CC Archdiocesan Meeting Notes - Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
Workshop Facilitated by Frank Wardesa
Hosted by Kate Hodel
IN HANDBOOK: Part 5 p.11 write in e-mail address for electronic copes of any handouts:
Part 3, p. 4 – not all handbooks (prior to 5th Edition) include the Reading Assignment Outline
Often used quotes by Frank:
● “This is a Ministry, not a business.”
● “First rule of Ministry is Do No Harm.”
● “You need to be amateurs and sort it out.”
● “I’m a faithful son/daughter of the Church.”
Vision of CRHP:
Does not need seat on parish council. See #2 on fact sheet.
Do not emphasize the weekend. Focus on the whole process. Emphasize the eve of
Do not emphasize during formation the actual details of the weekend. Focus on
Pastors are overworked so do not expect ideal involvement.
Handbooks MUST be read by team members. This is vital. Keep track of your
Vision Of CC:
Team members must be amateurs.
CC are past team members that serve as mentors –first line resource.
Do not add to the work of the pastor.
Bump in the road will occur. Try to attract noninvolved parishioners. CRHP may go
through lean years but key is attracting the uninvolved. Then feed them into the
ministries @ eve of Pentecost.
CRHP can not become a separate clique-like group.
a Feed CRHP people as seeds into the ministries of the whole parish.
b Open CRHP activities to all people of parish. 2
c If the monthly past team meeting is the primary event then this is not good. 3
d Doing t-shirts with team number on them—not good.
e Team to meet all together annually to reconfirm commitment is good but
remember to invite ALL parishioners (see b above).
f If you do a CRHP mass –invite all parish to event.
g Long term follow up of CRHP is the parish—some teams feed into small faith
communities to avoid team labeling.
h All attendees stay on e-mail list: E-mail list of all past attendees is valuable tool
for long term follow-up.
Which from my perspective was not handled well for Men of Team 1; thus I (JME) suggest that the HT CC make
this an early priority for the men and women of Team 2.
Part of our parish enhancement to Communication.
Although MANY attending the meeting were Team 1 participants. And we should consider a “policy statement”
that explains the intention of small faith groups.
Revised: 2/15/2013
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Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
Remember the core of CRHP is the relationship with God.4
CC provides answers, suggestions, gentle guidance.
Process of CRHP:
1 Nothing should be secret about CRHP--but there are confidences to be maintained. Read
Part 4 page 7 and Part 4 page 69.
2 Weekend is not for the team. Example all team left room to pray over the witness leaving
attendee alone.
3 Weekend is somewhat “low-keyed” with a balance of emotional impact.
Team Leaders Part 4 p 7-11 Important Points:
1 Team leaders are not counselors, they are ministers not evaluators. They are not there to
counsel attendees
2 Keep witness talks to prescribed times. The witness is for the participants not for a whole
life story. Lay director responsible to stop talk if goes too far over.
3 Witness should not be a professional speaker. Ex of a stutterer who Renewal witnessed
in front of 2 prominent monsignors and could not get much of the speech out.
Renewal Team
Meet once a week or once every other week 12 is a good number
Too many meetings is a deterrent 15-20
Must meet right after weekend retreat.
Issues that can ruin CRHP
1 Booze
2 Food—too much emphasis
3 Saturday night social—Chippendales, seriously?
4 All witnesses are tragic stories
5 Music
1 Rules how and when to do liturgy have changed since handbooks were done.
2 Liturgical guidelines must be used.
3 Music is copyrighted. Can not do CDs of the song. Copyright infringement.
4 Music must be authorized for use at mass.
5 Do not violate sacramental dictates of the Church
Vision of CC
1 Reading assignments member: Part 2 pages 61-63
2 Follow CRHP process in order for CRHP to survive. Focus on process not just the
weekend. Changes can be made by the pastor and forwarded to CC. Team can not make
changes. They should be amateurs, CC are experts/resource.
3 Eve of Pentecost—should be done by CC
4 CC is agent of the pastor.
5 SD/LD not necessarily part of the CC. This section in handbook is being re-written to
reflect this. Might lead to conflict of interest or authority to make process modifications.
6 Meets regularly. Many suggest once a month.
We are blessed that our Mission Statement addresses all the elements related to this relationship. We need to make
this a part of our “branding” of CRHP.
Revised: 2/15/2013
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Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
CC members:
1 Pastor’s representative
2 Chairperson (can be above)
3 Members of committee-no more than 8 is ideal-rotate on and off. Do not commit to 8
initially. Should have couple from each team. Those under the direction of CC are
1 Facilitators—discernment and faith sharing and history giving. Not committee members.
2 Special duties people: custodian of handbooks keeps track of all books, custodian of
banners (some churches have a banner for each team and they are hung on weekend to
show continuity), and custodian of handouts.
3 CoSpritual Director(s)
Part 3 p1 Facilitators-- Facilitator on eve of discipleship is CDS and LD.
CC ideas
1 Do not be slavishly adherent to handbook.
2 Great idea is to have dioceses do a CC workshop annually.
3 Term limits for chair is not necessary. Co chair this committee is not the norm.
4 Really works well is 2 trained men and 2 trained women to be facilitators for History
giving and faith sharing. They alternate …
5 In Chicago they actually have trained CSD who attend 8 Saturday workshop training.
6 Originally SD was priest ideally but priests are overworked.
Part 4 pp2A and 2B –CSD to read
Part 5 CC p.3
All members should have their own handbook
Someone should have responsibility for scheduling and to reserve room for meetings
CC has responsibility of eve of discipleship
Eve of Pentecost is priority and must be done totally and well!!!
Part 3 p 35
Eve of Pentecost-Do this ahead of time: Prepare handouts that show:
Where they can serve
Where they can grow spiritually
Names and contact numbers for both the above.
Deacons as SD
It has worked well to have Deacons as SD of men and women teams –they also can serve as
pastor’s representative on the CC. The person must make CRHP a priority in his ministry.
How to follow up with attendees from eve of Pentecost:
1 Must not be forceful
2 Gather together once a year to talk about their commitments
3 Again: eve of Pentecost is run by the CC
Part 5 #6 Facilitators
May or may not be on CC.
No specialist training
Qualifications are experience I the renewal process
Pastor or pastor re not the best idea to be facilitator of discernment.
Revised: 2/15/2013
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Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
Part 5 Page 4 top re: SD Discernment
CC establishes guidelines for CSD i.e. responsibilities and selection guidelines. Pastor does
discern the SD in some parishes. CC is suggested to do this.
Part 5 p. 6
Weekend preparation. Assure all team members have manual.
Part 3 p.4
Important—should have list of all reading assignments for members.. If this page is not there
then e-mail Kate Hodel.
1 CC members are the experts for advice and coordination
2 Does not micromanage the process
3 Team members should always be amateurs ( I personally prefer the word novices)
Invitations and Information
Part 1 p9 II Do not confuse invitation with information!!!
1 Pulpit announcements
2 Letters
3 Bulletin announcements
4 Address to all parish as an outreach
5 Parish is ALL persons living in the boundaries—Catholic or not..
6 Good idea to send home information with school children
7 Some pastors meet with all ministry coordinators and recommend that at least one
member of that ministry attend CRHP – helps prevent “the bump in the road”.
Once all the information is out there then proceed to invitations. Offer to give people rides if
they need it. One parish actually brought in a handicapped person’s bed and caretaker.
Other parishes Invitation process:
Ascencion-2800: Fr. Tank recommends the retreat from the pulpit
Holy Spirit-: Team gets together a list of potential invitees and team accepts names and writes
personal letters and made calls. More for men than for women.
Holy Cross-1300: Priest gives pulpit announcement and actually integrates CRHP in homilies.
Pastoral letter in bulletin. K of C and Ladies Circle is visited with invitations.
Cure: personal invites-man to man. Priest gives pulpit announcement.
Sacred heart: personal invites and pulpit announcements
Nativity: personal invites, write letters, pulpit announcements
St. John the Evangelist-Lawrence-1300: personal invites and word of mouth
St. Elizabeth-600: personal invitations, team brainstorms names of potential attendee and assign
names to team, Greeters at door of church to greet people they do not know and give personal
invite. They used pictures from last retreat to show parish the retreat and the have CRHP tweets:
little on-liner affirmations on their website from past attendees.
Most had a pulpit talk for food donations and prayer for attendees.
What works-Invitation and Information:
1 Those new people who join parish are invited to make the retreat. Give impression that
this is the normal way to join the parish.
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Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
New parishioners –someone from calling ministry calls with information
Elevate CRHP in importance
Host a dinner for all grads from HS –well received and slide show is shown..may not
work in JoCo because most grads go off to college.
5 All RCIA candidates received into church are invited as part of the process.
6 All religious education instructors must attend.
7 Get names from emergency contacts of past attendees and use names/numbers to invite
8 Call president/leader from all major parish organization and recommend that 2 members
attend each retreat. Pastor support helps here.
9 Have a prayer gathering for alienated Catholics. Use CRHP as a way to come back.
10 Have a check box on stewardship cards: Would you be interested in attending a retreat?
Follow up on yesses.
Policies for CC—write them and have pastor sign off on them and give to SD and LD of
each team
Alcohol? At weekend?
Music what can be used in liturgy. Copyright infringements.
Food—do not go overboard –it is not about the food or being better than previous
CRHP events.
Saturday night social-standardize this so it is not excessive.
What team is allowed to change in the process. Need CC permission. Part 4 p.68
Secrecy and confidentiality issues
Who owns the handbooks and CC is custodian of books. Parish should have ideally
only one order. Some have had holes drilled in and placed in binders to extend life.
CSD policy: where CSD is from? Who approves CSD? Qualifications? Signed by
Fleshing out when there are small teams. Part 3 p 13 Idea list of all CHRP attendees
who did not go through formation. Try to use past members only in support roles.
Example of ministry policies: How far in process can attendee join team?
Repeat attendance, allowed? What frequency? What circumstances?
Disposition of HELP bags for those that cancel.
Options for those who can only partially attend the weekend.
Copyright applies to ONE parish only.
CC Reading:
Part 2 pp61-63
All Part 5
All Part 2
Part 3 pp 35-37
Part 4 37-64
Whole book
Situations CC may encounter:
1 Unbaptized—yes can make retreat
2 Canon 538 paragraph 1: pastor responsible for all persons—Catholic or non—in
Revised: 2/15/2013
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Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
Copyright infringement if a person from another parish makes retreat at your parish.
Look at label on back of handbook. Can attend as an observer but can not serve on the
team. Exception: teacher from your school wants to make retreat and be on team. You
are still ministering to your parish.
Read Part 5 p 12 paragraph D. Copyright information
If giving a retreat for a new parish—do a generic retreat. Let them develop their own
Predictors of Success of CRHP:
Support and guidance of Holy Spirit –presumed in all process.
Pastor supports it
Functional, prayerful, knowledgeable CC
Wise and holy information and invitation process.
Faithful to process as outlined in handbook. Flesh out to reflect parish ethos in
appropriate way. Get confirmation candidates to sere meals. Get CCd children to
write letters.
Core trained and prepared lay SD to rotate through retreats.
Focus is on total process not just the weekend.
Team members read the book and study.
Functioning and authentic eve of Pentecost.
Authentic discernment of team ministries by trained facilitators.
Avoid excesses: witness talk length, Saturday night social, emotions
No secrecy should be around CRHP, maintain confidences. Remember obligation to
reveal criminal actions: abuse, beating, etc.
Minimal repeat team members: in support positions preferably.
Work through the bump in the road.
Witness talks fit into theme of the weekend.
Develop opportunity for attendees to grow spiritually and to sere in ministry of the
Great food is not important.
Relationship of CC and SD:
SD serves under the authority of the CC/pastor.
Communication is key.
Include briefing of SD on agenda of CC meeting.
Facilitators are assigned by CC.
How to Kill CRHP:
Pastor does not support CRHP.
Too much business not enough ministry.
Constant repeat team members.
Team members need to be amateurs.
Co-ed weekend
Do away with overnight.
Revised: 2/15/2013
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Christ Renews His Parish – Holy Trinity, Lenexa
These are specific instructions to Christ Renews at Holy Trinity
June 11, 2011
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, Shawnee
Notes by Terri Peterson and John Errante
Constant changes made by every team.
Action Items for Holy Trinity:
A Common location for CHRP Materials
a Inventory of Books (Personal books for CC members)
b Files of handouts – PDF copies available from Frank
c Table Items
d Web Site maintenance
e Parish Banner with theme
f Instructions for:
i Transfer of Eucharist
B Define the Holy Trinity ETHOS regarding how CRHP supports that.
C Subscribe to CRHP newsletter
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