physics_world_communicates - HSC Guru

8.2 The World Communicates
2.1 The wave model can be used to explain how current
technologies transfer information
1. describe the energy transformations required in one of the following:
mobile telephone
radio and television
An energy transformation is a change in the type of energy, for example a change from sound energy to
electromagnetic waves.
Relating this to the mobile telephone, it undergoes basic energy transformations of, sound wave (your
voice), to electrical energy (in the wires inside the phone), to electromagnetic waves (from the phone to the
tower), to electrical energy (at the tower), then to electromagnetic waves (to reach the receiving phone),
then electrical energy (inside the receiving phone), then to sound waves (at the speaker of the receiving
2. describe waves as a transfer of energy disturbance that may occur in one, two
or three dimensions, depending on the nature of the wave and the medium
Waves are carriers of energy. Waves may be 1D, 2D, or 3D. Examples of each include; laser light, which is
a one dimensional wave; water waves, which are two dimensional waves; and sound waves, which spread
out in all directions from a point, so are therefore three dimensional waves.
3. identify that mechanical waves require a medium for propagation while
electromagnetic waves do not
Mechanical waves, such as sound waves, water waves and earthquake waves need a medium (a
substance) to travel through, they cannot move from one point to another if there is nothing (a vacuum)
between the two points. On the other hand electromagnetic waves do not need a medium to travel through.
An example of this is in space, which is a vacuum, if you call out in space your sound waves do not
penetrate out of your space suit. However electromagnetic waves do, therefore you can see the light from
the sun. Even simpler, in space you can see a planet explode, but you cannot hear it.
4. define and apply the following terms to the wave model: medium,
displacement, amplitude, period, compression, rarefaction, crest, trough,
transverse waves, longitudinal waves, frequency, wavelength, velocity
Medium: The substance through which the wave travels through.
Displacement: Is the distance from the rest position to the wave particle at that instant.
Amplitude: The distance from the rest position to the highest crest or the lowest trough.
Period: The time it takes for one wavelength to pass a point.
 Compression: In compression waves, the space where the particles are closest together.
 Rarefaction: In compression waves, the space where the particles are furthest apart.
 Crest: The parts of the wave that are above the rest position.
 Trough: The parts of the wave which are below the rest position.
 Transverse waves: Are forms of mechanical waves, they involve the particles vibrating
perpendicular to the direction of the wave.
 Longitudinal waves: Are also forms of mechanical waves, and they involve the particles vibrating
along the direction of the wave.
 Frequency: Frequency is the number of waves that pass a point in one second.
Wavelength: The distance of one full wave.
Velocity: The speed that the wave is propagating.
v = fλ
5. describe the relationship between particle motion and the direction of energy
propagation in transverse and longitudinal waves
In longitudinal waves the particle motion is in the same direction as the direction of the energy propagation.
On the other hand in transverse waves the particle motion is perpendicular to the direction of the energy
6. quantify the relationship between velocity, frequency and wavelength for a
wave: v = fλ
The velocity of a wave is equal to the frequency multiplied by the wavelength.
P1. perform a first-hand investigation to observe and gather information about the
transmission of waves in:
All these examples are mechanical waves. However they represent transverse and/or longitudinal waves.
slinky springs
Slinky springs can be used to demonstrate both longitudinal and transverse waves.
water surfaces
Water waves represent transverse waves. By placing an object in the water, you can see that the particles
move up and down.
or use appropriate computer simulations
P2. present diagrammatic information about transverse and longitudinal waves,
direction of particle movement and the direction of propagation
Transverse Wave
Compression Wave
P3. perform a first-hand investigation to gather information about the frequency
and amplitude of waves using an oscilloscope or electronic data-logging
P4. present and analyse information from displacement-time graphs for
transverse wave motion
P5. plan, choose equipment for and perform a first-hand investigation to gather
information to identify the relationship between the frequency and wavelength of
a sound wave travelling at a constant velocity
Given that the speed of sound in air is 343m/s and v = fλ. Given either frequency or wavelength you can
calculate the other.
P6. solve problems and analyse information by applying the mathematical model
of v = fλ to a range of situations
Example Problem: Question: An FM radio station transmits a carrier wave of frequency 103.2 MHz.
Calculate the wavelength of the signal.
Solution: v = fλ
103.2 MHz =
2.2 Features of a wave model can be used to account for the
properties of sound
1. identify that sound waves are vibrations or oscillations of particles in a medium
Sound waves work by physically vibrating particles back and forth. The compression and rarefaction
position moves, but the particles only vibrate, they end up back in their original position. The sound moves
from one point to another from the movement of the compression and rarefaction positions.
2. relate compressions and rarefactions of sound waves to the crests and troughs
of transverse waves used to represent them
The compressions and rarefactions of sound waves can be related to the crests and troughs of transverse
waves respectively to represent them.
3. explain qualitatively that pitch is related to frequency and volume amplitude of
sound waves
As frequency is related to the number of waves that pass a point in one second. The pitch is related to the
number of vibrations per second. Hence the pitch of a sound is related to its frequency, the higher
frequency, the higher the pitch. Similarly the volume of a sound is related to the amplitude of the wave, the
higher amplitude, the louder the sound.
4. explain an echo as a reflection of a sound wave
An echo occurs when a sound wave is bounced back off a surface, thus an echo is a reflection of a sound
5. describe the principle of superposition and compare the resulting waves to the
original waves in sound
The superposition of a wave is the resulting wave when two or more waves occur over the top of one
another. An example of this with sound waves is, if you have one person shout, and then you get two
people to shout, each at the same volume as the first person, the resulting volume will be the sum of the
two volumes. This can be shown graphically bellow,
When the two waves (a) and (b) are placed on top of each other a resultant wave is obtained by
superimposing (adding the ordinates) the two overlapping wave.
P1. perform a first-hand investigation and gather information to analyse sound
waves from a variety of sources using the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) or
an alternate computer technology
P2. perform a first-hand investigation, gather, process and present information
using a CRO or computer to demonstrate the principle of superposition for two
waves travelling in the same medium
P3. present graphical information, solve problems and analyse information
involving superposition of sound waves
2.3 Recent technological developments have allowed greater use
of the electromagnetic spectrum
1. describe electromagnetic waves in terms of their speed in space and their lack
of requirement of a medium for propagation
In space (a vacuum) electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, a constant equal
. Unlike sound waves, electromagnetic waves do not vibrate particles, therefore
they do not need a medium (substance) to propagate (move).
2. identify the electromagnetic wavebands filtered out by the atmosphere,
especially UV, X-rays and gamma rays
The electromagnetic spectrum is spit up by varying wavelengths, long wavelengths are radio waves, and
short ones are gamma rays. This is shown in the diagram below.
(Document HowStuffWorks modified
by the author.)
Earths atmosphere filters out most of the electromagnetic waves except for visible light and radio waves.
UV, X-rays and gamma rays are filtered out, these are harmful to humans.
3. identify methods for the detection of various wavebands in the electromagnetic
Radio waves are detected with radio receivers that are connected to aerials.
Microwaves are detected with piezoelectric crystals.
Visible light is detected by photoelectric cells.
4. explain that the relationship between the intensity of electromagnetic radiation
and distance from a source is an example of the inverse square law:
Electromagnetic radiation attenuates over distance, i.e. the further you are away from an electromagnetic
source the less the intensity will be. This can be applied to light, as if you move away from a light it will be
less bright. The Intensity is proportional to the inverse of the distance square, or
5. outline how the modulation of amplitude or frequency of visible light,
microwaves and/or radio waves can be used to transmit information
Modulation of radio waves, both amplitude and frequency modulation are used today in AM/FM radio and
television. The changes in the amplitude or frequency contain digital data.
AM stands for amplitude modulation, and FM stands for frequency modulation. They are both transmitted
by a carrier wave. Where AM adds a wave to the carrier wave that changes the resulting wave’s amplitude.
And where FM adds a wave to the carrier wave that changes the resulting wave’s frequency.
Carrier wave: A carrier wave has constant Amplitude and wavelength.
6. discuss problems produced by the limited range of the electromagnetic
spectrum available for communication purposes
There is only a limited range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum that can be used for
communication purposes.
P1. plan, choose equipment or resources for and perform a first-hand
investigation and gather information to model the inverse square law for light
intensity and distance from the source
Using a light meter, and a ruler, you can obtain appropriate values relating distance and intensity. Using
this data you can find the relationship of intensity and distance, for all electromagnetic waves to
Example Problem: Question: Two kilometres away from a point source of infrared waves, the intensity
is 4Wm − 2. Calculate the intensity 1m away from the source.
Solution: 2km = 2000m
I = 16000000
P2. analyse information to identify the waves involved in the transfer of energy
that occurs during the use of one of the following:
mobile phone
Mobile Phones use microwaves to transmit data from the phone to the phone tower.
Television uses radio waves to transmit data.
Radar uses radio waves to transmit data.
P3. analyse information to identify the electromagnetic spectrum range utilised in
modern communication technologies
Modern communications use radio waves, microwaves, infra-red and visible light.
Radio waves are used in AM radio, FM radio, VHF television and UHF television.
Microwaves are used in mobile phone communications.
Infra-red is used in many television remote controls, and also used in computing.
Visible light is used in fibre optics, which are used to transmit large amounts of data fast. This includes
for the internet and to link the internet between countries.
2.4 Many communication technologies use applications of
reflection and refraction of electromagnetic waves
1. describe and apply the law of reflection and explain the effect of reflection from
a plane surface on waves
Reflection of a wave is when it bounces off a surface, it reflects. The angle of reflection is given by the
following formula, Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection. Where, the angle of incidence is the angle
between the incoming ray and the normal, and the reflected ray is the angle between the reflected ray and
the normal.
All waves have this reflective property, and follow the law of reflection stated above.
Reflection on a curved surface follows the same law. Remember the normal is perpendicular to the
2. describe ways in which applications of reflection of light, radio waves and
microwaves have assisted in information transfer
Reflection of light is used fibre optics and in CD’s. Fibre optics allow for massive amounts of information
transfer. Reflection of radio waves are utilised when radio waves are reflected off the ionosphere.
Television and radio use this reflection to transfer information.
3. describe one application of reflection for each of the following:
plane surfaces
concave surfaces
convex surfaces
radio waves being reflected by the ionosphere
Reflection on a plane surface is used in applications such as, CD-ROM, where the laser beam is either
reflected of the CD or not.
Reflection of convex surfaces is used in security mirrors, where it widens you field of view.
Reflection of concave surfaces is used in torches, where the rays of light travelling backwards are
projected forward, for more brightness. It is also used in satellite dishes.
The ionosphere reflects a percentage of radio waves sent up, back towards earth. This allows for data
to be sent through the radio waves over long distances.
4. explain that refraction is related to the velocities of a wave in different media
and outline how this may result in the bending of a wavefront
Refraction is the result of waves changing speeds in. The speed of a wave depends on the medium it is
travelling in.
5. define refractive index in terms of changes in the velocity of a wave in passing
from one medium to another
The refractive index of a medium is the change in velocity of a wave from one medium to another.
Therefore refractive index is related to the speed of a wave in that medium.
6. define Snell’s Law:
Snell’s Law relates the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction. In full form the law states;
This can be rearranged to, n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2
Where, n = refractive index, v = velocity, θ = angle of incidence/refraction.
7. identify the conditions necessary for total internal reflection with reference to
the critical angle
The critical angle is the angle of incidence which forms an angle of refraction at 90°. If the angle of
incidence is less than the critical angle then you will have normal refraction, and if the angle of incidence is
greater than the critical angle then you will have total internal reflection.
Normal Refraction (blue), Critical Angle (red) and Total Internal Reflection (black).
In the diagram above the red line is the critical angle, the blue line is normal refraction, and the black line in
total internal reflection.
8. outline how total internal reflection is used in optical fibres
Optical fibres work by having one medium coated by another medium with a lower refractive index. The
angle that enters this is greater than the critical angle so therefore the ray of light bounces around inside
and travels from one end to another, never exiting the fibre. Therefore a light ray can travel through the
wire. The ray of light never has an angle of incidence of less than the critical angle, so the ray never
escapes the optical fibre.
1. perform first-hand investigations and gather information to observe the path of
light rays and construct diagrams indicating both the direction of travel of the light
rays and a wave front
2. present information using ray diagrams to show the path of waves reflected
plane surfaces
concave surfaces
convex surface
the ionosphere
3. perform an investigation and gather information to graph the angle of incidence
and refraction for light encountering a medium change showing the relationship
between these angles
4. perform a first-hand investigation and gather information to calculate the
refractive index of glass or perspex
Angle of incidence and angle of refraction can be obtained by experiment. Given that the experiment is
done in air (refractive index air is 1.00), results in Perspex are,
Using the equation,
n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2
n2 = 1.46
Doing this several times and taking an average you can find the refractive index of perspex to be 1.46.
5. solve problems and analyse information using Snell’s Law
Given enough data, Snell’s Law can be used to find velocity, refractive index, angle of incidence or angle of
Example Problem: A type of glass has a refractive index of 1.47. Calculate a) the speed of light in this
n1v1 = n2v2
v2 = 204081632.7ms − 1
b) the critical angle of the glass.
n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2
2.5 Electromagnetic waves have potential for future
communication technologies and data storage technologies
1. identify types of communication data that are stored or transmitted in digital
Digital data is data that can be defined by numbers.
Examples of digital communication include; fax, internet, telephone calls, etc.
Extra Info: An analogue signal contains the exact data with no quality loss. Digital signal contains the data
but it is not the exact data, some data is lost in digital. See the diagram below.
In the diagram above you can see the analogue signal the black curve, and the digital signal the dotted
blue. As you can see the quality of the digital signal depends on the sampling rate (the width of the blue
box’s.), and you can also see that the analogue signal is much richer in data than the digital signal.
1. identify data sources, gather, process and present information from secondary
sources to identify areas of current research and use the available evidence to
discuss some of the underlying physical principles used in one application of
physics related to waves, such as:
Global Positioning System
GPS uses radio waves from satellites to find you position.
CD technology
CD uses laser light to determine pits or non-pits (0/1) on the CD surface. Data is stored in binary code.
As the CD spins, a laser light is shone onto the CD surface, the pit or non-pit of the CD is detected by
the varying wavelengths of the reflected beam, if the beam is shone onto a non-pit, then the incoming
beam and the reflected beam will superimpose and cancel each other out, so the pits or non-pits can
be detected by the signal that is reflected back.
the internet (digital process)
The Internet is entirely digital. It is made up of billions of computers connected together by the internet.
DVD technology
DVD also uses laser to determine pits or non-pits (0/1) on the DVD surface, however the pits are
smaller in size.