SUGGESTED ADVISORY ON STAFFING OF NURSING PERSONNEL (FOR ACCREDITATION OF HOSPITALS) Based on feedbacks received from healthcare organizations /assessors/other stakeholders regarding clarity on staffing requirements for nursing personnel, the following is suggested. Department / Area Nurse:Patient Ratio 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ICU- Ventilator Beds ICU- Non-Ventilator Beds High Dependency Unit (HDU) Inpatient beds Operation Theatre (OT) Emergency - Ventilator Beds Emergency- Other Beds OPD Various Procedures Labor table Supervisor staff Infection Control Nurse 1:1 each shift 1:2 each shift 1:3 each shift 1:6 each shift 2 nurses per table each shift 1:1 each shift 1:4 each shift As per workload As per workload 1 nurse per table each shift As applicable 1 for 100 beds The above nurse patient ratio is an advisory and numbers are arrived based on available guidelines and inputs from various stakeholders. During assessment the team shall also consider the following and assess the overall intent of this advisory (to ensure patient safety and clinical care are not compromised) and not merely at numbers alone before commenting on the adequacy of nurse patient ratio. Scope of services of the healthcare organisation Nature of clinical care being provided (acute care /chronic care /domiciliary/ Rehabilitation) The above advisory will reviewed periodically based on feedback /inputs from various stakeholders.