Home Learning Guide: KS3 SUBJECT: Music Year Group Term and Topic(s) 7 Autumn: Underground rhythms Details of main assessed pieces of work / tests needing input at home with approximate date Pupils will be asked to put together a rhythm piece using the names of underground stations. Suggestions of how parents / carers could support this work 1. Pupils will be asked to learn note values (written in books as appropriate) and also be able to link words to rhythm. Examples will be covered in class before the homework. Assessed work is a final performance of underground rhythm piece in groups. Pupils will be tested on the following criteria: Use of rehearsal time Ensemble awareness Imaginative use of ideas Confidence Evaluation Evaluation work: understanding assessed through test/ written evaluation. 7 Spring: Music of Pupils will learn the how the music of China is often derived through pictures. They will perform using the pentatonic 1. Pupils will be asked to investigate a musical instrument from China. Other information (if applicable) China scale based on C. A good web-site to visit: They will put together a piece using a drone, ostinato and improvisation. They will work in three’s on the keyboards. www.philmultic.com/home/instruments Pupils will be tested on the following criteria: Use of rehearsal time Ensemble awareness Imaginative use of ideas Confidence Evaluation Evaluation work: understanding assessed through test/ written evaluation. This provides excellent musical examples of Chinese instruments and descriptions. Pupils should use this as a first point of reference only and should then investigate a Chinese instrument independently. 8 Autumn: Pupils will learn how to create Music of India a piece of music through improvising using a Raga scale and using tempo and dynamics to create a sense of ‘mood’. Pupils will compose a short piece using an improvisation, drone and ‘tintal’ drum pattern. They will work in groups of four using keyboards and drums. Pupils will be tested on the following criteria: Use of rehearsal time Ensemble awareness Imaginative use of ideas Confidence Evaluation Evaluation work: understanding assessed through test/ written evaluation. To research Classical Indian instruments i) pictures of at least three different instruments. ii) names of these instruments iii)descriptions of what their function is in Indian CLASSICAL music. Parents can help pupils by visiting this web-site and looking through the information on Indian instruments here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/musi c/world_music/music_india4.shtml 8 Chords Pupils are taught the basic elements of harmony and how to compose a short melody using the building blocks of ‘primary chords’ There are various music theory web-site that will help The majority of the work is completed on Sibelius on the Mac computers. http://www.themightymaestro.com/ Pupils are then assessed through: Imaginative use of ideas Confidence Evaluation http://www.wartgames.com/themes/music/musictheory.ht pupils to further understand the basic elements music theory. http://makingmusicfun.net/htm/printit_notename.htm ml There are also some web-sites to visit for the practical piano work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibSb0qKWuvU&safe=ac tive http://www.ultimateguitar.com/search.php?value=how+to+save+a+life +the+fray&search_type=title 9 Autumn: Music and Media Pupils work on creating the music and SFX for a short excerpt from Wallace and Gromit ‘The Wrong Trousers’. Pupils will use Garage band to create their film music. Pupils will be tested on the following criteria: Use of rehearsal time Ensemble awareness Imaginative use of ideas Confidence Evaluation Evaluation work: understanding assessed through test/ written evaluation. A useful web-site for looking at SFX and film music. http://scitechie.com/02/how-sound-effects-in-modernmovies-work-video/ http://www.soundsvisualmusic.co.uk/