DRAFT STSGLOBAL 2015 STUDENT PAPER PANELS (March 18, 2015) Panel A: Date: Time: The Innovation Question April 10, 2015 9:20 – 10:45 Moderator: TBD Presenter Paper Brittany Balcom Expanding the Reach and Use of Citizen Space Science as Policy Innovation Meng-Hao Li The Effect of Translational Science Policy on Scholarly Collaboration Networks and Academic Innovations Michael J. Intervention Research for Responsible Innovation: A Bernstein Pragmatic Approach Alexander Frolov Government Innovation Policy for Developing Countries: upgrading theoretical concepts Christina Reynolds Increased Transparency amid Research Institutions Promotes Innovation and Cooperation Room: Abelson (AAAS) School George Washington University George Mason University Arizona State University Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of National Economic University of Michigan Panel B: Date: Time: Large Technological Systems: April 10, 2015 9:20 – 10:45 Challenges, Fusion, and Sustainability Moderator: Sonja Schmid (Virginia Tech) Presenter Paper Edward W. The R&D System for Pediatric Drugs: Challenges to Wolfgang Hughes’s Systems Theory Mel Eulau Unconventional Fusion: Can Upstart Fusion Projects Sustain Socio-Technical Momentum? Steven Sacco Manufacturing after Vertical Integration: Disintegrated Production and its Implications for STS and Economic Sociology Derek T. Parrott Fusion as a Commercialized Sustainable Energy Source Room: Haskins (AAAS) Panel C: Date: Time: The Internet: Policy, Narratives, and April 10, 2015 9:20 – 10:45 Hacktivism Moderator: Janet Abbate (Virginia Tech) Presenter Paper Jeffrey Caso The Glass House of Privacy and Google Glass: The Privacy Implications of a Disruptive Technology Nivedita Kashyap A Bill of Rights for the Internet - Lessons from Brazil Richard Hilberer Crypto-Anarchists, Hacktivists and Whistleblowers: The Information Revolutionaries at the Liberty Tree in the Global Square and Government Response to Socially Driven Hacking Richmond Wong Big Data: Narratives of the Crowd and the Cloud Room: Revelle (AAAS) School Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Loyola University Drexel University School Georgetown University Georgetown University Virginia Tech University of California, Berkeley 1 Panel D: Date: Time: Influenza: Questions of Justice to April 10, 2015 2:35 – 4:00 Perception Moderator: Rebecca Hester (Virginia Tech) Presenter Paper Chrissy Vu One Flu East, One Flu West, One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Pandemic Influenza Paradoxes in Epidemiology Philip Egert Justice in the Life Sciences: an alternative approach to resolving the dual use dilemma Rachel Gur-Arie University Student Knowledge and Perception of Influenza Room: Abelson (AAAS) School Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Arizona State University Panel E: Date: Time: Technology: Meaning(s) and April 10, 2015 2:35 – 4:00 Application(s) Moderator: TBD Presenter Paper Tasha RijkeTam-tams, Toly and Trash: (Un)Settling the Sovereign Epstein Cityscape In Early Colonial Majunga (1890s-1930s)” Peter Joseph Techethnie: Can Technology Create a Single Cultural Identity? Moons Charles de Souza What does uranium mean? Patrick Osei Darko Mined Land Reclamation Assessment Using Geospatial Technology: A Case Study Room: Haskins (AAAS) Panel F: Date: Time: Ethics & Practice in the (Bio)medical Era April 10, 2015 2:35 – 4:00 Moderator: TBD Presenter Paper Melanie Jeske Standardizing Adiposity, Standardizing bodies: Conceptualizing Health in the Era of Obesity William Drust Embodied Care, Spatiality, and the Ethics of Robotic Surgery Eman Badr The Ethics of Equipoise in Clinical Trials HungYin Tsai Scientization of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Taiwan during 1845-1945: The Power of a Colonial Authority Room: Revelle (AAAS) School University of Michigan Salve Regina University Virginia Tech Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology School Drexel University Drexel University Virginia Tech Virginia Tech 2 Panel G: Date: Time: Sustainability as a Question of April 11, 2015 2:15 – 3:35 Knowledge, Nature, and Technology Moderator: TBA Presenter Paper Sadegh Foghani Immigration and STEM Professionals: The Case of Iranian Diaspora Joe Lupton Post War Vietnam's growth of the furniture industry and efforts to preserve surviving forests and establish sustainable lumber policies Carli Flynn Characterization of Factors Influencing the Decision to Adopt Green Infrastructure Technologies in U.S. Urban Areas Carlo Altamirano The Social Value of Mid-Scale Energy in Africa: Redefining Value and Redesigning Energy to Reduce Poverty Room: 114 (NAS) Panel H: Date: Time: Technology: (Un)Limited? April 11, 2015 2:15 – 3:35 Moderator: Janet Abbate (Virginia Tech) Presenter Paper John M. Bozeman History of Technology/History of SETI Jennifer Carter Applying Cultural Theory to the Educational Community in Center Colorado Daniel Davis The first comprehensive MOOC Manifesto Room: 118 (NAS) Tianyi Cheng Twitter Campaign and Online Resource Mobilization on an Aid Project Panel I: Date: Time: Internet Policy, Security, and April 11, 2015 2:15 – 3:35 Governance Moderator: Kevin Finneran (National Academy of Science) Presenter Paper Alexander Effect of Network Congestion and Content Delivery Networks Gamero-Garrido on End-User Quality of Service for Residential Broadband Subscribers in the United States Michael Specter Design of a new Certificate Authority Architecture and Exploration of the Economic and Policy Considerations of a Certificate-Based Security Ecosystem Cecilia Testart High-level concerns, aspirations and user values of the Internet School University of South Carolina Georgia Institute of Technology Syracuse University Arizona State University School Virginia Tech Virginia tech Georgetown University Georgetown University Room: 120 (NAS) School Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 Panel J: Date: Time: Technology Failure, Ethics, and April 11, 2015 3:40 – 4:55 Efficiencies Moderator: TBD Presenter Paper Daniel P. Miller Rationalized Creativity: A look beyond the end of the checklist when technology fails Zhu Fengqing Ethical Issues of Nanotechnology in the Workplace Jordan Hibbs Real-Time Consumption Technology in Vehicles and Homes J Stephanie Rose Communication Efficiencies Utilizing Electromagnetic Spectrum for Wireless Broadband Services Room: 114 (NAS) School Virginia Tech Harbin Institute of Technology Arizona State University Georgetown University Panel K: Date: Time: STS Theory and Beyond April 11, 2015 3:40 – 4:55 Moderator: Barbara Allen (Virginia Tech) Presenter Paper Haider Haider Bureaucracy, Technology for What?: The Ambiguous Role of American Federal Agencies Kristen Koopman STS, SF, and Scientization: Genre and Discipline Demarcation Guilherme Cognitive Institutions and the Realism-Relativism Dichotomy Sanches de Oliveira Gennady Belyakov Research Informing Public Policy: What To Do to Have an Impact Room: 118 (NAS) Panel L: Date: Time: Divisions Innovation, and Politics of April 11, 2015 3:40 – 4:55 Emerging Technologies. Moderator: TBD Presenter Paper Sophia BorroniGender Digital Divide Bird Hsin Fei Tu The Emergence of Innovation Network in China Room: 120 (NAS) Nikolai Joseph, Trent Schindler, Tom Chinick, and Jordan Sotudeh Kuan-Hung Lo Space Policy A Gene War: Taiwan/China, Identities and the Politics of Gene Research School Virginia Tech Virginia Tech University of Cincinnati Georgia Institute of Technology School Michigan State University University of Massachusetts, Amherst George Washington University Virginia Tech 4 Panel M: Posters Presenter Caroline Gustafson Alana O’Mara Aelxis Carlsson Brian Batayeh Date: Time: April 11, 2015 12:00 – 1:00 Poster The Gendered History Of Nursing and The Effects On The Advent Of American End-of-Life Care Sustainability in the United States Corn Industry: Challenges and Approaches Mapping Environmental Health Perceptions Socially Responsible Innovation in United States Health Care Brook LaBrance, Katrina Shah, and Abigail Howell Nanotechnology in (and of) the body Bridget Mason The futures of drones: How are engineers inscribing morality into autonomous robots? Parents, peers, and media perceptions: Influences on Girls in STEM Education Appropriating Construction Technologies for Disaster Recovery Housing Lauren Brown Constance Tan Room: TBD School Vassar College Michigan State University Drexel University Michigan State University University of Virginia, University of Virginia, and Arizona State University University of Virginia University of Virginia University of Virginia 5