CONSTITUTION OF THE WELLINGTON TENNIS CLUB 1. NAME OF THE CLUB The Club shall be known as the Wellington Tennis Club and shall consist of all the financial members. 2. PATRON The patron of the Club shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. 3. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Club shall be: 4. a) To promote and develop the game of tennis. b) To provide facilities for members to play tennis. c) To arrange tennis tournaments and enter teams in suitable competitions. d) To arrange social functions for members. e) To raise money to the advancement of the Club and to provide better and further facilities for members. CONTROL OF THE CLUB a) Control of the Club shall be vested in the Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Committee’), which shall consist of: i) The Executive The Executive of the Club shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. All positions shall be honorary. ii) Eight ordinary members who, with the Executive, shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. In addition, the Chairman (or his delegate) of each Standing Committee shall be a member of the Committee, if not already elected as an Executive of the Club or an ordinary Committee member. b) Notice of Committee Meetings shall be posted on the Club Notice Board seven (7) days prior to the meeting. c) Special Committee meeting may be convened at any time by the President, Secretary, or three (3) Committee members, by giving notice in writing, such notice to be forwarded to the Secretary who shall call a meeting within fourteen (14) days of receipt thereof. d) Seven (7) members shall form a quorum at Committee meetings. e) If a member of the Committee is absent without apology from three (3) consecutive Committee meetings the office held by such member may be declared vacant. 5. FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE The Committee shall generally manage and control the affairs of the Club for the benefit of members and without limiting the generality of the foregoing the Committee shall have power: a) To make repeal or amend by-laws for the proper running of the Club. b) To borrow funds in the course of the Club’s business. c) To appoint any person to a sub-committee. d) To fill any vacancies on the Committee and Standing Committees as they occur. e) To enforce the observance of any of the Club’s by-laws f) To determine the amount and format of yearly subscriptions to be paid by members. g) To set numerical limits on the number of members of any category. h) To suspend or expel any member for any of the following reasons: i) Taking any course of action or line of conduct liable, in the view of the Committee, to bring the Club into disrepute. ii) Wilful infringement of any rule of the Club. iii) Refusing to abide by any decision of the Committee. i) 6. To act as adjudicator in the event of any disputes relation to the conduct of Club affairs. MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLUB a) Membership shall be open to all citizens and ratepayers of the City of Waverley and other at the discretion of the Committee. A candidate must be nominated and seconded by members on the application form (unless exempted by the Committee) and applications shall be considered by the Committee at its next meeting. Should the Committee refuse to accept a candidate who is a resident or ratepayer of the City of Waverley, the unsuccessful candidates shall be advised accordingly in writing with reasons for the refusal. b) Any member wishing to resign must do so in writing prior to the commencement of the financial year. Any member who has not paid his or her fees within two (2) months of the commencement of the financial year shall be deemed unfinancial. c) The Secretary of the Assistant Secretary shall keep a list of names of members of the Club and post such names the Clubhouse. 7. MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES Members of the Club shall be categorized as follows: a) Senior Members consisting of all Members 17 years of age and older (including Mid-Week Ladies) who have paid the appropriate fees (except Life Members) categorized as follows: (i) Life Members shall be appointed from amongst members who have rendered extraordinary service to the Club. Like members can only be appointed at a General Meeting and the vote must be carried by two-thirds majority of the members present and entitled to vote. Nominations must be submitted twenty-eight (28 days prior to a General Meeting to the Secretary duly proposed and seconded and must be presented at a Committee meeting. (ii) Full Playing Members – which includes Mid-week Ladies. (iii) Non-Playing Members shall be members for social or holding purposes only, and payment of the appropriate fee shall not entitle them to play. b) Junior Members consisting of all members over the age of seven (7) and under the age of seventeen (17) years who have paid the appropriate fee. Such members shall not be entitled to vote. (i) Non-Playing Members. As defined in Senior Non-Playing Members. 8. GENERAL MEETINGS OF THE CLUB a) A General Meeting of all members of the Club may be called by either the Committee or by at least twenty (20) per cent of the senior members submitting a request for a General Meeting in writing to the secretary. A General Meeting so requested shall be held within twenty-eight (28) days. b) The Secretary shall give at least fourteen (14) days notice in writing of a General Meeting to each member entitled to vote. c) A quorum for a general meeting shall be the lesser of twenty (20) per cent of the Senior Members or thirty (30) members entitled to vote. d) In the event of an intended General Meeting failing to have sufficient members to form a quorum, the president or person in the chair shall adjourn the meeting for seven (7) days. Notice of the adjourned meeting shall be displayed on the Club Notice Board and the requirement for a quorum shall not apply to the adjourned meeting. e) A General Meeting to be called the Annual General Meeting, shall be held at least once each year as soon as practicable after the close of a financial year. The financial year for the Club shall, unless determined otherwise by the Committee, end on the 30th June. f) Nominations for Executive, Management and Standing Committees excluding Mid-Week Ladies: g) (i) All Senior Financial Members shall be eligible. (ii) Nominations in writing, signed by Nominee, Proposer and Seconder to be lodged with the Secretary in time to be displayed on Clubhouse Notice Board at least 7 days prior to A.G.M. (iii) Prior to closing of nominations (or A.G.M.) the Committee will ensure that written nominations are received for all Executive position and at least three others, thereby ensuring the incoming Committee has a quorum. (iv) Should insufficient nominations be received as above, further nominations will be called from the floor of the A.G.M. Mid Week Ladies committee – Nominations for this Committee are to be called for one (1) month prior to the Annual General Meeting and posted on the Club notice Board seven (7) days prior to that meeting. During this seven day period, Mid-Week Lady members may register absentee votes with the Club Secretary. h) The order of business at the Annual Meeting shall be: (i) Minutes of preceding Annual General Meeting (ii) Correspondence (iii) President’s Report (iv) Treasurer’s Report (v) Other Reports (vi) Election of Officers (vii) Election of Committee (viii) Election of Standing committees i) (ix) Election of Honorary Auditor (x) Motions on Notion (xi) General Business Limitation of Tenure. The term of office for President shall be limited to a maximum period not exceeding three (3) consecutive Club years. Any member having held the office of Club President may renominate for election after one (1) year remote from such office. j) Any Notes of Motion seeking to amend the Constitution at a General Meeting must be included in the notice of the meeting by the Secretary in terms of paragraph b. of this Clause. The amendment shall only be adopted if accepted by two-thirds of the members then present at the meeting. In calculating what number represents, any fraction shall be rounded upwards to a whole number. k) If necessary, the President or person in the chair shall have an additional casting vote. l) Only senior members who are financial shall be empowered to vote at a General Meeting. 9. STANDING COMMITTTEES Six Committees shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting as listed below: a. Weekend Selection Committee consisting of five (5) members with at least two (2) of each sex. A quorum of three (3) shall be necessary at any time for the transaction of business. Their duties shall be: (i) To rank or grade players, select all weekend teams and exercise control of all arrangements pertaining to weekend competition teams. (ii) To organize and manage annual Club championship events. b. Mid-Week Ladies Committee consisting of seven (7) mid-week ladies. Their duties shall be as above pertaining to Mid-Week ladies competition, tournaments, functions and social play. A quorum of five (5) members shall be necessary at any time for transaction of business. c. Junior Committee consisting of five (5) senior members. Their duties shall be as above pertaining to Junior Competition, tournaments, functions and social play. A quorum of three (3) shall be necessary at any time for transaction of business. d. Social Committee consisting of at least five (5) members. Their duties shall be to organize social functions for the Club and generally to raise funds. e. Maintenance Committee consisting of at least three (3) members. Their duties to be, under guidance of the Committee, to organize maintenance to courts, clubhouse and surrounds. f. Night Committee consisting of seven members. Their duties shall be: (i) (ii) (iii) g. To conduct night social, general and competition play. To maintain booking control of all night tennis. To recommend for club management approval booking charges increase/decrease which may deem necessary from time to time. A quorum of 5 shall be necessary at all times for transaction of business. President, Secretary and Treasurer or a delegate appointed by the Executive shall be ex-officio members of all standing committees and any sub-committees. 10. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF THE CLUB a) The funds of the Club shall be under the absolute control of the Committee and all accounts shall be passed by the Committee for payment. b) The Treasurer shall receive all monies and pay all accounts and will work under guidance of the Committee. The balance sheet showing the financial position of the Club shall be prepared by the Treasurer and submitted by him or her at the Annual General Meeting or to the Committee at any such time that the Treasurer shall resign or is retired from office. Prior to presentation the balance sheet shall be audited and certified by the Auditor. All books of the Club shall be available at any reasonable time to any member but no books shall be removed without the consent of the Presidents and Treasurer. c) The account of the Club shall be audited at the end of every financial year by an Honorary Auditor not a signatory of the Club. d) All monies shall be banked to the credit of the Club at a Bank approved by the Committee. Signatories of all cheques shall be any two (2) of the following: Treasurer, Secretary or President or a person authorized by the Committee as a substitute signatory from time to time. 11. INDEMNITY The officers of the Club and members of the Committee shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Club against all losses and expenses incurred personally on behalf of the Club, and it shall be the duty of the Committee out of the funds of the Club to pay all losses, damages and expenses, costs and charges which they shall respectively incur or be put to in the execution of their respective offices or by reason or on account of any contract, deed, matter or thing which shall be made, done, permitted, entered into or executed by them respectively on behalf of or with the view of benefiting the Club and any such member of the Committee or officer shall be chargeable only for so much money as he or she actually received. The abovementioned Officers and Members shall not be answerable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of each other, but each of them for his own acts, receipts, neglects or defaults only, nor shall they be answerable for any banker, broker, collector or other persons appointed by the Committee with whom or into whose hands any property or monies of the Club may be deposited or come nor any insufficiency or any title or estate in property which from time to time be purchased by order of the Committee nor any loss or damage which may happen in the execution of their respective offices unless the same happens through their own wilful neglect or default. 12. DISSOLUTION OF CLUB In the event of the Club ceasing activities then, after payment of all creditors and collection of all outstanding account, and at the direction of an authorized officer of the City of Waverley (Monash, the net assets of the Club shall, at the discretion of the said City of Waverley (Monash), be distributed to: a) Other non-professional sporting club(s) or associations with a similar objectives to those of the Club. b) An established patriotic fund in the City of Waverley (Monash). c) A fund exclusively for charitable purposes.