N241 Pre-Clinical Skills Day Sim Chart/Clinical prep COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO Guide to Clinical Preparation PRE-LAB Patient Selection: o Select your patient(s) based on what you are learning in theory and by the specific guidelines your clinical instructor gives you. Focus on working with patients who have diagnoses that you are studying in lecture and/or those who require interventions that you have limited experience with. Sometimes selecting patients is achieved in preparing for clinical a day in advance, sometimes it is achieved through working with a select nurse and choosing patients to care for from that nurse’s case load. Again, this is determined by your clinical instructor and the “norm” at the clinical agency. Data Gathering: o Use the Quick Prep sheet in this tutorial or one that your instructor directs you to use and complete all fields. o Meds: List ALL meds; routine and PRN that are given in the 24 hour period on back or on a separate document (see following pages). It is vitally important to know the medications that are given during other shifts as quite often their effects /side effects can show once the medication reaches its peak. It is also important to record the times these are given for you own time management. In addition, know the parameters (vital signs or lab values) that may prevent you from administering the medication. o Complete the pathophysiology – the concept map approach is really great to use as a study tool and it helps you to form a basic understanding in planning care for the patient. o Determining the priority assessments Your patient load is going to increase this semester and it will not be possible to complete a complete head to toe physical assessment on each patient at the beginning of your shift. With that think about what are the top assessments you NEED to complete on each patient. From information you gather in report, documentations and from the patient you can strategize what assessments are important. Justify why you are selecting the particular assessment, what you would expect to find and what other data is important. See the example that follows: Example: Patient has an admitting diagnosis of CHF exacerbation. Chronic conditions for which the patient is being managed include: COPD, Diabetes, A-fib and an ongoing venous stasis ulcer. IDENTIFY the TOP 3 PRIORITY ASSESSMENTS and Why you selected this. What do you expect to find? What will you do to gather more information? 1. Cardiovascular (patient has an exacerbation of CHF. Has a history of A-fib and current venous stasis ulcers) Possible abnormal heart sounds and irregular heart rate. Maybe adventitious lung sounds and peripheral edema. Poor circulation to extremities Complete a CV assessment. Ask the patient about activity intolerance. What medications are used? Review past VS data and records for weight. Evaluate patient’s diet. 2. Respiratory (patient has COPD and with the CHF may have respiratory issues) Adventitious lung sounds. O² therapy. SOB Complete a respiratory assessment. Look over past o² sat records. Does the patient need teaching on energy conservation and better breathing techniques? 3. Integumentary (Current venous stasis ulcers) Expect to find these in the lower extremities Check the latest wound care notes. What is the current treatment. How does the patient manage these at home? o Select a nursing problem based on the data you have collected in your prep and use it to complete the Nursing Care Plan in Sim Chart if it is applicable. Record other important data on the quick prep sheet and your “nurse’s brain” sheet that will need to be inputted on Sim Chart (i.e., vital signs, assessment findings, potential discharge problems) COLLEGE OF SAN MATEO NURSING CLINCIAL QUICK PREP **SECOND YEAR NURSING STUDENTS STUDENT: DATE: __/__/____ Sim Chart Patient PATIENT:_______ RM#:________ AGE:________ GENDER:_____ Admit/Surgical DATE:_____________ Allergies: _________ CODE STAT:_______ RELIGION/CULTURE/SPECIAL NEEDS: _____________________ ADMITTING DX:_____________________________ Chronic Conditions: ___________________________ FALL RISK; SKIN INTEG: OTHER SAFETY ISSUES __________________________________________ BATHING ___________ ACTIVITY ____________ DIET ___________ INTAKE/OUTPUT DAILY WEIGHT Blood Gluc. FOLEY OTHER RAINS/TUBES:_______________________________________________________ O2 (order type)_____________________Treatments and Therapies (times):__________________________________ Scheduled Diagnostics; list Indication and time: _______________________________________________ LABS to be drawn __________________________________ Labs out of range to monitor: ______________________ IV FLUID_____________ RATE or Intermittent _______ IV Site location and Assessment _____________ IDENTIFY the TOP 3 PRIORITY ASSESSMENTS and Why you selected this. What do you expect to find? What will you do to gather more information? 1. 2. 3. IDENTIFY THE PRIORITY NURSING PROBLEM AND GOAL(S) FOR THE DAY(S) Priority Nursing Dx.______________________________________________________________________ STG: Goal for the day(s)_________________________ LTG: Goal for Discharge ______________________ Interventions: ______________________________ ______________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Identify a Teaching Need (align with care plan): ________________Teaching Goal: ___________ Patient residence prior to hospitalization? _____________________ Patient disposition (will be discharged to: ____________________ Anticipated DC needs: ________________________________ Any additional information: You will need to create a Medication List from the ENTIRE MAR (not just “your shift, ALL) that includes: Medication Name (focus on the generic) Dose, route, time (for routine) and intervals (PRN) Indication – Why is the patient receiving the med? You MUST relate it to the patient’s medical issue (e.g., Gabapentin – for peripheral neuropathy) List important nursing considerations – these include o PARAMETERS ARE A MUST (e.g., hold for BP<; Call MD if…) o Know what lab values might need to be checked prior to giving med o What do you need to teach the patient about this drug? o What adverse side effects are to be observed? o What precautions are important to reinforce with the patient? o If it is an IVP or IVPB INDICATE THE RATE OF INFUSION (i.e., mL/hr or minutes to push). Note incompatible fluids o If you are familiar with a medication you can just list the name, dose, route and time. However, be prepared to discuss the indication and necessary nursing considerations with your clinical instructor and or RN Copy and paste this to your own word document – add more rows if necessary MED Generic and Trade DOSE, ROUTE, TIME INDICATION Be specific and relate it to the patient’s medical profile NURSING CONSIDERATIONS Copy and paste this to your own word document – add more rows if necessary LAB TEST NORMAL RANGE (male/female and elderly considerations) WHY IS IT ABNORMAL (relate this to the patient’s current/past health history and/or medication history) NURSING CONSIDERATIONS (What is the nurse most concerned with? What needs to be assessed/evaluated?) Copy and paste this to your own word document – add more rows if necessary DIAGNOSTIC TEST INDICATION PRE-TEST POST-TEST NURSING (provide a definition) PREPARATION CARE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY CONCEPT MAP ETIOLOGY (List ALL possible causes and HIGHLIGHT what may have caused your patient’s diagnosis) DISEASE PROCESS and DEFINITION (In your OWN words) CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS (List ALL possible signs/symptoms and HIGHLIGHT the ones your patient exhibits) MEDICAL (other disciplines) TREATMENTS/INTERVENTIONS (List ALL – HIGHLIGHT your patient’s) NURSING CARE (List ALL – HIGHLIGHT your patient’s) WORST CASE SCENARIO (Describe the signs and symptoms that indicate the situation is worsening) SIM CHART GUIDELINES Directions: Complete 5 Sim Charts total during the N241 time frame Guidelines: o Patient selection: o You must complete 2 Respiratory related prior to test #1 o You must complete 2 Cardiac related prior to test #2 o You must complete 1 either Renal related or Hematologic related prior to the final exam o Select patients with active problems that are either admitting diagnoses or are a chronic condition. o Check the box at the top of the Quick Prep sheet to indicate you are using that patient for Sim Chart purposes o Sections: Each Sim Chart will include o A Patient Profile This must be completed in order to proceed to the subsequent sections. Include the code status, allergies and diet o Pre-clinical Manager (pathophysiology, meds, labs and diagnostics) o Patient Charting Admission history Discharge planning Systems Assessment (focus on the top 3) System Nursing Interventions (aligned with the Systems Assessment) Basic Nursing Care Any Special Charts, wounds, IVs, Drains/Tubes and Ostomies Vital Signs Care plan (2 top problems) Teaching plan Complete all SEGMENTS in SIM CHART following these specific directions SEGMENT 1 = PATIENT PROFILE ** You will not be able to go forward without doing this. Complete these fields: Code Status, Diet and Allergies SEGMENT 2 = PRE-CLINICAL(Pathophysiology, Meds, Labs and Diagnostics) FOLLOW THESE DIRECTIONS!!! Complete the three areas of Pathophysiology as directed below o Under pathophysiology: Include a definition in your own words, the patient’s likely etiology and the patient’s clinical manifestations. o Under Therapeutic Regimen: Include the medical and nursing interventions and separate the two: What are the related MD to order, treatments etc.. What are the nurses doing to care for this patient? Who else may be on the treatment team? Speech therapist? Pharmacist? Physical therapist? What is their role in helping the patient? o Under Current Health Problems and Related Functional Changes: Discuss the problems the patient has or had experienced with the selected pathophysiology and how it impaired or impairs the patient’s daily function. MEDICATIONS o Include only the medications that are related to the diagnosis (e.g., if it is COPD – list the respiratory therapy medications and all that are related from the routine and PRN medications) o DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM A RESOURCE!! o Complete the following fields The top section from Medication to date ordered (may use current date) Therapeutic Effect What is the intended action FOR THIS PATIENT? Example: The medication may be classified as a narcotic (i.e., morphine) but in this case it is used to relax breathing. Contraindications Complete if applicable Side /Adverse Effects Include any SIGNIFICANT effects; you do not need to include the usual SEs expected of most drugs – just those the nurse needs to know Life Threatening Considerations This will be highlighted in red, include those that are actually life threatening – i.e., Malignant Hypertention Recommended Dose Range Provide the range and indicate if it is appropriate for your patient Hint: Some are high dosages because it is a loading dose vs. a maintenance dose Nursing Interventions List PARAMETERS here; VS and/or lab values – Do you need to take a BP prior? – What parameter indicates to hold the med? i.e., Hold for a pulse < 60 – Should you check a lab value? i.e., if potassium is > 5.2, you should call the MD before giving that extra potassium supplement LABORATORY VALUES o List only those related to the diagnosis. o Complete all fields: Definition and Description: What does the test measure? What does the high or low value indicate? Significance of the test being ordered for this patient: Why is it ordered? DIAGNOSTIC TESTS performed to diagnose the condition o Definition and Description of the Test: What is the test and how is it performed; i.e., Gastro-Intestinal Endoscopy; performed under conscious sedation where an endoscope is inserted through the mouth esophagus…. Include what the nurse needs to know about this test Special preparation Patient teaching Monitoring condition after the test o Significance of the Test Being Ordered for this Patient; Why is this patient having this test? Relate it to the patient’s diagnosis o Significant Findings and Results: What was found? ** If there are no lab values or diagnostic tests related to the condition you are focusing on in the pathophysiology then indicate that to your instructor in the Pre-Clinical Manager Pathophysiology section ** NURSING CARE PLAN use the pull down menu in Sim chart and/or add your data from other resources Select Medical Diagnosis Select the priority Nursing Diagnosis (Problem) – one only. You may “Add” a new one if the list provided does not include one you were thinking is more appropriate. Select if Actual or Potential Complete the Related To – “Add” if necessary Complete Evidence By - “Add” if necessary Select a Minimum of two Expected Outcomes -“Add” if necessary and be sure to include measurement and time frame Select a Minimum of two interventions per each outcome - “Add” if necessary Once you have saved the care plan you may enter comments and evaluate the goals Patient Charting – Include the following Admission history Discharge planning Systems Assessment (focus on the top 3) System Nursing Interventions (aligned with the Systems Assessment) Basic Nursing Care Any Special Charts, wounds, IVs, Drains/Tubes and Ostomies Vital Signs Care plan (2 top problems) Teaching plan