Terms of reference baseline survey consolidation Women`s Rights to

Terms of reference baseline survey consolidation
Women’s Rights to Sustainable Livelihood Project in Rwanda and Ghana
2012 to 2015
1. Introduction
The baseline consolidation is being conducted as part of the requirements for the Women’s
Rights Sustainable Livelihoods project funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The
project which started in 2012 is being implemented as a pilot in Ghana and Rwanda. The
project will end in 2015. Three baseline surveys have been undertaken with one in ActionAid
Rwanda, ActionAid Ghana and one by ActionAid International Secretariat. The baseline data
needs to be consolidated into one report in order to give a full picture of the status baseline
status of the entire project.
1.1 Intended outcomes of the project
The three baseline studies were informed by the following project outcomes and their
indicators which are clearly articulated in the FLOW Monitoring Protocol.
1. 5,400 women smallholder farmers in 4 Local Rights Programmes (LRP) in Ghana and
Rwanda are organised and their work as farmers and carers is recognised by the
2. 5,400 women smallholder farmers meet regularly with local and national policy
makers and engage in planning and budgeting processes to demand more resources to
support them in food production and unpaid care work as outlined in Outcome 3 & 4.
3. Hours spent by women on unpaid care work are significantly reduced as a result of
low cost pilot interventions such as community-run childcare centres, household
rainwater storage, and community tree lots for firewood.
4. 5,400 women smallholder farmers have more secure and sustainable access to food
and are producing increased surplus for sale.
5. Greater visibility of women’s unpaid care work and farming activities leads to an
increase in donor, regional and international commitments to support rural women
smallholder farmers.
2.0 Objective/Purpose of the consolidation of the baseline
1) To consolidate baseline data so as to be able to easily track baseline data against progress
across countries when measuring the impact of the women’s rights to sustainable livelihoods
project and inform periodic reviews
2) To extract and incorporate baseline data on common indicators as stipulated in FLOW
Monitoring Protocol from existing reports and make recommendations on any additional data
3) To draw out key challenges, linkages and a list of key recommendations from the three
studies and identify any key areas for actions
4) In addition to main report, to provide a simplified, summary of key baseline findings
and highlights which can be used by stakeholders who do not have much time to read lengthy
5) To develop a simple power point presentation that can be shared with stakeholders
3.0 Rationale for the consolidated baseline survey
Each of the countries collected data for their own countries and it is difficult to see the entire
picture without consolidating the data. The consolidated baseline survey will enable
ActionAid International, ActionAid Rwanda, and ActionAid Ghana to get a good picture of
the three baselines in one document limiting the amount of time one has to go through the
reports providing easy reference when sharing the report. The report will also be shared with
the different stakeholders1 for advocacy purposes. The consolidated report will include a
summary of findings which available for those who want a snap shot of the report. Action
Aid will use some of the data in its advocacy work and will thus need a quick and easy to
read summary for the different stakeholders who may not want to go through the entire
baseline report. The consolidated baseline reports will be used as a reference document for
the entire project.
4.0 Key Deliverables
 Consolidated baseline report with a clear executive summary(at least 20-40 pages
 Completion of the baseline indicators excel template
5.0 Support
The consultant will be provided with the following:
 Terms of reference for the baseline report
 Action Aid Ghana baseline report
 Action Aid Rwanda report baseline report
 Action Aid International baseline report – outcome 5
 Completed FLOW monitoring protocol
 Baseline indicators excel template
 Where necessary the consultant is at liberty to ask for clarification or further details
on the data from AAI,AAIG and AAIR
6.0 Time frame:
The consolidated baseline survey will begin on the 23rd October 2013 and should be
completed by 5th December 2013.
6.1 Time line
Call for an expression of interest
Expression of interest submitted
Appointment of consultant
1st draft submitted to AAI
Reviews by AAI, AAG and AAIR
7th October 2013
7th October 2013
15th October 2013
21st November 2013
28th November 2013
Including CSOs, African Union, Government departments and ministries, donors
5th December 2013
Final report submitted by
Desirable Qualifications
· Relevant degree (preferably at masters level)
· At least 3 years working experience
· Relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation including familiarity with writing
baseline survey report and tracking indicators
· Knowledge of human rights, women’s rights and agriculture
Interested consultants should submit:
 An expression of interest by email to consultancy.jhb@actionaid.org
 A detailed Curriculum Vitae and CVs of 7th October 2013 any team members
 Indicate expected remuneration