recombination identical

Tuesday- February 3, 2015
Genetics, Lesson #1
AIM: How do organisms pass on information from one generation to the next?
Heredity is the passing of material from one generation to the next.
DNA is the heredity material of life- it is passed from one generation to the next
o Offspring inherit their DNA from their parents
A full copy of the DNA code is carried in the nucleus of every single cell in the body.
o Cells look and act differently because they use different parts of the DNA code (they use
different “genes”)
DNA is a coded molecule that has all of the instructions to build an organism
o DNA codes for essential organs and the traits and characteristics of an organism
All humans have a unique DNA code because of 2 processes- Meiosis and Fertilization
During meiosis, gametes are formed. Each gamete has one half of the DNA code
o During meiosis, the DNA of the parents mixes and matches to give each gamete a unique,
random half of the DNA code.
o During fertilization, gametes join together. When gametes join together, the DNA of the two
parents mixes and matches and shuffles like a deck of cards
The mixing and matching of DNA is called GENETIC RECOMBINATION.
Because of genetic recombination, organisms that reproduce sexually create offspring that have their
own unique genetic code.
Heredity- the passing of material from one generation to the next
Inherit- to receive from a parent
Offspring- new individual created by reproduction
Nucleus- organelle where DNA is stored
Gene- a “chapter” of DNA that codes for something
Meiosis- the process of cell division that makes gametes with a random, unique half of the DNA code
Fertilization- the joining of sperm and egg where the DNA of both parents is randomly combined.
Genetic Recombination- the mixing and matching of DNA during meiosis and fertilization
Sexual Reproduction- reproduction that involves TWO parents, meiosis, and fertilization. Creates an
offspring with unique DNA
1. Why is DNA called the “hereditary material?”
2. Where do cells store DNA?
3. During which 2 events does genetic recombination occur?
4. Why don’t siblings have identical DNA if they come from the same 2 parents?
AIM: How is information passed on from one generation to
the next?
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