Year 6 Curriculum Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Topic Are there only 7 wonders in the world? Does every picture tell a story? Have we left the past behind us? Imagine if… What makes Great Britain Great? Trips/Events Glasbury; Science Museum; 10 pieces cinema Ashmolean/Modern Art museum Settings and descriptions; Explanation and persuasion Plays; persuasion and explanation Rainforest or Botanical gardens; Story Museum? Poetry; Instructions tbc English Maths Number,fractions/decimals, coordinates Number, problem solving, data handling Science Light: Planning a scientific enquiry to answer questions; reporting and presenting findings from enquiries. Electricity; Forces and movement: recording data and results using bar and line diagrams Ridgeway museum/settlements; Oxford museums Character and dialogue; biography and auto biography Number, fractions/decimals, neg. numbers, percentages Properties and changes of materials: Taking measurements using a range of scientific equipment with accuracy and precision. Do you have to be a hero to make a difference? Oxford Castle and Law courts Number, fractions/decimals, problem solving, area, perimeter Plants, Living things and habitats, evolution and inheritance: identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments. Number, sequences, equations, coordinates, shape, angles, data handling Lives and discoveries of British Scientists: identifying scientific evidence that has been used to support or refute ideas or arguments. History Maya: Non-European Society to compare and contrast with British History- looking at similarities and differences; understand how our knowledge is constructed from a range of sources. History linked to: Does Every Picture Tell a Story; Pupils research on Pantomime/Fairy Tales,constructing responses and organising info.. Local history explored: Children will study history of local area and how this fits with national history, helped by studies at local museums. Action and drama; Journalistic Number, shape, angles, algebra, data handling Magnetism revision; keeping fit and healthy:using test results to make predictions to set up further comparative and fair tests Crime and Punishment in Britain across time:chronological order; noting connections, contrasts and trends. Style and Vocab.; Discussion Changes in British history: social, leisure, entertainment in 20th C children’s own study, constructing informed responses with thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant info.. Geography Use maps, atlases, globes and computer maps to locate countries and describe features studied of 7 Wonders and Mayan area and modern equivalence. Visit to Woodlands Centre, Glasbury: Physical geography including rivers, mountains, caves and the water cycle Computing Search technologies, coding Understand computer networks including the Internet, understanding how they can provide multiple services and opportunities for communication and collaboration. Art Reflections, collage:create sketchbooks to record observations and review ideas E-safety, multimedia and digital media: Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly;recogni se acceptable and unacceptable behaviour ways to report concerns. Paint:to improve their mastery of art and design techniques. Design/Techn ology Kaleidoscope/Reflective models:use research and develop design criteria to make products for Woodstock art. Electrical design:generate and develop models through annotated sketches Understand and use electrical systems in their products. Human geography /settlements: Types of settlements and land use, including trade and distribution of natural resources. Search technologies, Data Handling: Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked. UK geography, compass points, grid references; place knowledge Coding, Multimedia and digital media, controlling devices:Design, write and debug progs that accomplish goals. Coding, E-safety: Use sequence, selection and repetition in progs; work with variables and various forms of input and output. Sculpture: about designers and architects in history. Drawing, portraits;comic book artists, create sketch books Settlement project:select from range of tools and materials according to their properties. Cookery /nutrition: design Sketching, landscapes;great landscape artists;improve mastery of art techniques. Garden design: design using research, innovative, functional and appeal; evaluate ideas and consider views of others. healthy meal for hero, prepare seasonal, savoury dishes UK geography, topographical features; name and locate counties and cities in UK, including key topographical features. Search technologies, multimedia and digital media, Data handling: Select, use and combine a variety of software to design, create, collect and present data and info.. British Artists’ work: children’s own study of British artist to attempt similar style. Artefact made with GB focus, eg bag, pencil case: research products and design own version; understand how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce structures;evaluate Music On-going drumming sessions; Lieder Project BBC 10 pieces; Big Sing Drumming Drumming Drumming Drumming P.E. Oxf. Utd. Community Sports ; Outdoor Ed; Invasion games: using running, jumping, throwing and catching skills Gymnastics; Fitness: develop Dance: perform dances using a range of movement patterns Cricket, Rounders: play competitive games, throwing and catching. Athletics: develop P.S.H.E./P4C Praise and Rewards; Role models Managing Feelings Swimming: competently over 25m using a range of strokes; perform safe self-rescue in water situations. Rights and Responsibilities; Glad to be me Assertiveness Coping under pressure;Stressbusters and mood shifters Moving On; Puberty talk R.E./Citizenship Thankfulness, Harvest; Beliefs in Action – Christian Aid; Christmas Christian journey of life and death; Fair Trade Beliefs in Action linked to heroes topic MFL: French B.L.P. Date; Weather; Family; Greetings; big/small: listen attentively and join in, repeat and respond flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance Clothes; le,la,les; adjectives; J’aime Je n’aime pas; Christmas traditions in France: write phrases from memory; understand feminine and masculine forms; L’Epiphanie; Le mardi gras; Etre; jobs; j’habite… Engage in conversations, widen vocabulary. Sports and leisure; places around town; directions; French towns; speak in sentences and follow instructions flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance Charity Enterprise work Classroom items; classroom instuctions; prepositions; School customs in France: speak in sentences and follow instructions Alphabet; Travelling on holiday; asking for icecream! Basic food and drink; develop pronunciation when using familiar phrases Throughout the year we will be referring to our 4 learning Muscles: Managing distractions/ Noticing; Capitalizing; Distilling; Interdependence/Empathy and Listening.