July/August 2015 - Rayleigh Methodist Church

Eastwood Road
Rev. Phil Warrey 01268 770333
July / August 2015
Dear Friends,
An Outdoor Life
Have you ever thought how much time Jesus spent outdoors?
Many of our favourite bible stories are in the outdoors, the feeding of the
5000, the Sermon on the Mount, the calming of the storm, and yet we
spend most of our church life inside. Jesus’ ministry was an outdoor
ministry, and outside ministry.
In one of my favourite hymns, we find this verse:‘Foxes have places to go, the Lord said.
But I've no home here below, the Lord said.
So if you want to be with me all your days,
Keep up the moving and travelling on,
You're the People of God.'
Ten points if you can name the hymn. We are reminded that Jesus in his
ministry had no home, and continually moved telling everyone he
encountered about the Good News. Have we become too comfortable in
our blue chairs, and dry and warm church? We need to keep on our toes,
with the moving and travelling on.
Yes, I know you are going to tell me that it was warmer in Palestine, it’s
closer to the equator! But the summer is coming, and we do own coats
and umbrellas! I’ve already spent two nights in a tent this year, as we
took the Youth from Hockley to UniteBB. That was a mix of sun and rain!
(See www.facebook.com/unitebb for photos about this event – see if you
can spot me!)
This summer, we are having an outdoor service in our wonderful field.
(We need to be using and valuing our field more!) This time, it is just us,
and we will gather round the Gazebo for our morning service on the
12thJuly. We will sing old hymns and new songs, we will worship together
from our deck chairs, wearing hats and knotted handkerchiefs, we will
share in communion in groups, and after we’ve finished our service, we
will continue our worship as we live life to the full picnicking and playing.
So please remember to bring: yourselves, your friends, your families
 a deckchair or a rug to sit on
 a hat or knotted handkerchief
 your picnic
 factor 50 sun cream!
Dress code, informal, and you may wear shorts!
We are having a bouncy castle and games of rounders, seated basketball,
and whatever other games we can dream up.
During our service we will think about the outdoor life of Jesus and some
of the great outdoor occasions recorded in the Gospels. In the meantime,
reflect on this and let me know what old hymns and new songs you would
like to sing.
Later in the afternoon of the 12th July, there is the Methodist Big Event for
11+ in the Megacentre.
We look forward also to the Family Fun Day, a day when the Rayleigh
Churches all pull together to put on an event in the park for the whole of
Rayleigh, do come along, even if you are not able to volunteer, come and
see the fun, eat some cakes, watch the puppets, listen to the band, drink
tea, visit the Bar-n-Bus. (You can even come and see our caravan!) This
day is meant to be for everyone.
As we move into July and August, our thoughts go to our holidays and
time away with the family. We will be off to Bristol with the caravan as we
spend time with our daughter as she prepares to have her first child, and
our first grandchild. We are then off to the Gower, to visit my parents.
Later in August we are off to Greenbelt Christian Arts Festival, again
another outdoor event, where 5000+ Christians will be gathered to
celebrate Christian Art, Music, Literature, Conversations, Debate and
tackle Peace and Justice issues. Caroline and I work as part of the Festival
Operations Team, and we have a great time helping run this event. You
can read about it and hear some of the talks at www.greenbelt.org.uk.
In the new Methodist Year, starting in September, we will begin to focus
on personal and communal discipleship. We are going to start with some
sessions from the “Christianity Explored” material, and then over the next
2 years move also into the “Discipleship Explored” material. You can read
about that on www.christianityexplored.org
Also we can take a look at the health of our church together, and see if we
agree with “The Marks of a Healthy Church”?
To be a healthy church it is suggested we need to:
 Be energised by faith
 Have an outward looking focus
 Seek to find what God wants
 Face the cost of change & growth
 Build community
 Make room for others
 Do a few things but well
Do have a good summer, and consider the life that Jesus calls us to lead,
whether that be an outdoor or an indoor life, it needs to be a life lived to
the full. A life of love, following in the footsteps of our Lord.
Every Blessing. Phil
P.S. We need some more “likes” for our Facebook page, please log on to
Facebook and like our page. www.facebook.com/RayleighMethodistChurch
2 July 3.00pm
Afternoon tea at the home of Ivan & Margaret Kinseth
32, Danbury Road, Rayleigh.
16 July 7.00pm
Coffee evening at the home of John & Pat Harrison
8, Warren Close Rayleigh
30 July 8.00pm
Coffee evening at the home of Rev. Phil & Caroline Warrey
259, Eastwood Road, Rayleigh.
13 Aug. 3.00pm Afternoon tea at the home of Joan Watts
28, Brooklyn Drive Rayleigh.
20 Aug. 2.30pm Afternoon tea at the home of Renee Crompton
14, Gayleighs, Rayleigh.
All members and friends welcome.
Pat. Oatley.
Afternoon Cream Tea
Saturday 22 August 2015
2.00pm to 4.00pm
to mark the re-opening of the refurbished Nash Hall
you are all invited
further details will in the weekly bulletin and church notices.
Margaret Flintham and Pat Harrison
Essex International Jamboree 2016
A Jamboree is a large gathering of Scouts and Guides aged between 10½
and 18, together with their Leaders and Support Staff. The next Essex
International Jamboree will be held at Boyton Cross, Roxwell, Chelmsford
from the 30th July to 6th August 2016. In the region of 8,000 Scouts and
Guides attended the previous Jamboree in 2012.
Our Scout Troop will be going to the Jamboree and, as they are only held
once every four years, a Scout only gets one opportunity to attend. This
will be a wonderful experience for our Scouts to meet Scouts and Guides
from other nations and participate in many challenging activities. We
anticipate that the inclusive cost will be in the region of £270 per head.
The participants are separated into ten sub camps which form a wheel in
the middle of the field. The actual jamboree lasts for 7 days but there is a
hugely experienced team of people who give up 3 weeks to build what is
effectively a town and then take it down. There’s an arena with a massive
stage for the entertainments team who put on competitions, games and
shows for the young people. Other activities include a cinema, soft rock
café, internet café, archery, crafts, it’s a knockout, canoeing and sailing to
name a few. Activities are also run on the sub camps.
There is a day and an evening programme and the young people can
experience a lot of new things which they have never tried before. There
is never time to be bored or inactive, there is always something going on.
The Group Leadership Team feels that the cost should not be a barrier to
attend the Jamboree. As a Scout Group we are going to organise some
fundraising activities to help contribute towards the costs of attending, to
ensure all our Scouts have the opportunity to participate
Details of the fundraising events will be advised to you as they are
arranged and we would appreciate your support. All money raised will be
put towards the cost of attending the Jamboree.
The first event will be a Coffee Morning at Rayleigh Methodist Church in
the Nash Hall on Saturday 4th July 2015 between 10am and 12 noon. This
will include a car wash and various activities.
John Mayfield
Group Treasurer
Circuit Newsletter June-2015
This is the first opportunity that I have had to formally confirm that
Mo Wills will be leaving the Circuit at the end of May: that is before this
new plan begins.
For some time she has been struggling with her sense of vocation - being
concerned whether God was calling her to ordination or some other kind
of Christian service. This is something that cannot be resolved quickly and
so she has made a request to suspend her probation for at least a year.
Her request has been granted by the relevant Methodist committees and
so we have to say goodbye to her.
On behalf of us all I thank her for the time that she has spent with us. I
have only ever heard good reports of her ministry and I am sure that she
will be an excellent Circuit Minister if she discerns that it is truly her
vocation. We will miss her, but we wish her well.
Please continue to pray for Mo as she enters this difficult year of prayerful
Our other Probationer Minister, Hannah Bucke, has successfully met all
the requirements of the various Methodist committees, and will be
received into full connexion at the Conference in Southport and ordained
in Chester Cathedral on Sunday 28th June. Please pray for her as she
reaches this milestone in her ministry.
Elizabeth Kirova recommences work in July after her maternity leave. I
am sure that she will receive a warm welcome from us all as she begins
her new role as a working mum. Please continue to hold her, Zoran and
Stephanie in your prayers.
The summer period is always difficult for making the plan and it has been
particularly so this year. Thank you to all those who have offered more
dates to preach than they had wished, and to those churches that have
had to have more Local Arrangements than they expected. Also thank you
to Ruth for co-ordinating all of this - it is not easy.
Finally, my last service in the Circuit will be on 19th July at Thundersley, I
shall be sorry to leave but am looking forward to spending more time with
my granddaughters. We will be moving back to Chatham, not far from
where we used to live. Home is where the heart is, and there will always
be a place in my heart for the Southend and Leigh Circuit. Credwyn and I
will both miss you.
God bless Bryan
Dates for your diaries
Saturday 11th July ~ Triple H Community Choir
Last Night of the Hockley Proms will be held at Greensward Academy.
Bring a picnic. Bring your friends. Tickets £10 for adult, £7 for children
from Caroline Warrey.
Sunday 12th July ~ The MegaCentre Rayleigh
From 2:00 p.m. Afternoon of fun and fellowship for our young people
school Year 7+.
For further details see your Youth Contact or Church Steward
Saturday 18th July ~ Rayleigh Churches Family Fun Day
10:00a.m. onwards in King Georges’ Playing Field
Please consider offering to help, whether serving cups of tea, litter
picking, manning the bouncy castles or splatting rats! Pick up a form the
foyer or speak to Caroline Warrey.
Saturday 18th July ~ Farewell BBQ and Barn Dance
6pm at Hadleigh Methodist Church
At 6:00 p.m. at Hadleigh Methodist Church Bryan and Credwyn's Farewell
BBQ and Barn Dance
Come along and share in the BBQ, join in with the Barn Dance or just sit
and watch and chat. It will be one event you will not want to miss.
Thursday 23rd – 27th July ~ United Methodist Church Camp
at Riverside Village Holiday Park, Wallasea Island, SS4 2EY.
For further details contact the UMC Office on 01702 614125
Saturday 25th July
~ Annual Open Day
At Westerley, from 11:00 a.m. , with lots of stalls, and refreshments.
Everyone is welcome.
Saturday 5th
~ Circuit Welcome Service
At 3:00 p.m. at Thorpe Bay Methodist Church there will be a Welcome
Service for both our new Superintendent Rev Peter Moorhouse and also
Rev. Michael Moon and their families. We welcome them into our Circuit
and look forward to sharing faith, fellowship and friendship over the
coming years.
Notes from Circuit meeting – 8th June 2015
Rev Hannah Bucke led the opening devotions, helping us to reflect on
whether our ideas of God are too small.
Rev Bryan Tolhurst welcomed everyone, especially people who are new to
Circuit Meeting. Letters were to be sent to Roy Girling who is not
preaching this quarter as he is undergoing tests, and to the family of
Deacon Margaret Cox who has died.
Progress in Mission. Rev Julia Monaghan spoke about the Circuit Vision
Statement, which, she feels, does not refer to making disciples. Julia
suggested that fewer services should be planned: this would free up time
to do more important things. We may need to give up some of the things
we like doing, or some of the things we have always done.
Night Shelter It is hoped that the Night Shelter will operate again next
year. Circuit Meeting agreed to this. Things worked well at Whittingham
Avenue. The United Methodist Church is applying for grants for the
provision of showers and improved toilets. Keith Norman suggested that
the Council should be asked for a grant, since it is their statutory
responsibility to look after the homeless people; we agreed to underwrite
the cost of the work to a total of £20,000.
Town Centre Chaplaincy Easter Icons – 40 pieces of A3 conceptual art,
displayed in Southend High Street. Shopkeepers, the council etc were
happy to co-operate.
Rev Hannah Bucke is also working as a chaplain at Adventure Island, with
1,000 staff, mainly under 25, with all sorts of issues. Chaplaincy courses
are being arranged, because Hannah cannot do all of this on her own. She
will be ordained at Conference this year.
Mission in Other Churches: Phil spoke about how he spent last weekend
camping in a tent with young people from Hockley.
Naison Bangure, a former local preacher in this circuit, who moved to
Birmingham last year, had an accident and is paralysed. We were asked to
pray for his family and discussed ways in which we can support them. The
Church’s benevolent funds could be used for this purpose.
The Circuit Leadership Team: Pam Smith has agreed to be a Circuit
The Invitation Committee produced a profile, and have seen one possible
minister, to fill the gap left by Rev Mo Wills. A new Invitations Committee
needs to be set up for Rev Elizabeth Kirova.
The circuit farewell for Rev Bryan Tolhurst and Credwyn will take place on
July 18th at Hadleigh. Please let John Mayfield know if you would like to
The new Superintendent, Rev Peter Moorhouse and his wife Natalie will be
formally welcomed on Saturday 4th September at Thorpe Bay. Peter and
Natalie have two young sons. They try to keep the hours of 4 till 6 p.m.
each day as a special time for their family, and would appreciate not being
distrbed then.
Mission with Youth: 20th November 3Generate for young people aged 823. Tickets are available, and will be paid for by the district.
Phil has organised “Big Events” for young people at the MegaCentre,
Lisa is preparing a young people’s newsletter in the hope that news of all
the things that are happening can actually reach the young people and all
the youth leaders. Information about leaders of organisations in the
churches could be kept centrally.
Safeguarding: Rob Gray, the Circuit Safeguarding Officer, presented the
new Circuit Safeguarding policy. Training is available for people taking on
roles within churches.
Various churches, including Rayleigh sought permission of Circuit Meeting
to undertake refurbishments and building work.
Wesley Methodist Church requested the support of the Circuit for 3 year
project for an older people’s worker. Money is being sought from the
District for half the funding.
The United Methodist Church is hoping to recruit a family worker from
Oasis College.
Local Preachers Meeting: Local Preachers in training are meeting the
requirements of the new training pathway. Sue Sigfrid is moving to
Suffolk and getting married.
Kathy Burrell thanked Rev. Bryan Tolhurst and Credwyn for all they have
done in the Circuit.
Pat Norman
6th Rayleigh Sea Scout Group
As summer has arrived, allegedly, our thoughts turn to camping and the
great outdoors in the hope that the rain will stay away and the tents
remain dry. As I write this it is raining!
Out Scout Leaders took 13 Scouts to Thriftwood, near Brentwood, at the
end of May and had a very successful camp. The young people had the
opportunity to get to know each other and the Leaders a bit better and to
take part in activities that are not possible to cover on a Thursday night.
This year they managed rafting, climbing and archery as well as cooking
some of their meals on a wood fire.
In June 15 of our cubs went to Mega Camp the Essex County Cub Camp
at Skreens Park near Chelmsford where they joined with some 2,000
other Cubs and Leaders in a packed programme of events over the
weekend. They had the opportunity to have a go at many different
activities including Science bases, water zorbing, go-karting, crafts,
backwoods cooking, shooting, archery and circus skills. They also had
visits from the fire service and air ambulance. The camp came to a close
with 3 parachutists with coloured smoke and the Scout flags landing on
the site. It was a great weekend enjoyed by all and we were told by many
of the other leaders at camp that our Cubs are a well behaved bunch. It is
always good to get this feedback.
And so to the younger members of the Group, the Beavers. 18 Beavers
plus Leaders will be attending a summer camp at Belchamps, Hawkwell,
at the end of June where I am sure they will have a good time and learn
new skills.
My thanks go to all the Leaders involved who offer their time to ensure
that all the 67 youngsters in the Group get the opportunity to go to camp.
Wendy Bye
Group Scout Leader
Our programme for July is:
July 6th
Members Afternoon
July 13th
Lunch 1.00 p.m. start
Entertainment by "It Takes Two"
We restart our meeting on 7th September at 2.30p.m.
All ladies are welcome .
Elaine Blades
July 1st
Time to Talk
July 8th
Alton Garden Centre
July 15th
Summer lunch - tba
Sat. July 19th
Coffee Morning - 9.30am
(All members try to attend to help with this important event)
Elizabeth Ellis
SERVICES and PREACHERS for July / August 2015
[S] Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper [P] Parade [B] Baptism
July 5th
10:45 am
6:30 pm
July 12th
10:45 am
6:30 pm
July 19th
10:45 am
6:30 pm
July 26th
10:45 am
4:00 pm
August 2nd
10:45 am
6:30 pm
August 9th
10:45 am
6:30 pm
August 16th 10:45 am
4:00 pm
August 23rd 10:45 am
4:00 pm
August 30th 10:45 am
6:30 pm
Pamela Smith
NO Service
Rev Phil Warrey OPEN [S]
NO Service
Colin Turner
Rev Phil Warrey [S]
Local Arrangement (Margaret & Janet)
Rev Phil Warrey Messy Church
Rev Phil Warrey [S]
NO Service
Local Arrangement (Keith & Pat)
NO Service
Kathy McCullough
NO Service
Andrew Thomas
Rev Phil Warrey Section Service
Roger Thomas
NO Service
We welcome you to the next Coffee Morning which will be on
4 July 2015 ~ The Scout Group
10:00 am to 12:00 noon
(see John Mayfield's article)
29 August 2015 ~ Prostate Cancer Fund
(planned by Marian Dann and Shelia Cooper)
In addition to refreshments, the usual stalls will be available plus the
popular raffle.
We look forward to your support
Congratulations and best wishes to Jessica Warrey and Michael
Bullett, who have announced their engagement.
Sadly, Phil's uncle has died recently and sympathy goes to the Warrey
Pam Clarke is now home following a spell in hospital and we wish her well.
Best wishes to Sheila Cooper as she moves to her new home in King
George's Court, where she will be even nearer to the church.
Has anyone a special anniversary coming up during the summer ? Please
send news in good time.
Val Tyler
World Mission
Will collectors please hand in boxes and/or blessing bags for opening
as soon as possible.
Val Tyler
Circuit Farewell
The Circuit will be holding a BBQ and Barn Dance at Hadleigh Methodist
Church on Saturday 18th July from 6pm to 9pm to say farewell to our
Superintendant Rev Bryan Tolhurst who is retiring. This event is to
thank Bryan and his wife Credwyn for everything they have done
whilst in our Circuit and to wish them well for the future.
Our 6th Rayleigh Sea Scout Group are providing the BBQ and whilst there
is no cost involved they buy very good quality butchers sausages,
burgers and vegetarian sausages and need to place the order with the
butcher in good time. If you are interested in attending please put
your name on the list in the Welcome Area or let me know by Sunday
5th July at the latest indicating your preference for food.
This is part of the Scout Group fund raising for the Essex International
Jamboree 2016 which you can read more about elsewhere in this
John Mayfield
Coordinating Steward.
July 1st, 15th & 29th
August 12th & 26th
September 9th, & 23rd
October 7th & 21st
November 4th & 18th
December 2nd & 16th
I’m nearly 73
But I’m still me!
Legs ache,
Eye sight blurred,
Hearing muffled,
But I’m still me!
Memory fades,
Where are my keys?
Time seems to fly,
Things aren’t what they were.
But I’m still me!
My friends are all aging,
My grandchildren know more than me.
The world seems topsy-turvy,
But I’m still me!
Why does everything change & age,
But I’m still me?
I may be grey haired,
Have wonky knees,
Be a bit cranky,
Wear odd socks,
Been around the block,
But listen to me SHOUTING,
Janet Warner
September 2015 EDITION
The deadline for this edition of the Newsletter is Sunday
9 August 2015 ( in Welcome Area) or Wednesday 12 August
our letter box or by email).
Sunday Services
10:45 am (and 4:00p.m. or 6:30 pm as on Church Calendar )
Junior Church 10:45 am
Mid-Week Communion
With the exception of August it is held on the third Tuesday of each month in the WESLEY
ROOM at 10:30 am.
1:15pm Sunbeams Parent and Toddler Group
2:30 pm Women's Fellowship
1:45pm – 3:15pm Ladies Club
4:15 pm-5:30 pm Rainbows
5:45 pm -7:15 pm Brownie Guides
7:00 pm-8.45pm Guides
10:00 am Care and Share
5.15 pm- 6.15pm Beavers
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm Cubs
8:00 pm – 9:30pm Scouts
8:00 pm Wesley Guild (Sept to May only)
4:30 pm-5:45 pm Rainbows
5:30 pm-7:00 pm Brownie Guides
7:15 pm -9:00 pm Guides
7:15 pm -9:00 pm Guides Senior Section (fortnightly)
Mon and Friday 9:15 am to 11:45 am
Tues Weds and Thurs 9:15-11:45 & 12:30-3:00 pm
Editors John and Sue Ward 9 Sheridan Close Rayleigh SS6 8YR
Telephone 01268 742847 (johnward816@gmail.com)