Greg Mitchell, Pecos, TX, Trans Pecos Dairy (Milking 1700 Cows)

“We used to use a spray applicator. We switched to the Thrifty Dipper six months ago and we couldn’t be happier. My employees think it is great. We
have reduced our dip usage by 35% and the issue of back spray is no longer a problem. The cleanliness of the 800 cows we milk has increased
as well.”
Rick Nutcher, Denair, CA, Nutcher Dairy
“We milk 200 cows and we wouldn’t be without the foamer. We were going through 55 gallons of dip every 6 weeks. Since we star ted using the Thrifty
Dipper back in April, we are only using 15 gallons every month. It is hands down the best dipper on the market. Going without the dipper would belike
your well running dry or your electricity going out.”
Pat Lingen, Edgerton, MN, Lingen Dairy
“We milk 6,400 cows on our dairy and we had been using a regular post-dip cup. We put the T150 Pro Foamer in the first barn about 8 months ago. We
liked it so much that we put the next one in the second barn a few months later, and the third barn got one just a few months ago. Milkers don’t usually
like anything new, but they’ve Adapted quickly to the T150 Pro Foamer. They used to break dip cups all the time, but the Thrifty Dipper has proven
durable. We’ve also noticed that our SCC has dropped by 50,000 at each barn.”
Brandon Whitesides, Rupert, ID, Whitesides Dairy
“I’ve been using the T150 Pro Foamer for about 10 months. I’ve cut my product usage by 40 percent. I had been using a foamer from a different
company, but all of my friends were telling me that the Mastitis Management foamer was superior. I bought it and found out it really was a better foamer.
It has a lot better coverage and is more sensitive, allowing me to have a greater ability to adjust it. One thing I really like is how it is constructed. It has
less plastic and stands up better. I don’t have to worry about it getting broken by the employees or the 1700 cows we milk. Dennis is grea t. He’s always
able to help whenever I have a question and he’s very knowledgeable. I’d recommend his foamer to anyone.”
Greg Mitchell, Pecos, TX, Trans Pecos Dairy (Milking 1700 Cows)
“We saw the Thrifty Dipper products at an expo and made the switch to the T150 Pro Foamer and have noticed a definite cost savings. The fact that I
don’t spill, I use less dip. I have been using the product for six months and would highly recommend this product.”
Joe Roden, Saukville, WI
“We started using the Thrifty Dipper T150 Pro Foamer about 4 months ago. It cut our dip amount by about a third. We get the coverage where we want it
to cover. Before, the whole herd had a yellow underside as the workers would spray the product on the underside. Now, we are able to control the dip
and apply to just the udder. It’s so easy to use!”
David Lemstra, Corcoran, CA, Lemstra Cattle Company
“Before we put in the T150 Pro Foamer 6 months ago, we were spraying. The spray only covered one side of the teats. The T150 has given us 100%
coverage and has cut our dip usage by more than 50%. Our SCC counts have stayed (around 130,000).”
Kimball Holt, Newcastle, UT, Holt Dairy (Milking 3,300)
“We’ve been using the Original Thrifty Dipper for many years. Dennis wouldn’t stop bothering me about one of his new products he wanted us to try and
so finally I caved in and bought the JAH glove system for our pre-dip. We’re happy with the change. The cows are cleaner and our prep time is faster. We
also use substantially less dip now than we used to.”
Steve Gerratt, Declo, ID, Midway Dairy (Milking 3,500)
“I really like how the Thrifty Dipper covers the cows’ teats. We can visually see it on the cows where before, the iodine was so light and didn’t stay on or
fully cover the teats. With the Thrifty Dipper, it stays on and we can see that it is covering the teat. In Barn 3 we are milking 2,500 cows. Our other barns
that have been using it longer have seen a 50% savings. I have been using it for the least amount of time, but have still see n a 40% savings in only two
months. We figure this system will pay for itself in six months.”
Jorge Fulleda, Barn 3 Manager, Okeechobee, FL, McArthur Farms (Milking 7,500 Cows)
“We have had this product for almost a year now, which replaced dipping teats with cups. I read about the different teat dip methods so I started looking
for the best option for us. I think that above everything else the biggest improvement I have seen with the T150 Pro Foamer is that it provides great teat
coverage. We like to see that our cows’ teats are completely covered. We have seen quite a bit in savings with the Foamer too. Most recently, we saw 50
to 52% savings in usage. The Foamer paid for itself during the first month. Another benefit is a reduction in replacement costs. Previously we were
replacing teat dip cups often because the cows would step on them or they would break. We are very satisfied with the product!”
Rene Castillo, Manager, De Graff, MN, West Dublin Dairy (Milking 2,400 Cows)
In my capacity as part of the Dairy Solutions Team at TDR, I am always looking for new products that may benefit our customers. Our tagline at Turlock
Dairy is, ‘Do what’s right for the customer.’
So we did a thorough review of the T150 Pro Foamer and found that it works well if dairies will use it properly. It needs to be set and maintained properly
in order to deliver the results. If it is, it will save massive amounts of teat dip. With the foamer, we see our dairymen use about 70% less dip than they
used to. This is a tremendous cost savings for the dairy.
Every day we see other companies that play games with the teat dips they sell to dairies. In an effort to be CHEAPER, many suppliers struggle each day
to reach a new level of stupidity. We have chosen to sell a high-quality dip that we don’t have to apologize for. Our Ecolab and ABS product line are
second to none. The Thrifty Dipper Foamer helps dairies save a lot of money and not have to sacrifice on the quality of teat dip they are putting on their
cows. With the savings many are able to get away from Iodine and use better products with better killing and conditioning factors.
For various reasons the foamer concept has not been popular with many teat dip people. Used incorrectly I understand their concerns but as long as it
leaves the cows with COMPLETE coverage on the teats foaming, in my opinion deserves consideration. These are tough times in the dairy industry.
Although the teat dip bill for a dairy is not one of the top expenses they have each month, it all ads up. It is still a monthly expense and all expenses must
be justified.
Personally, I hate to see waste. My kids think I’m crazy, but I still pick up pennies that I see on the ground. Why would I pick up pennies for myself and
then walk into one our customers’ barns and see teat dip dripping all over the parlor floor? I’ll sell floor cleaner if they need it – and at a much cheaper
We’ve put in about 18 of these systems over the past 6 weeks. Conservatively, I estimate that collectively these 18 customers are saving $36,000 a
month in dip purchases (that’s over $400,000 per year). TDR has installed these units for our teat dip customers as well as those who currently buy
product from other vendors.
Does it cut teat dip sales? You bet it does. But customers can use that money to buy better dip, get out of the Iodine market (this is going nowhere but
up), and do a better job of taking care of their cows. Customers seem to appreciate our efforts and we make sure that all of them understand the
necessity to use this tool correctly. Our efforts at TDR with the foamer and other product is to bring to life the words in our tagline, ‘Do what’s right for the
customer.’ In the long run we are betting it will pay off. Sometimes it hurts the bottom a line a bit, but we think customers appreciate our approach. I know
we sleep well at night.
Bruce Smith, Manager, Dairy Solutions Team, Turlock, CA