Natural Selection vs. Selective Breeding Key Terms

Name:_________________________________________ Period:_____________
Natural Selection vs. Selective Breeding Unit Key Terms
1. natural selection-ss- process by which organisms change over time as those with traits best
suited to an environment pass their traits to the next generation
2. adaptation-ss- structure, behavior, or other trait in an organism that helps it to survive in its
3. mutation-ss- a random change in a gene
4. variation-stemscopes- a distinct feature, behavior or physiology of the organism that occurs
to individuals within a population or species.
5. selective (or artificial) breeding- stemscope- a form of artificial selection whereby
deliberate breeding results in desired traits in plants or animals.
6. traits- characteristics that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes
7. extinct- the disappearance of all members of a species from Earth.
8. heredity- the passing of traits from parents to offspring
9. genetics- the scientific study of heredity
10. species-a group of similar organisms whose members can mate with one another and produce
fertile offspring
11. population-stemscope- members of the same species that live in the same geographical area:
may be distinctly different than populations living elsewhere, due to the spread of local
adaptations within a population.
12. hibernation-ss- a deep sleep in which body systems reduce to minimal levels; Hibernation
helps some animal species survive winter
13. physiology-is the study of all the internal structures and functions of an organism.
14. migration-ss- seasonal movement of animals from one place to another
15. genetic diversity- is variation of inheritable characteristics found in a population of the
same species.
16. Galapagos Islands-ss Island found near Ecuador where Darwin studied animals.
17. finch- species of bird that Charles Darwin studied on the Galapagos Islands.
18. H.M.S. Beagle-ss- the research ship Charles Darwin worked on as a naturalist in the 1850s
19. survival of the fittest- the theory that individuals in a population best able to obtain and use
resources will survive and reproduce.
20. genetic variation-ss- the normal differences that exist among individuals of the same
species, this results in variety in offspring
21. mass extinctions-ss- periods when many species of organisms died out at the same time
22. predator- a carnivore that hunts and kills other animals for food and that has adaptations
that help it capture the animals it preys upon
23. prey- an animal that a predator feeds upon
24. generation-All of the offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common
25. theory of evolution-ss125- describes the slow change in organisms that occurs over many
26. overproduction- When species produce more offspring than are expected to survive.
27. isolation/separation- Individuals from a population move away from each other and
barriers stop them from intermingling anymore
Name:_________________________________________ Per. _____________
1. natural selection-ss-
2. adaptation-ss-
3. mutation-ss-
4. variation-
5. selective (or artificial) breeding-
6. traits-
7. extinct-
8. heredity-
9. genetics-
10. species-
11. population-
12. hibernation-ss-
13. physiology-
14. migration-ss-
15. genetic diversity-
16. Galapagos Islands-ss
17. finch-
18. H.M.S. Beagle-ss-
19. survival of the fittest-
20. genetic variation-ss-
21. mass extinctions-ss-
22. predator-
23. prey-
24. generation-.
25. theory of evolution-ss125-
26. overproduction-
27. isolation/separation-