File - Costabile`s Colloquium

LE PERA LESSON PLANS WEEK: Nov 28-Dec 2, 2011 Teacher: Mrs. Costabile
8th grade reading 8:00 –
8th grade language 8:559:45
7th grade reading 9:50-10:40
& 12:10-1:00
7th grade language 10:4511:35 & 1:05-1:55
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab sort/read around
Reading – define myth; read
Orpheus Readers Theater script
together & chart genre &
cultural elements
Closure: What makes a myth
different from the other forms
of folk literature?
Instructional Practices:
student learning conversations
Cognition Level: analysis
Assessment: chart
Obj: write expressive form 31-2
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language Writing – find a
myth to rewrite into a readers
theater script Differentiated
Spelling – word sort 1) #25 2)
#41 3) #64 4) #82 5) 88 6)
choose own words from
Closure: What myth will you
and your partner be using?
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: knowledge
retrieval; analysis
Assessment: none
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab sort/read around Reading
– define folk literature & legend;
read & answer questions Popo &
Ixtla reading guide
Closure: create chart & model
completing genre & cultural
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level:
Assessment: reading guide
Obj: describe author’s purpose
& intended effect of persuasive
techniques 3-3-1,3
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language Step Up to Writing –
review & analyze magazine
advertisements students
completed Differentiated
Spelling – word sort 2) #41 3)
#64 4) #82 5) 88
Closure: What does intended
effect mean?
Instructional Practices:
teacher led; student interaction
Cognition Level: analysis
Assessment: informal
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2; write
expressive form 3-1-2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab sort/read around
Reading – rewrite found myth
into a script for performance;
identify cultural & genre
Closure: identify elements of
myths found today
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: analysis;
knowledge utilization
Assessment: myth
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – vocab
memory Reading – put
finishing touches on myth &
prepare props/costumes
Closure: 3-2-1 myths
Instructional Practices:
student work
Cognition Level:
Assessment: myth
**Academic Vocab LtoJ
Obj: write expressive form 31-2
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language Writing – continue
rewriting myth - see reading
Differentiated Spelling –
partner sort
Closure: see reading
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: analysis;
knowledge utilization
Assessment: myth
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab sort/read around Reading
– continue Popo & Ixtla reading
Closure: add to genre &
cultural chart
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level:
Assessment: reading guide
Obj: write expressive form 31-2
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language Writing – see
reading; practice parts to
prepare for tomorrow’s
presentation Differentiated
Spelling – write justifications
for sorts
Closure: share justification
with shoulder partner
Instructional Practices:
student work
Cognition Level: analysis
Assessment: spelling work
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab memory Reading – go
over Popo & Ixtla reading guide
& complete charting; begin
reading King Arthur
Closure: What makes Popo &
Ixtla a legend?
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level:
comprehension; analysis
Assessment: reading guide
**Academic Vocab LtoJ
Obj: describe author’s purpose
& intended effect of persuasive
techniques 3-3-1,3
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language Step Up to Writing –
practice analyzing persuasive
writing with magazine ads
Differentiated Spelling – partner
Closure: verbalize spelling
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: analysis
Assessment: magazine analysis
Obj: use commas & quotations
marks correctly 2-6-2,3
Procedure: Bell work – DL
Step Up to Writing – review
punctuating dialogue using
mystery stories students wrote
Differentiated Spelling – write
justifications for sorts
Closure: share justifications
Instructional Practices:
teacher led; student work
Cognition Level: analysis;
knowledge retrieval
Assessment: justification
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab memory Reading – myth
reader’s theater presentations;
audience will chart cultural &
genre elements; presenters will
lead discussion after
Closure: What new did you
learn about myths today?
Instructional Practices:
student interactions
Cognition Level:
Assessment: myth chart
Obj: write expressive form 31-2
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language Writing – continue
presentations-see reading
Differentiated Spelling – word
Closure: Share words found
during word hunt with spelling
Instructional Practices:
student work
Cognition Level: analysis
Assessment: spelling work
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab memory Reading –
continue reading King Arthur &
chart cultural & genre elements
Closure: share chart findings
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level:
comprehension; analysis
Assessment: legend chart
Obj: use commas & quotations
marks correctly 2-6-2,3
Procedure: Step Up to Writing
– rewrite dialogue from own
mystery story & punctuate
correctly or create new
conversation (10 lines)
Differentiated Spelling – word
Closure: 3-2-1 punctuating
Instructional Practices:
student work
Cognition Level:
Assessment: written
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab quiz Reading – folk
literature Study Island
Closure: final comments
about myth project
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: knowledge
retrieval; comprehension
Assessment: vocab quiz, myth
Obj: write expressive form 31-2
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language quiz Writing –
continue myth presentations
from Thursday Differentiated
Spelling – test
Closure: quiz results
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: knowledge
Assessment: DL quiz, spelling
test, myth presentations
Obj: describe cultural &
identify genre elements in folk
literature 2-2-1,2
Procedure: Bell work – affix
vocab quiz Reading – complete
King Arthur charting & discuss
cultural & genre elements that
make this a legend
Closure: 3-2-1 King Arthur
Instructional Practices:
student interaction
Cognition Level: knowledge
Assessment: legend chart,
vocab quiz
Obj: use spelling patterns 2-6-8
Procedure: Bell work – Daily
Language quiz Step Up to
Writing – see reading
Differentiated Spelling – test
Closure: test results
Instructional Practices:
student work
Cognition Level: knowledge
Assessment: DL quiz, spelling
Reader’s theater script