
WSACruncher is a command line tool that re-estimates all the multi-processing defined in a
workspace. It takes as first parameter the name of a workspace defined with Demetra+
(Workspace_1.xml by default) and it refreshes all the multi-processing contained in that workspace
following a policy defined by the -p argument. By default, only the parameters of the model are reestimated.
Name of the
p or parameters
o or outliers
s or stochastic
c or complete
l or list
v or vtable
h or htable
"Workspace_1.xml" by default
Output directory, which will contain all the results. By
default, it is the sub-folder "Output" of the folder where
the workspace is stored.
parameters are re-estimated (default)
outliers are identified and parameters are re-estimated
arima model, outliers are identified and parameters are reestimated
complete model is re-estimated
Formatting of the csv output. By default, the series are
presented as list (see below).
Diagnostics are computed.
wsacruncher d:\demetra+\test_1.xml -t
Executes the multi-processing of the workspace "test_1.xml" and computes all the diagnostics. The
results are stored in d:\demetra+\output
All information linked to a workspace must be available. So, it is easier to use Demetra+ to save the
workspace at the right place. Otherwise, you must save the xml file of the workspace and all its subfolders.
The following output is generated:
The processing xxx.xml used as input is saved as xxx.bak and the new results replace the file
The seasonal factors, the seasonally adjusted series and the calendar adjusted series are
generated in separate csv files, named xxx_s.csv, xxx_sa.csv, xxx_ycal.csv; by default, each
row of the csv files contains the identifier of the series, its frequency, its starting year and
period, its length and the data; however, they can be formatted in a way that can be
immediately read by software like Excel (vertical or horizontal tables).
When requested (-t), an xxx_diag.xml file is generated, with the diagnostics for all the
processed series.
Use of WSACruncher with Demetra+
WSACruncher is designed to be used with Demetra+. We present below a typical scenario for the use
of both applications.
1. Creation of the workspace with Demetra+
You should use Demetra+ to create a new workspace and to add in it the processing that should be
Don't run the processing in Demetra+
If need be, create as many processing as needed.
2. Copy of the complete workspace in a suitable folder
You can copy the complete workspace at the folder where you want to process it using the
command: Workspace->Save as...
You can also copy it manually: the files that belongs to a workspace xxx are
- xxx.xml, which contains the description of the workspace
- the folder ./xxx and all its sub-folders, which contain the description of processing, the calendars...
3. Run WSACruncher
If the saved workspace is d:\sarepository\tes.xml you should use for example,:
"c:\program files\eurostat\demetra+\wsacruncher" d:\sarepository\test.xml -t -f htable -p complete