RSA® CONFERENCE ASIA PACIFIC 2014 Call for Speakers Submission Form (off-line) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for submitting a proposal to share your experience and knowledge with the delegates at RSA Conference Asia Pacific 2014. Please fill out the information below. PRIMARY SPEAKER INFORMATION: Please fill out the following information *= required input Salutation - required Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. First Name – required Middle Initial - optional Last Name – required Company or Organization– required Job Title – required Address 1 – required Address 2 – optional Address 3 – optional City – required Country /Province / State – required (drop-down list) Zip/Postal code (optional) Primary email address – required Telephone Number (incl. country code)– required Mobile Telephone Number – required Fax Number Speaker Biography/CV * (Limit 400 characters including spaces) this information will appear on the website and in other marketing materials Enter speaker biography/CV here What is the Speaker’s first language? * Enter language here In which other language (s) is the Speaker verbally proficient? Enter languages here PAGE 1 of 7 If the proposed speaker has a blog, please enter blog link here: Enter blog link here If the proposed speaker has a Twitter handle, please enter the Twitter handle here: Enter Twitter handle here Has the proposed speaker spoken at an RSA Conference before? * Yes/No If yes, please identify the Conference(s) years: SESSION INFORMATION * = required input Session Title * (Limit 75 characters including spaces) Your session title should clearly indicate the topic of your presentation, and do so in a way that attracts potential attendees for your presentation. Enter Session Title Here Short Session Abstract * (Limit 400 characters including spaces) In a few sentences, explain what your session will cover (please do not use bullets in your submission). This abstract will be included in our marketing materials, website and program guide. NOTE: How long is 400 characters? This paragraph is 277 characters including spaces. Short Abstract Quick Abstract * (Limit 200 characters including spaces) This shorter abstract will be used for pocket guides, mobile apps, etc. NOTE: How long is 200 characters? This paragraph is 156 characters including spaces. Enter Quick Abstract Here Session Detail * (Limit 2,500 characters including spaces) Provide a detailed synopsis of, and delivery strategy for your presentation. This long session abstract should be detailed enough to clearly convey to the Program PAGE 2 of 7 Committee the content and objectives of your presentation. Consider submitting an outline of your session. Enter Session Detail here Session Format * (select one) Individual Speaker - You (or the designated speaker if you’re submitting a proposal on behalf of someone else) will be the only speaker. Co-Speakers - This format has two speakers, one of whom is the Primary Speaker and the other who is the Secondary Speaker. The Primary Speaker is the person to whom the RSA Conference Speaker Manager will come with questions and decisions regarding your session. Session Length * o All sessions are 45 minutes long Session Profiling Information – The following information will help ensure that the attendees clearly understand if they have the appropriate experience to get the most benefit from your session. Session Classification * Please choose one of the following: Intermediate: Focused on principles and concepts that would appeal to attendees with more than 5 years of experience. Little, if any, time is spent on definitional terms and concepts. Contains instructive demos, line code, tools, architectural discussions, or similar level of content. Advanced: Sessions focused on advanced principles and concepts, geared toward attendees with deep subject knowledge and 10 or more years of experience. Little/no time is spent on defining terms and background. Contains instructive demos, line code, advanced architecture discussions, tools that can be shared, or similar level of content. General Interest: This classification is used for compelling strategic sessions, introductions to new technology, or sessions or tracks where ratings are not as relevant. Class Track Selection Select up to two class tracks you would like you submission to be considered for. Your submission will only be accepted in one class track. Cloud and Data Security Data Security covers strategies, practices, and technologies to classify, track and protect data and will cover issues such as privacy, regulations and big data trends. Cloud Security includes security architecture in the cloud, cloud security governance, risks, migration issues, and vendor Service Level Agreements (SLAs). PAGE 3 of 7 Cybercrime and Law Enforcement This track provides the latest information and practical demonstrations of techniques to address cybercrime. It further covers strategies to enable local law enforcement personnel to collaborate more closely with international police organizations as well as tap global intelligence for tackling high-tech crimes and formulate the appropriate cybersecurity policies. Topics covered include identifying and addressing emerging crime threats, fraud, intellectual property theft, environmental and organized crime and incident response. Mobile Security Mobile Security will focus on the policies, processes and technologies involved in managing employee-owned devices and BYOD programs, smartphone/tablet security and consumerization trends. In this track you'll find in depth sessions on mobile malware, mobile application threats, device management and emerging threats to mobile platforms and workers. Security Infrastructure This track will cover the architectural and strategic planning considerations for the deployment of security-enabled technologies, including trends in emerging technologies, network and endpoint security, enterprise rights management , vulnerability assessments, penetration testing , IDS/IPS, physical and embedded device security. In this track you'll find the processes, technologies and policies for identity and access management including managing digital identities, their authentication, authorization, roles, and privileges. Threats and Risk Management Threats sessions include discussions on advanced threats, new classes of vulnerabilities, exploitation techniques, malware, reverse engineering and how to combat these problems. Sessions will include intelligence-driven security, how classic attacks are being re-architected to include a human element, and the quantification and management of risk. Security Tags: Please provide up to 5 keywords to describe your session. anti malware digital rights intellectual property protection product certification supply chain anti spam e-discovery intrusion detection professional certification threat management professional development time services application development application security apt embedded device security encryption encryption key jurisdiction law legislation PAGE 4 of 7 provisioning remote access timing analysis virtualization management audit endpoints lessons learned research liability research revealed visualization authentication endpoint security big data enterprise defense linear cryptanalysis risk management biometrics enterprise security management managed security services secure ecommerce ethics messaging security secure file transfer exploit of vulnerability metrics block ciphers botnets business of security case studies cloud computing mobile applications security architecture web 2.0 federated identity mobile device security security awareness web server security financial services mobile security security consulting web services security security education wireless security security intelligence zero day vulnerability forensics network protocol security fraud network security governance oem appliance security operations controls government regulations online security security services critical infrastructure governance risk & compliance cryptographic protocols government standards password management cryptography research hackers & threats patch management cybercrime hacking consumerization hacktivism cyberterrorism database security denial of wan security fault_analysis compliance data security vulnerability assessment war stories firewalls cyber warfare vpn security analytics cloud security content filtering voip security hashing functions healthcare mock trial outsourcing pci penetration testing phishing physical security security jobs security trends sha3 side channel attacks siem soa social engineering social networking hypervisors pii software code vulnerability analysis identity pki spam PAGE 5 of 7 service management digital certificates identity theft policy & government sso standards digital evidence incident response policy management digital signatures insider threats power analysis data loss prevention internet protocol privacy storage security strategy and architecture Submitters Comments (limit 400 characters including spaces) Enter comments here PROPOSED Co-SPEAKER An Individual session may have only one Speaker, and a Co-Speaker session has two Speakers. Complete the following information for the Co-Speaker if applicable. * = required input: Has the proposed Co-Speaker approved his or her participation in the session? Yes/No Salutation - required Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms. First Name – required Middle Initial - optional Last Name – required Company or Organization– required Job Title – required Address 1 – required Address 2 – optional Address 3 – optional City – required Country /Province / State – required (drop-down list) Zip/Postal code (optional) Primary email address – required Telephone Number (incl. country code)– required Mobile Telephone Number – required Fax Number PAGE 6 of 7 Speaker Biography/CV * (Limit 400 characters including spaces) this information will appear on the website and in other marketing materials Enter speaker biography/CV here What is the Speaker’s first language? * Enter language here In which other language (s) is the Speaker verbally proficient? Enter languages here If the proposed speaker has a blog, please enter blog link here: Enter blog link here If the proposed speaker has a Twitter handle, please enter the Twitter handle here: Enter Twitter handle here Has the proposed speaker spoken at an RSA Conference before? * Yes/No If yes, please identify the Conference(s) years: PAGE 7 of 7