Unit 2 Obj - Evolution

Dates: Oct. 13 - Nov. 4
Chapters: 14 and 15
Lab 1A Fossil Evidence
Lab 1B Evidence of Evolution
Lab 1C Amino Acid Sequences
Lab 2 Evolution
Lab 3 Natural Selection
Geological Time Chart
Video - Adaptations
- Darwin
Quiz - Evidence of Evolution - Oct. 29
Test on Chapters 14 and 15 - Nov. 4
The theory of evolution has been considered as one of the most important biological
concepts to be established because "there are no living sciences, human attitudes, or
institutional powers that remain unaffected by these ideas." Today organisms exhibit an
enormous range of differences as well as some surprising similarities. The process of change
over time that modifies species in ways that entrance their survival can explain these
differences and similarities. How did these species evolve?
At the conclusion of this unit, the student should be able to:
1. explain the role fossils play in evolution.
2. demonstrate how comparative anatomy and biochemistry contribute to the evolutionary
3. Discuss the development of Darwin's theory of natural selection and explain the concept of
"survival of the fittest". Compare and contrast Darwin's theory with an earlier theory proposed
by Lamarck.
4. explain how Lyell, Malthus, and animal breeders helped influence Darwin in his development
of his theory of evolution.
5. Explain evolution in terms of Darwin's observations and relate the principles of fitness and
6. explain the advantage of variations within a population to the survival of the species.
7. Define the following and indicate their relationship to modern evolutionary theory:
genetic drift
warning coloration
punctuated equilibrium
8. determine the significance of the theory of evolution Today.
9. use their knowledge of genetics to help explain the evolutionary theory.
10. Indicate how each of the following had an impact on the process of evolution:
photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, sexual reproduction
11. determine what factors may influence the rate of evolution.
12. describe what factors may influence the rate of evolution.
13. describe various adaptations that have enabled many of today's species to survive the
struggle for survival.
14. Explain the difference between the extinction of species brought about by natural selection
and the extinction of endangered species brought about by the action of humans.
gene pool
divergent evolution
convergent evolution
vestigial structures
mass extinction
reproductive isolation
adaptive radiation
analogous structures
homologous structures
Extra Credit:
1. Darwin observed both similarities and differences between species on the Gelapagos Islands
and species on the mainland. Why were both similarities and differences necessary for Darwin's
conclusion that evolution occurs?
2. Is protecting endangered species defying natural selection? Explain.
3. In addition to formulating the theory of evolution by natural selection, Charles Darwin also
did detailed scientific investigations of many different types of organisms. For example, Darwin
published studies of coral reefs, barnacles, orchids, and insectivorous plants, and fungi. How
might the information Darwin gathered by doing this type of research have contributed to the
formulation of the theory of evolution?
4. Give three (3) examples showing that evolution is still occurring today. Refer to magazines
such as "National Geographic" and "National Wildlife."
5. Do the student activity sheet about the Geological Time Scale.