spring break answer guide to practice questions

Practice questions – Answer guide
Remember to review your command terms
Some of the answers below are directly from IBO markschemes. Some are simply outlined
1. Using an example from a psychological study, explain one ethical consideration of
research related to the biological perspective
Explain - Asks students to describe clearly, make intelligible and give reasons for a concept,
process, relationship or development.
Ethical considerations – you could use any one of the following:
Harm/stress done to the participant/animal
Irreversibility of the treatment/stimulus
The need to determine whether the research is necessary
The question of generalization from animals to humans - and the possible
The question of misuse of data - for example, genetic engineering.
Issues of consent.
2. With reference to one psychological construct explain the relative influence of
inherited and environmental factors upon human development.
Psychological constructs are not tangible – they cannot be seen, heard, felt etc. Examples are
intelligence, self-esteem, memory, love etc
Your best choice here would be to use the work we have done on explaining the development
of intelligence and the factors involved. Plan carefully. Since this is an SAQ, explain at least
ONE inherited factor and ONE environmental factor – you probably won’t have time to
explain more than one for each category in 15 minutes.
Identify and explain how two historical or cultural events led to the development of the
learning perspective.
To earn marks in the higher bands, candidates need to explicitly link the historical or cultural
condition they describe to the development of the learning perspective. Examiners should not
look for a clear distinction between cultural and historical conditions as they are often
Responses focusing on historical world events, scientific advances, or schools of psychology
could be appropriate as well as the cultural zeitgeist of world regions (such as the US and
former Soviet Union) where the learning perspective gained acceptance.
A maximum of [4 marks] may be awarded for responses that accurately describe a relevant
historical or cultural condition yet do not make connections specific to the learning
Essays describing historical or cultural conditions during the developmental period of the
learning perspective which are not relevant to its development should be awarded [0 marks].
(a) Outline one assumption of the cognitive perspective. (2 marks).
An assumption is an underlying belief that is held to be true. For [2 marks], expect a brief
summary of a relevant assumption, e.g. mental processes are amenable to psychological
study, that explorations of non-human behaviour are relevant to humans, or that behaviour
can be explained as an outcome of information processing. Allow [1 mark] for correct
identification of a relevant assumption from the cognitive perspective.
Candidates who fail to outline a clear and relevant assumption should be awarded [0].
(b) Identify one key concept based on the assumption outlined in part (a) and explain the
relationship between the two. (6 marks)
Award [1 mark] for accurately identifying a concept that is clearly founded on the
assumption outlined in part (a), e.g. reconstructive memory, schemas, etc.
For the additional [5 marks] expect a clearly presented explanation showing how the concept
is related to the assumption. For example, Loftus’ research into reconstructive memory is
based on the assumption that behaviour can be explained as an outcome of information
processing. In this case the behaviour (recall of an event) is affected by the cognitive
processing of information provided after the event, and her research has shown that memory
for events can be changed or supplemented by the introduction of later information.
Award [4 to 5 marks] for a clearly presented explanation showing how the concept is related
to the assumption outlined in part (a).
Award [2 to 3 marks] for a relevant explanation of the concept, where the relationship
between the concept and assumption is not made explicit.
Award [0 to 1 marks] for a partial explanation of the relationship between the concept and
Where candidates have failed to identify a relevant example in part (a) they will be unable to
complete part (b) and should also be awarded [0].
1. Explain one contribution of the humanistic perspective to the study of behaviour.
[8 marks]
 We focused on therapy, specifically client-centered therapy, and the most effective
ways of achieving personal change
 Discuss the humanistic approach to therapy and how the person is supported in
achieving personal growth
 Explain Rogers’ theory and how client-centered therapy works
2. Describe one application of a theory from the humanistic perspective. [8 marks]
You can use client-centered therapy once more but you must do this in the context of
explaining Rogers’ theory of self and how this is based on his views of the inherent
positivity of human beings (actualizing tendency)
Identify one key concept from the biological perspective and discuss its contribution to the
understanding of behaviour. [20 marks]
Discuss/consider - Asks students to consider a statement or to offer a considered review or
balanced discussion of a particular topic. If the question is presented in the form of a
quotation, the specific purpose is to stimulate a discussion on each of its parts. The question
is asking for students’ opinions; these should be presented clearly and supported with as
much empirical evidence and sound argument as possible.
Key concepts mentioned in the syllabus include the endocrine system, the role of genes, the
CNS, neurotransmitters and bodily rhythms. Other choices are also acceptable providing that
they relate to the biological perspective. Essays need to discuss the contribution made to
understanding behaviour.
Although discussion may involve some descriptive material this should not be too much since
the question requires a more defined focus on the contribution made, supported with
evidence from specific studies.
You could discuss:
 Genetic contributions - schizophrenia, development of intelligence
 Neurotransmitters – schizophrenia and depression
Save hormones for an SAQ
Whatever you choose to discuss, you have to present a balanced discussion.
Neurotransmitters would be the easiest. Make sure you provide
 a brief explanation of what they are and how they work
 a discussion of their role in behavior (using examples from schizophrenia, depression,
aggression etc)
 And you MUST include an evaluation – biological processes are contributory factors
to understanding behavior, of course BUT to hold purely to the biological perspective
is reductionist, as you are well aware. So discuss the diathesis stress model and
ensure that you focus on research into the interaction between physiological factors
and the environment
Explain some of the strategies used by the learning perspective to help improve the social
conditions of human beings. Evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies that you have
Possible choices:
Look back at the work we did in Learning
 Depression and Seligman’s learned optimism
 Alcoholism and operant conditioning
 Behavior modification in the classroom
Make sure you evaluate the effectiveness of each strategy you discuss – and you really don’t
have the time to discuss more than 3.
a) Explain one psychological or social question (for example, aggression, or gender
differences) from the cognitive perspective. [10 marks]
Candidates have a wide range of questions from which to select but should justify their
choice of explanation as emerging from the cognitive perspective. Examples may be as varied
as research into memory and eyewitness testimony and its contribution to legal systems, or
questions about the relationship between preferred learning styles and academic progress or
even questions about conformity or obedience. Answers simply describing cognitive therapies
are unlikely to attract high marks unless specifically explaining a particular psychological
problem, e.g. depression in the elderly.
b) Compare the cognitive explanation of the question selected in part a) with the
explanation offered by one other perspective you have studied for this paper. [10 marks]
Choose ONE other perspective. (Where explanations from additional perspectives are
offered, no marks should be awarded.)
Understanding of the implied evaluation of the two explanations may be expected in
responses meriting the highest marks. To achieve marks in the top bands, candidates are
expected to offer a well-structured, balanced comparison (i.e. both similarities and
differences) between the two selected explanations. For example, comparison may be made
in terms of empirical research, effectiveness, cultural applicability, underpinning
assumptions, etc.
Award up to [5 marks] if the comparison is limited to similarities only or differences only.