High School(s) Attended/Attending - College of Science

Virginia Tech College of Science
Integrated Science Program
Fall 2016 Application Form
Application Deadline: August 1, 2016
(TYPE OR PRINT LEGIBLY – paper or pdf version can be submitted)
Personal Data – To be completed by the student applicant:
Name: _____________________________________________________
Home Mailing Address:
Street Address:_____________________________________________
(Apt. #)
City:____________________________ State:___________ Zip:________
Phone Number:
Academic Background:
High School(s) Attended/Attending:_____________________________________
Current High School GPA:_______________________
Year Graduating/Graduated High School:____________
College/Universities Attended (if any):______________________________
College/University Major:
College/University GPA:________
Virginia Tech College of Science
Integrated Science Program
Fall 2016 Application Form
Application Deadline: August 1, 2016
Have you accepted offer of admission at Virginia Tech? __yes
Major chosen:________________________________
Evidence of scholastic merit:
Science and math courses taken and grade received:
(high school, college, AP, IB)
SAT or ACT scores:
Date Taken______________
Writing_________ Mathematics___________ Critical Reading_________
Virginia Tech College of Science
Integrated Science Program
Fall 2016 Application Form
Application Deadline: August 1, 2016
Essay Question (800 words or less, can be attached as a separate document):
“Why do I want to participate in the integrated science curriculum?”
Essay will be judged based on demonstrated passion for and aspirations in science/math.
Please attach the following to this form or have them emailed or mailed to address below:
Transcripts. Include a copy of official transcripts for all high schools and college/universities attended.
Please submit completed application via email or mail to:
Charlotte Parks
Academic Programs Specialist
Academy of Integrated Science-College of Science (0405)
Virginia Tech
North End Center, Suite 4300
300 Turner Street NW
Blacksburg, VA 24061