λαβυρινθος της μεσσαρας

In 1982, members of the Speleological
Exploring Hellenic Group (SPELEO)
visited the Labyrinth of Messara
twice, each visit lasting for several
days, during which the cave was
cartographed in detail. The group
published its photographical material
and text in various newspapers and
magazines. Then, two years later, the
unforgettable Anna Petrohilou, known
as the Lady of Greek Speleology, led a
team from the Hellenic Speleological
Society on a visit to the cave. Its
entrances were opened and the
speleologists started accumulating vast
amount of data. For 20 days the
Labyrinth was systematically explored,
with many Kasteli residents assisting
the experts. The results, which were
published in the Society's periodical
and discussed at many Greek and
international congresses, rekindled
interest in the Labyrinth by pointing out
its historical value.
- The map of the Labyrinth by Anna Petrohilou The Cretan department of the Hellenic Speleological Society undertook its first autopsic study of the cave
on April 8, 1999 . It was immediately decided that a systematic study should continue, with emphasis on its
morphology, damages caused by earlier explosions and, most importantly, the recording of all the names and
signatures found on the walls of the cave. This ambitious exploration program is still evolving, with all
expenses being paid for by personal contributions from the participating members of the Society.
Many new and important facts have already been brought to light as a result of this on-going exploration,
and the Labyrinth has regained its rightful place as the subject of local and international speleology
congresses. Although investigations are still a long way from completion, the volume of new data is
impressive. Following is a summary of these findings.
The description of the existing areas in the Labyrinth, based on Anna Petrohilou's cartography, is as follows:
The cave has two entrances - the central one and another located about 150 meters to the west. A section of
the hillside directly over the eastern entrance was blown up by the German army right before its departure in
the fall of 1944 in order to prevent access to all the fire power still stored inside the cave. Thousands of
cubic meters of rock fell from the hill to block the opening. Today, in order for people to enter the cave they
would have to crawl in between the boulders.
the main entrance destroyed by the explosion
- the west entrance -
The central entrance was converted by the Germans during the first year of occupation to a cement-built
tunnel almost 20 meters long, 2-3 meters wide and 3.5 meters high. A tremendous amount of rubble caused
by the German explosion was removed two years later by locals of neighbouring villages under the
supervision of the Greek army's 718 engineering Society. After the accidental explosion caused by playful
youngsters in 1961, both entrances were closed with cement and iron fencing. Twenty-two years later, to
accommodate Ms. Petrohilou and her team, they were re-opened.
The cave features molded corridors of a total length of 2.5 kilometers, which lead to or connect with various
small and large carved chambers with a total expanse of 9,000 square meters. Immediately following the
long cement tunnel, there is a molded chamber 80 meters long, about 35 meters wide and roughly 2.5 meters
high. The hall is compartmentalized, with sculptured columns of rectangular or irregular shapes supporting
the ceiling. This area was used as a refuge during troubled times in the 18 th century, when locals from
surrounding villages formed some private chambers to be used for extended stays. During the German
occupation the original hall was expanded to accommodate the storing of arms and ammunition, and was
lighted by a generator - the base of which is still in the western part of the "First Chamber." At that time, the
ceiling was reinforced with parallelogram columns, and small rooms to be used as offices or additional
warehouses were built.
Consequences of the big explosion are obvious throughout the entire area, with all the columns sustaining
some damage. The molded columns have cracks of varying size, while the constructed supports are either
leaning over or totally collapsed. Huge slabs of limestone, some many square meters in size, have broken
loose from the ceiling and hang dangerously. Some have completely broken free and crashed to the floor. In
one point north of the hall, there are hundreds of cubic meters of rubble blocking passageway. The stone
debris was catapulted there by the tremendous force of the explosion at the cave's entrance.
- the explosion has destroyed many parts of the labyrinth Just east of the most northern section of this big hall, there is a corridor 1-2 meters wide and about 2 meters
high. On both sides of the corridor drywalls were constructed to contain the rubble, which extend to as much
as 20 meters. Within a 40-meter distance a small doorway was completely destroyed by the blast. After
another 60 meters the cave widens again. To the west there are two additional molded chambers - the
"Secret Little Chamber" and the "Hall of Wrestling." Then the cave continues due east and a plaque, more
than a meter in diameter and filled with etched inscriptions from visitors, shows the way to the interior. A
"Downhill Hall" immediately follows, the walls of which contain signatures of celebrity visitors, among
many others, to the Labyrinth during the last centuries.
Continuing down this corridor, it once again narrows and, after 50 meters, there is another chamber, called
the "Ceremony Hall," which measures 20m X 17m X 2m. Just to the north is the cave's first crossroads,
named the "First Triway." Here, the northern walls of the corridor have been re-shaped by the rubble, which
filled in a huge hall about 100 meters by 50 meters. Off to the east, the corridor leads to a relatively roomy
chamber, the "Repose Hall." Then, moving southwesterly, the corridor comes to an end - the final
destination for the thousands of visitors to the Labyrinth.
The "Altar Chamber," as it has been known for centuries, is a molded room 15m X 12m X 3m (photo 10).
For at least the last five and a half centuries most of the visitors to the Labyrinth have etched their names
From the "First Triway," the cave continues due west and, after about 40 meters, the "Bat Chamber" (30m X
10m X 3m) opens off to the left. Then, north of the "Third Triway," the corridor is wide enough, but hard to
maneuver because of the fallen stones from the drywall. It ends up in two rooms with molded walls. In the
room on the left - the "Thiseas Grotto" - the area has been shaped by drywalls and, from the hollows near the
ceiling, there is evidence that one more large chamber was completely filled in with rubble. In the opposite
direction there is the "Water Chamber" and a smaller hall, the "Secret Grotto." The first room is the only
place in the Labyrinth where water drips, and scattered about the area are pieces of vessels, obviously used
to collect the water drop by drop. To the south, the corridor continues with great difficulty, weaving between
large stones, until the entrance to the "Altar Hall," a small molded room, is reached. Directly in front of this
area is the "Large Chamber," which is mostly closed to visitors because of rocks slipping down. The cave
continues due west and after 40 meters the "Uphill Hall" opens up. It is a relatively large room, also
containing many old inscriptions and signatures, and cluttered with many fallen rocks in its northern sections
(photo 11).
A 100-meter-long corridor, 1-2 meters wide and 2-4 meters high, leads due north to the "Deceptive or False
Triway." A left turn at this juncture leads to the central entrance, while the southeast route goes to the
second entrance.