday Afternoon Session 2
Crash course on Kanjira and Pandeiro with Deb
For all skill levels
Learn and develop your kanjira techniques and pandeiro techniques. Learn how to use kanjira and pandeiro on
recordings and/or playing with others. Bring your own kanjira and pandeiro. A limited number of loaner kanjiras
and pandeiros are available, first come, first served; you must make arrangements when you register.
Intermediate/Advanced Composing, Part 2 with Tori
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 2 of 3. Continuing exploration from Thursday, creating and develop new frame drum pieces together.
Trance Drumming with Trance Voice, Part 2 with Amy
For all skill levels
Part 2 of 2. Continuing skill development from Thursday.
Saturday Afternoon Session 1
Rhythms of the Orishas with Amy
For all skill levels
Using drums, bells, chopsticks and voice we will learn and play some of the patterns and chants from the Brazilian
Orisha tradition. This session will focus on Oshun, the orisha of sweet water, beauty, and love. You may attend
either of the Orisha sessions without attending the other.
Deepening in Rattlesnake, Part 2 with Tori and Farrunnissa
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 2 of 2. Continuing from Friday, refine the composition Rattlesnake by Layne and Tommy.
Refining Odd Times, Part 2 with Deb and Barb
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 2 of 2: Continuing from Thursday, practice timing and holding the pulse while playing odd time patterns.
Saturday Afternoon Session 2
Intermediate/Advanced Improvisation with Deb
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Adding chops to your repertoire!
Intermediate/Advanced Composing, Part 3 with Tori
For intermediate/advanced drummers
Part 3 of 3. Continuing exploration from Thursday and Friday, creating new frame drum pieces.
How to Teach Frame Drumming with Farrunnissa
For all skill levels
Learn the basics from an experienced, successful frame drum teacher, including tips and techniques from Layne
on how to teach.
Practice for offering Trance and Drum with Amy
For those who completed Parts 1 & 2
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Breakout Session Presenters
Amy Oak and Barb Pitcher have been students of Layne’s since 1997. At Cybele’s, their retreat center “dedicated to the
sacred rhythm in all,” they hosted the third GBTO, the first Trance Union for intermediate/advanced drummers, and many
other workshops with Layne and Tommy. They have performed with Layne and Tommy at multiple venues, including
the Percussive Arts Society International Conference (PASIC), at a concert they produced featuring Layne, Tommy, and
the 35 members of the first Trance Union. They have been teaching Layne’s style of frame drumming for many years,
including presenting the Giving Birth To Ourselves frame drum intensive several times, and were the first of Layne’s
students worldwide to present the Trance Union advanced intensive.
Dr. Deborah Reed brings her expertise as a hearing scientist into the sacred realm of sound and rhythm. She began
intensive study with Layne Redmond in 1996 and completed the first six-month frame drum intensive taught by Layne
and Tommy Be in 1998. She’s had the privilege to assist Layne on several occasions at Rowe Camp and Conference
Center and Kripalu Center and has performed with various constellations of Layne’s ritual drumming ensemble, the Mob
of Angels. Deborah teaches frame drums to individuals and groups, and has facilitated therapeutic rhythm and drumming
in settings that include inpatient psychiatry, community mental health, hospice, and special education. She presently is the
percussionist for Seven Sisters Kirtan (
Farrunnissa Rosa met Layne and Tommy in 2000, driving to Atlanta in a snowstorm to attend an Introduction to Frame
Drumming class. In 2001, she attended Giving Birth To Ourselves in Asheville, and in 2006 became Layne’s first student
worldwide to teach GBTO, which she continues to share on a regular basis. She focuses an ongoing Trance Union
advanced series for graduates of GBTO, and has shared Layne’s unique “musical discipline within a spiritual framework”
with hundreds of frame drummers in the Southeast. She is the founder and a core musician of the frame drum troupe,
Sancta, and has created a number frame drum songs that are recorded and performed by her eclectic women’s ensemble
Jewelsong (
Tori Morrill has a Bachelor of Science in Anthropology focusing on Ethnomusicology, and has been studying world
music for over 25 years. Meeting Layne inspired her to drive deeper into the history of the drum, and called her to learn to
play frame drums, attending Layne's first Giving Birth to Ourselves frame drum intensive in 1998, now teaching that
program regularly. She is a founding member of the women's drum and vocal group Inanna, Sisters in Rhythm. Currently
they have five albums based on world drum and vocal traditions, including many of her original frame drum songs
inspired by the work of Layne Redmond. She is currently working on a book notating her original frame drum pieces
which is to be published in this summer.
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